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Children And Disease Lessons


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Children and disease lessons


7 Peruvian ventures, thousands of beneficiaries and a group of teachings necessary for those who are in the initial phase of a business plan or those who already have a brand. These social ventures have the same purpose: to eradicate anemia in Peru;And thanks to their ingenuity they are already winners of prizes and have proven results.

Although Peru stands out for its large number of ventures, not everyone begins with that intention;Aquilina Palomino, is a nurse who for blows of life ended in Tarapoto, thus seeing the reality of child malnutrition. This began its mission and created a supplement that ends with anemia in 30 days;However, the perfect mixture was not simple to achieve.


It started with cookies, but they were quickly damaged and few ingredients hid the unpleasant metallic flavor. He tested and tested, until he tried with cocoa flour and found the magic ingredient, cocoa was versatile and attractive, and allowed him to make two presentations: powder to add to other mixtures and small chocolates with a good dose of iron.

Invest and trust your product 

With only 26 years, Julio Garay could consider his life a success, with a cookie venture that in 30 days take away the anemia and a nomination for the History Channel award. However, for him, the most important factor of his achievements is his family. His family and his engineering promotion friends were his first and most important collaborators, for this the confidence he had to publicize his project was key, without being carried away by the impostor syndrome that affects many entrepreneurs.

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On the other hand, its success also depends on the investment that injected with its first sales for brand growth.

Find your target audience 

Walter Cornejo La Rosa, an agro -industrial engineer, decided to create a healthy version of the candy of all childhood with quinoa and iron. His entrepreneurship had everything necessary, including an attractive pizza flavor, but did not find the interest he expected in the audience he was addressed. He tried with social programs, and touched more and more doors, until private investors gave value to his project and is already marketed in Asia. If your product does not get sales, you may not be clear to whom to go, learn how to manage brands in the Master in Business Administration and Diploma of Study in Financial Management, start the change by postulating here.

Generates solutions 

The female venture was created by Diana Palma, a nursing professor, and Lissette Yllanes Nauca, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, who was awarded by the Regional Government of Huánuco for her patented inventions;Among these is super gomita, a more digestible way to consume iron for children and thus treat childhood anemia in just 21 days.

These gummies are made with the blood of Cuy and Aguaymant. To achieve this, they went through a research and testing process in both children and pregnant women, thus being an alternative against pregnancy anemia.

Focus on the specific 

From this bar made with worms and a mixture of highly nutritious cereals, winner of various awards such as the UP Nutrition Award, in Greece, you can learn from its approach that prioritizes communication based on its awards and aimed at athletes, since it contains twotimes more protein and eight times more iron than meat.

And, on the other hand, they communicate an environmental sense for their minimum water consumption of only two liters, versus 15 liters of traditional proteins. Create effective communication strategies such as this, in our specialization diploma in communication processes management: your specialization begins here.

Discover your differential factor 

A group of young people formed by Marcelo Utrilla, Biologist, Brenda Bellido, engineer in business management, Paola Finetti, biologist with studies in Nutrition and Lorena Menduiña, Environmental Engineer, join the fight against anemia with a somewhat different and refreshing presentation: A pearl tea with totally natural juice and with a star ingredient.

Despite other ventures in Peru, Muskhiy uses a totally different ingredient: Cushuro, an algae that has more iron than lentils, more protein than meat and more calcium than milk. Thus being a great and nutritious alternative, which is also suitable for vegans.

Cajamarca is known for being the main producer of whose, within said competition, a group of 33 producers allied to take it to another level. Taking advantage of the nutritional and anti -classical properties of eating guinea pig, they decided to undertake elaborating sausages with this meat, thus generating greater interest and sales.


Peru undertakes in many ways, and not only at the commercial level, such as school students who produce bread with Sangrecita, or Marco Party, a university student who teaches us that a product, in addition to useful, should like, making an ice cream with blood with bloodand fruits for children to enjoy it;They could be the leaders of the ventures of the future.

Knowing these fantastic teachings of Peruvian entrepreneurs for social purposes, you know more than there is behind the success of a project. But, if you want to know how to undertake a business with professionals, create your new opportunities with the marketing management diploma!    

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