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Christmas phrases for the little ones Introduction. Christmas is just around the corner and for children it is one of the most special times of the year, they live it......

Christmas and the New Year's Year Christmas Christmas Christmas, time of union, harmony and reconciliation, although it is true all people await the long -awaited Christmas, the fa...

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Child sexuality: natural instinct or protection Aberrations by sexual instinct occur due to an obstacle in development and infantilism. Adult sexual instinct originates from the im...

Child's behavior study Introduction It is necessary to take into account that modern science based on the development of the child is the culmination of centuries there was changes...

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Children's Story The Little Prince, Childhood   The title has been a reference used by the psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung, who after reflecting on those immemorial messages that ...

Children's self - esteem, a little known concept  You really know what self-concept and self - esteem means. You know how to imply these concepts in your life. The following......

Children's Princess Books Introduction When talking about princesses as literary characters of children. The most famous princesses in history are those created by Disney, and they...

Children's books that help eliminate prejudices Introduction Although it may seem like a topic, educating in values from childhood is essential. In this way, we will help the littl...

Children's books and their reviews Introduction The edition of a book is preceded by a series of situations or thoughts that seek or try to express in writing everything we......

Child nutrition problem in Mexico   Childhood is characterized by being the basic stage of learning, search, well -being and deployment of physical, mental and emotional potential...

Child Obesity: Causes and Consequences Obesity is a very common disease in children and more than an aesthetic problem represents a significant impact on the health of these. This ...

Child nutrition in Mexico: a duty to protect Introduction Mexico is a country that has great wealth, with kind people, and with a lot of magic, but that does not......

Child Malnutrition: A Problema from which to protect children Child malnutrition has become a worldwide problem related to multiple factors among which is the lack of access to hea...

Child malnutrition and obesity in Mexico Introduction The issue of current food in the Mexican infant, factors for its imbalance and some diseases that this problem entails will be...

Child labor, negative effect on childhood Today more than 250 million boys and girls work and possibly 150 million or more do so. Adding that every year more than one......

Child labor, a problem of society Child labor is contemplated with one of the most serious social problems worldwide, Ecuador seeks solutions to it in its territory. Child labor is...

Childhood nutrition programs INTRODUCTION In recent years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children under 5 years of age has increased in a worrying way as a consequenc...

Child Exploitation Introduction Various studies have been progressively carried out on child exploitation and the different types that exist, in recent years investigations have be...

Child Development Services in Ecuador in the Food and Nutrition field In Ecuador, the State guarantees the well -being of childhood and equal rights without any discrimination with...

Child and discipline behavior Introduction For years, professionals from different disciplines have conducted numerous research about human development and in a particular way of t...

Child Abuse A relational phenomenon as an expression of violence Child abuse as one of the configuration modes of family violence, is established within the bosom of abuse and cont...

Chernobyl disaster in the environment SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The following work has as the main objective to apply to analyze the Chernobil nuclear catastrophe, being...

Celia vs Frida, 2 very sexy rebel influencers that stir social networks Introduction Being the son of a famous personality brings many things, being exposed to the press, having a....

CBD oil helps patients with herpes zoster According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Herpes Zóster is diagnosed every year to more than one......

Cavalry in the Middle Ages Introduction When the Normans (Vikings), directed by Guillermo the conqueror, invade England (900), many men needed to protect the lands. At first, young...

Causes and symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder Introduction In this essay, the issue of autism will be announced, its causes, symptoms, treatments, as well as diagnoses will be ...

Causes and consequences of personality disorders Introduction In this essay we have the objective of strengthening the previous knowledge, explicitly and coherently detail the pers...

Breastfeeding from the beginning Breastfeeding has been known since remote years, a controversial issue and sometimes Tabu in society, for hypersexualization when doing it in publi...

Breast cancer in Latin American women Breast cancer occurs due to various factors, some of them are characteristic of a specific population, in this case the population is Latin wo...

Book The Little Prince, a classic work   The book of the Little Prince is considered the most important works for the author Antonie de Saint-Exupéry, has already sold more......

Bisexuality: Sexual preferences of people Introduction Sexual orientation is defined as a set of sexual and affective preferences towards people of a certain sex, it begins from he...

Bioethics as an integral part of life Bioethics ”is a term with two parts, and each one needs an explanation. Here, ‘ethics’ refers to the identification, study and resolutio...

BENEFITS OF THE POSITIVE PARENTALITY If the raising of children is a link that is built just like any other, why not bet on a parenting model based on empathy,......

Benefits of games to the little ones Introduction We are gathered here with the purpose of presenting a speech whose topic that should not interest anyone, more than conflicting re...

Benefits and main characteristics of the Bádminton Badminton is a racket sport that can look quite a lot to tennis but has the ‘caveat’ that the ball is in a......

Batman Action Figures Collection Introduction Batman, the famous cartoon superhero entered the scene in the 40s, and has not looked back since then. From the first television progr...

Bad faith in Mexico and its problems Introduction Justification: Why I chose this issue is the following reason;Mexico occupies the first place in childhood obesity, this is a bad ...

Avengers as a best selling movie Introduction Film rooms have more life than ever. Everyone remembers the golden age of cinema, where the color was not necessary to tell a......

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Autism and Diversity spectrum disorders According to the DSM-V, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are included in a new category called: Neurodevelopment disorders. In this category,...

Attention and hyperactivity deficit disorder and teachers The social changes that have been manifesting in various ways, end up influencing both negative and positively in the educ...

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