View all "Childhood" ready papers, essays and assignments
United Nations for Children. Introduction Since the foundation of our nation, more than 55 million immigrants from all continents have established themselves in our country. In fac...
Understanding strategies Introduction Reading is an activity that we have learned little by little since childhood, starting with basic words in childway in which we use the langua...
Words: 497
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Truths of abortion and why it is practiced The objective of this work is to inform people about the issue of aborting and that is not how certain people from......
Trauma theory according to Ferenczi Sandor Ferenczi was born on July 7, 1873, in Hungary. He obtained his doctor's degree at 21. Then he specialized in neurology and psychiatry. Fi...
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Pages: 4
Transsexuality: History of gender incongruity In 1953 the transsexuality by Harry Benjamin was defined for the first time, who describes it as the relationship between biological n...
Topics discussed in Alicia in Wonderland The themes addressed in the Alicia text in the Wonderland are very varied, they range from the routine that we take adults occupied with......
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Pages: 3
Thyroid cancer related to radiology At the level of many practices in clinics there are doubts about the risks to which health workers who participate in the diagnostic process wit...
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Pages: 9
The writing of texts at another time In the following essay, the question will be answered if the text had been written at another time. What would have been different?......
The work The Little Prince and its true meaning When reading the book of 'The Little Prince' of the author Antoine de Saint –exupery in similar and political similarity,......
The woman who took in me Introduction At the beginning of the partial we began to read the novel Jane Eyre whose chai I had already read when I was......
The true meaning of feminism in society It is important to know the subject since I am a woman and I realize how the situation is currently, the fact of......
THE TREE OF EARTH SCIENCE Introduction Pío Baroja was born in San Sebastián in 1872. In Madrid he studied medicine and the pain was doctorate with the thesis. Psychophysics study...
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The toxic relationship between sugar and brain There is a direct relationship between brain and sugar consumption. In the article “The Neuroscience of Sugars in Taste, Gut-Reward...
The three phases that man crosses to become the Super Man Introduction On October 15, 1844, Friedrich Nietzsche was born. He came from a German family, Protestant shepherds. His fa...
The telecare of today with respect to health The term "telecare" is known as a home service that provides attention in an imminent way through the use of electronic devic...
Words: 1318
Pages: 5
The submission of women in marriage '' Doll House '' is a work that stands out for dealing with issues and dilemmas that are of great controversy both in ancient......
Words: 2029
Pages: 7
The study of neuroscience to understand the development of dyslexia Neurosciences gather classical disciplines and novel interdisciplinary fields, with objectives oriented to the s...
Words: 1983
Pages: 7
The starry night of Vincent Van Gogh Analysis of the “star night” by Vincent Van Gogh ‘The starry night’ is a work painted by Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter......
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The stage of adolescence and implications in growth According to the World Health Organization "Adolescence is the period of growth and human development that occurs after chi...
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Pages: 3
The social prejudices present in the work Jane Eyre The influence of social prejudices in the antagonistic characters changes the attitudes and ideology of Jane Eyre, because it is...
Words: 1096
Pages: 4
The socialization process Introduction The term socialization can be defined or interpreted as the process by which the human or individual being begins to enter society to adapt a...
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The slavery reflected through realism in the works of Icaza and García Márquez Since ancient times, slavery has been well framed in the lives of humans;which is closely related t...
The schools are not safe today Introduction My theme will be Bullying I will talk about this because my eldest son suffered from this harassment in his school, this issue......
THE ROOTS OF CELEBRATION OF THE DAY OF THE RACE Popularized by the American education system, the childhood song "In Colon colonized the blue ocean in 1492", many student...
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The role of narcissism in other pathologies In this essay, the role of narcissism in some pathologies is raised, and the discussion about the possibility of analysis of pathology i...
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The responsibility and its analysis through the book "The leader's mirror" In general terms, responsibility is a value that most of us obtain it as we grow, but there are...
The Republic of Plato In the sixth book, after a long discussion, they establish the difference between what philosophers are and what they are not, the government will be granted....
The representation of women in the novel Sab For many generations, women have been put as a being inferior to man because in many cultures it is considered physical and......
There are many love anime Introduction There are many love anime, some better achieved than others, but they all have in common: that will make you vibrate. Love is one......
THE NEED FOR THE ERADICATION OF CHILD LABOR To the extensive of society's progress and with this that of humanity, child exploitation has been seen with strong references in the......
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Pages: 3
The necessary education or utopia. Introduction Education is a social experience that occurs in human life. Therefore, education must be considered in such a way: it constitutes th...
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The myths established in adolescence Introduction Have ever wondered what is adolescence? Or why is it so special? Well, there are thousands of answers to be able to express them.....
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The most famous animation film Introduction These are some data that you did not know about the most famous toy movie. 25 ago, Disney was at its peak, The Lion......
THE MORAL OF THE HUMAN BEING There is a connection between him and his constant and comprehensive formation that avoids moral relativism, since this refers to the moral state of......
The Mexican woman from the perspective of Rosario Castellanos Rosario Castellanos Figueroa writer, journalist and Mexican diplomaticI on the feminist side by leaving in his works a...
Words: 522
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The Mediterranean Diet and its Cultural Importance The Mediterranean diet is an immaterial good that is articulated as an axis of cultural and gastronomic union between the Mediter...
Words: 2356
Pages: 9
The meaning of racism The official narrative of the history of constitutionalism has been hiding the legal - political status of the groups that were excluded from the political co...
Words: 1258
Pages: 5
The loss of values in society Values are taught at home, at school and in the church, but does anyone know what? To start, what are they? which are? I......
The life of the Peruvian José María Arguedas José María Arguedas was born in Andahuaylas, in the Sierra Sur del Peru on January 19, 1911. In this essay I announce......
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The life of Frida Kahlo and her influence on women today Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City and died on July......
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