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Chess In School Education


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Chess in school education

Chess is the best known strategy game in the world, where thousands of people practice it and participate in international tournaments or competitions, the game is that two people face to overthrow the enemy king, using their pieces and putting together the best possible army, where concentration, memory and creativity come into play. Therefore, using chess as a learning tool, will improve students’ performance, since its practice allows the development of cognitive skills.

School education has evolved over the years, previously teachers explain in a cold and memorized way, where students could not relate the concepts, but simply learn them, however, pedagogy has shown that children learn better playing, Well, in that way, "they are interested in the matter and remain relaxed, leaving the fresh brain to continue learning" (Sánchez, 2014).

During the practice of chess, the human brain is stimulated of great measure, since it acquires knowledge of great variety and remains positive, because thanks to the fact that it is playing, completely omits stress and develops skills that in the future can be of Great help, as is concentration, reading capacity, memory and even creativity, therefore, a study by a couple of German researchers at the University of Tübingen showed that during a game, the human brain of both players was using the two hemispheres of the brain in the same quantity, that is, both creative and objective skills were developing.

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In Capakhine magazine it is mentioned that chess is an excellent social tool, because, in an investigation carried out by DR. Hilario Blasco, a psychiatrist at Puerta de Hierro Hospital, points out that “chess can replace medication in some cases of ADHD”, therefore, by blocking the hyperactivity that children possess, they acquire positive values, such as responsibility and empathy In addition, they get to have a greater series of friendships, where they develop their personality and self – esteem, leading to an environment of healthy coexistence.

Sometimes, during our day to day, we encounter situations in which a problem is presented to us, such as choosing a university career or planning a party, to name a few, that is where our ingenuity and insight are shown and try to give the better possible solution. Like we live this every day, the same thing happens in chess, as mentioned by the newspaper El Nacional, "every time a game is played, it is a constant decision making", therefore, the dendrites are constantly Presence, and as it is, the prefrontal part of the brain develops, giving as a better visualization of the different alternatives and formalizing children with character, that is, self-employed children and self-insurance.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, in addition to the great benefits they contribute to children, this allows to increase intellectual coeffic Well, thanks to the connections it generates in the brain, it allows us to relate the information we receive for the day and store it efficiently in our subconscious.

As Lucio Anneo Seneca said: "What is ever learned at all forgot", and chess has shown it by being one of the best tools in learning.

Bibliographic references:

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