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The United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) is a non-profit organization that relies almost exclusively on charitable donations from governments, UN as well as other mechanisms for acquiring pooled funding. It is an organization that also receives funds from intergovernmental foundations not to mention private sectors. Giving is not the same as getting involves in a business transaction. As a matter of facts, it entails more than providing financial support. The most important thing about donating and contributing is fostering the human connection whereby we give and understand the reason why we do so (Barber, 11). As the contributor, you need to comprehend the fact that you matter a lot in this organization. More to that, you make a huge difference, and it is our pleasure to keep our relationship for the longest. It is everybody’s desire to comprehend why donors and contributors give.
When the organization understands why you give and when we share these reasons with other people, it creates inspiration for other people to follow. They use you as an example which is why the organization ensures a healthy relationship with existing and potential donors. If you don’t understand why people give, there are various reasons confirmed by the group through the relationship we have with our donors. It is worth noting that people give because they have an emotional attachment to someone’s story. Every cheerful giver avoids the feeling of being powerless in situations they can help.

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Do you give because you feel like you are changing somebody else’s life? Do you feel that sense of intimacy to a community when you give? That is how things should be. It is imperative to understand the reason we give. There are much more reasons why people give in charity besides the ones mentioned above.
As of the moment, the UNHCR is operational in no less than 126 countries in 456 locations. The organization works day and night to acquire resources for its programs and handle emergencies as they come up. You all understand that we are living in a complex environment with fast ever-changing needs and primacies. For this reason, the UNHCR depends on the donors to provide charities that can be allocated flexibly. That is why the organization can use funds in the direction that it is most wanted. The most important thing is that the organization ensures that refugees have protection, good health, food, water, shelter and education (Simeon, 210). The concern of the UNHCR is to see to it that the refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and the homeless all over the world have all the essential needs available. It is evident now that contributing towards charity involves much more than financial support.
In the USA, Germany, Japan, Canada and UK, donors have contributed approximately, 1 billion, 283,000,000, 165,000,000, 117,000,000 and 112,000,000 respectively during the year 2016 (United Refugees, 01). Currently, there is a refugee crisis that is greatly affecting the international community. According to the research study, very many people made dangerous journeys into Europe for the last one year. Imagine the number of refugees in countries all over the world who continue to hope for a brighter future. Their hope that their life will take a more promising path towards a better life entirely depends on your contribution. This non-profit organization has been receiving initial grant which is funded by various departments. Through your contributions, the organization support protection, local amalgamation and the immigration efforts of refugees and asylum seekers from developing countries like Afghanistan and Congo D.R (Barber, 34). One thing that very few people understand is that the humanitarian support the organization.
Very many people are under the care and protection of the UNHCR in countries like Columbia, Pakistan, South Sudan and Yemen among others. Ti is important that we understand that the world is facing a tremendous challenge today because millions of asylum seekers are in need of dignity and safety. They only way to achieve that is through an extraordinary global response. In other words, the organization requires very many people to respond positively when called upon to help those in need (United Refugees, 01). Renowned charity contributing countries like the United States encourage other nations to contribute to the organizations 2016 Global Appeal because it is only funded 25%. All over the world, the important work done by the UNHCR, the many NGOs which work with it as well as countries that host refugees are is saluted. The organization welcomes all and sundry to support not only materially but also through suggestions and recommendations (Simeon, 33).
If the organization has so many dedicated workers in 126 countries all over the world, who work in locations that are both remote and dangerous, then you should support it with the same dedication. It is the organization’s aspiration to ensure that they honor the 1951 Refugee Convention by working closely with governments all over the world. Not more than seven percent of organizations staff are based in its Geneva headquarters (Barber, 110). These staffs work tirelessly to support the entire organization as well as other essential administrative functions. The other 87 percent of the staff are located in the field to be of help to the most vulnerable displacement victims. It is, therefore, a call to all well-wishers to join hands the UNHCR and work hard with the aim of helping the displaced people in the world. It is the best thing to do if you want to be a part of the society’s merciful.
What do you understand about the contributions of the organization to the community? There are many emergencies associated with the refugees and homeless. As a matter of facts, the nature of an emergency is the determiner of how much of your participation is required. Therefore, it will be appalling for you to feel like helping others is a challenging and tiresome call. Nevertheless, just like in any other context, the organization desires a significant level of your contribution (Loescher, 06). How well do you address and handle life-threatening situations even in the absence of the UNHCR support? Mostly, these situations happen so fast that there is no time for consulting and negotiating. As you support the organization, try to balance the time and effort you use analyzing a situation and assessing participation. It is the high time that all those who are interested in pursuing the organization’s charitable activities take every opportunity and meet persons of concern.
Recently, the focus of the UNHCR shifted progressively from only aid in community services to constructing on the knowledge, skills, and capacities of the less fortunate and their community. One may ask why the organization places the people of concern at the center of its operations. The fate of the less fortunate in the society depends on the organization’s operative decision-making, protection strategies that are being used. By doing so, these individuals are not only protected but also their ability to develop, identify, and sustain solutions is strengthened (Loescher, 118). Also, it helps the organization to use all the necessary resource more efficiently. There are many approaches used by the organization which ensures that the operations are smooth. Two main approaches that are widely known are the rights and community-based approach. The refugees and the equally unfortunate individuals have the right to take part in making decisions that affect their lives. Moreover, they have the right to be aware of the activities done by the UNHCR and staff who partner with it.
It is worth noting that the organization ensures that partners are selected objectively, transparently, and consistently through the use of the implementing partnership management committee. In some individual cases, the organization’s Controller is used especially when it is possible to have a full process selection. While working in the organization, it is important that you map to what extent the current and potential partners can assist. It is worth keeping in mind that most situations during charity require expertise that may not be found in every other person. However, that does not prevent any well-wisher from helping because their many other fields that require no expertise in any particular area (Loescher, 45). Remember that refugees are people like us, and they need our help the same way we may require theirs. The only difference between them and you are that we live in our homes while they have fled theirs.
According to research, the number of people who run away from their home and their country due to various social problems has escalated. We see figures rising to levels that have never been seen before. Only five have passed and at least 15 conflicts, both new and old, have led to horrifying disaster and agony to millions of people all over the world. We have already seen how the UNHCR respond to these tragedies. In each of the locations that are believed to be suffering from these conflicts, the organization is said to be present. It is working around the clock to help the Syrians, Central Africans, and the South Sudanese by extending its protection as well as life-saving support to many. The request, in this case, is for you to donate now to make a difference and lives will be saved. Many countries are doing it and o should you. Join the rest of the world in providing life-changing benevolent aids to the people of concern. They are cared for and protected by the UN Refugee Agency, but they need us more.
In summary, let it occur to you that you are not giving people because they are miserable. Understand that you give because you are a neighbor to need a person. At that moment, you give because you are in a position to do so but the situation may be reversed. Be a monthly or annual donor to provide significant funding to the organization’s response teams. Remember unlike you; they volunteer to be on the ground to save lives anywhere crisis may arise (Loescher, 56). It is worth mentioning that for whatever reason you give to the people of concern, you support highly appreciated. Have a reason to feel connected to the society and have a good image for yourself and those near you. Feel fortunate and share the fortune with others.
Works cited
Barber, Martin. Blinded by humanity: inside the UN’s humanitarian operations. London, England New York: I.B. Tauris, 2015. Print.
Loescher, Gil. The UNHCR and world politics: a perilous path. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Print.
Simeon, James C. The UNHCR and the supervision of international refugee law. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Print.
United Refugees, “Donors.” UNHCR, 2016, http://www.unhcr.org/donors.html.

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