Childhood Lessons And Its External Evaluation
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This section extracts those aspects of the external evaluation that are considered to be taken into account, either for the continuity of the actions that once the project is finished, can continue to be carried out, or for their interest for the transfer to other actionsIn other territories. The contents of this chapter, therefore, are mainly specified in the strengths detected and in the improvement aspects proposed in the different parts of the evaluation document.
As well as in the conclusions that have to do with the transferability of the program. According to this, a synthesis of the aspects that are considered have served for learning are those listed below: a vision of governance as the basis of local development leads to consider that the dimensions and variables used for analysis andDecision making in the project can be typified according to the factors that condition local development.
In this sense, the first factor is that of political will, so it is necessary. It is necessary to understand, however, the political will in a broad sense, not only in relation to the elect but to the entire local social fabric.
The second factor is creative capacity. Have ideas or be able to attract the local territory those people who have ideas is another basis necessary for development. Programs such as this encourage creativity and exchange and should use resources so that ideas are disseminated and becomes knowledge, whether formative or informative.
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In this sense, network work use can play a key role.
The third factor is management capacity. The will and creativity, to bear fruit they must have a system that works effectively and efficiently. Therefore, influencing this factor is also essential for local development. Apart from the technical learning related to the main objects of the project, such as governance and automotive sector, the exchange between partners with different realities provides great mutual added value, especially in aspects that have to do with territorial and development strategies.
Taking advantage of the external vision that each part can contribute to the other party project is a very useful way of overcoming its own visions, contaminated by the everyday and tending to endogamy. It is necessary to improve transparency and internal communication in public institutions, regardless of electoral processes and other events that may mean changes to projects responsible for projects, both political and technical.
Information about the current projects or approval pending should not be a personalized matter but shared, at least at the departmental level, so that any change that affects people is not decisive of the possible success or failure of the projects. The use of ICT, profusely used in this project, must be used in all its potential.
In this sense, as it has become evident, the distance factor is not a limiting issue, or its impact can be reduced significantly, for effective and very effective cooperation in terms of limited use of economic resources. There are also low -cost technologies and tools that are very useful and simple in its use.
The establishment of international work groups such as the one that has managed this project is enriching by both parties. Joint reflection from different realities between high -qualification partners provides improvement elements for all parties, even more when the network of relations with other actors is extended, as in this case by exposing good practices and establishment of contacts toBusiness and institutional level.
Project formulation must raise concrete and realistic objectives, which can be verified with simple and easily obtained indicators. In this sense, although there may be a direct relationship between the project and the improvement of employment in Rosario, link the project to specific indicators in quantitative terms of the resulting local labor market, unless a large amount of resources to carry outA complex of a study.
The territorial and institutional asymmetry mentioned above has not been shown as an obstacle to achieving a good level of results. This has been possible with a project leadership capable not only of articulating the relationship between the partners, but also to attract the participation of other agents in Catalonia who have placed the project in a local supra dimension for the benefit of both local territories.
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