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Childhood Obesity As Chronic Disease


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Childhood obesity as chronic disease


Obesity is a chronic disease that can be prevented, it is a process that can be initiated from childhood that occurs by an imbalance between intake and energy expenditure, obese children are more likely to suffer diseases. The increase in food intakeHypercaloric, rich in fat and sugars, but with few vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients, the irrigation that childhood obesity can cause. Biological risks are manifested in the short, medium and long term through various diseases, a very important factor is theFamily for habits learned in the family and the powerful environmental influences measured by the school and the social environment, important in the control of children’s weight is the family nucleus and their lifestyle, to prevent childhood obesity, treatment must focus ondecrease caloric intake complemented with increased energy expenditure through physical activity. This process must involve the family to be effective.


Obesity is a chronic, complex and multifactorial disease that can be prevented. It is a process that usually begins in childhood and adolescence, which is established by an imbalance between intake and energy expenditure. It is a metabolic disorder that leads to excessive accumulation of body fat for the expected value according to sex, size, and age. Obessed children are more likely to suffer respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity will have an impact on the child in the physical, mental, emotional and social area.

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It is considered a risk factor to continue being obese in adulthood.


For the writing of this article, 7 articles were analyzed and reviewed, of which 5 articles were chosen to be able to use them as a source of information with the issue of childhood obesity disease and aspects related to the pathology

Ethiopathogenesis of obesity

Non -transmissible diseases reason for concern, one of them obesity the factors that have come to shoot this problem, among which we can point out the diet with a tendency to increase the intake of hypercaloric food, rich in fats and sugars, but withScarce vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients, economic situation, incursion, sedentary lifestyle, societies and the availability of televisions and computers, physical activity has decreased dramatically. Obesity is a complex medical condition in which multiple factors are involved: genetic, environmental, sociocultural, neuroendocrine

Risk factors

The most important risk factors for developing chronic diseases are related to poor diet and lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, arterial hypertension, high levels of blood cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables, obesity determines various risksIn the biological, psychological and social field. Biological risks are manifested in the short, medium and long term through various diseases

Family factors

Most of childhood obesity is due to factors related to lifestyles that are the combined reflection of genetic factors, habits learned in the family and the powerful environmental influences measured by the school and the social environment, important in the control of the control of theChildren’s weight is the family nucleus and their lifestyle. Modifiable risk factors such as physical activity, daily breakfast intake and the education of the person who feeds the child as important aspects to consider in public health policies, and family members should be taken into account when strategyof prevention against childhood obesity.


General recommendations for children:

  • Increase the consumption of fruits, whole cereals, nuts, legumes and vegetables.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugars and processed carbohydrates
  • For children under 10 sleep 10 hours.
  • Moderate physical activity

Recommendations aimed at the family that should be highlighted:

  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
  • decrease sedentary leisure time like video games
  • Prepare balanced meals
  • Avoid giving them junk food


The treatment must focus on decreasing the caloric intake complemented with an increase in energy expenditure through physical activity. This process must involve the family to be effective in the long term. Achieve the weight effectively by modifying the lifestyle to obtain adequate weight for size and conserve its weight within the limits of normal


Childhood obesity is a complex problem, it is due to the large consumption of the product of easy access to foods rich in high calories in sugar and fat and the change in the lifestyle represented by less physical activity that should change in children dietshealthy complex carbohydrates, green vegetables and fresh fruits, prevention is the best option. Family participation is fundamental, without their support the child cannot make the modifications

Bibliographic references

  • Serrano, José Antonio (2018).Child and Youth Obesity [Online] Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Superior of Familia (IESF) Available at: http: // repositori.UIC.is/Bitstream/Handle/20.500.12328/958/03la_obesity_infantil_juvenil.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y
  • Sotomayor Sánchez, Sandra M, Bernal Becerril, Martha Lilia, Salazar Gómez, Teresa, & Ponce Gómez, Gandhy. (2015). Overweight and childhood obesity: need for nursing intervention. University Nursing, 7 (2), 32-37. Retrieved on November 11, 2019, from http: // www.Scielo.org.MX/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1665-706320100200005 & lng = es & tlng = is.
  • Adolfo-Enrique Lizardo, 1 Alejandro Díaz2 (2011) Overweight and childhood obesity [online] Honduran medical magazine available at: http: // 65.182.two.242/RMH/PDF/2011/PDF/Vol79-4-2011-9.PDF
  • Ma. Eugenia a. Ibarzábal-Ávila, José Alberto Hernández-Martínez, David Luna-Domínguez, Juan Enrique Vélez-Escalante, Marlene Delgadillo-Díaz, Vanessa Manassero-Baeza, Enrique Bernal-Espinoza, Laura González-Macías, Griselda Ortiz, Angélica Moguel-Goria, Ana AnaLilia Córdova-Esquivel, Martha Helen. South Medical Clinical Hospital and Foundation. Mexico City.Available at: https: // www.Medigraphic.com/pdfs/medsur/ms-2015/ms154b.PDF
  • Diana Carolina Moreira Ochoa A;Vanessa Priscila Rodríguez Ortiz B;Johana Pilar Mera Cedeño C;Rosa Genith Medranda Zambrano D;Fernando Javier Medranda Ortiz E;Gladys Cecibel Avendaño Alonzo (2018) [Online] Scientific Research Magazine Update of the World of Sciences.Available at: File: /// c:/users/pc/desktop/new%20carpeta%20 (2)/new%20carpeta/document.PDF

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