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Children’S Behaviors When You Start The Kindergarten


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Children’s behaviors When you start the kindergarten


In the preschool stage, children should be promoted the importance of understanding that classroom rules must be respected and that the child is linked to their interpersonal relationships based on obedience and discipline. Preschool children increase their capacity for internal regulation with rules and plans to guide their behavior.

In preschool classrooms it is observed that behavior at this age is the main reason that students do not acquire the expected learning, because they only want to be governed by the game, but what they do not understand that to play this entails a series of rules that will make the student work collaboratively, share, respect their classmates.


Currently, parents have allowed their children not to have discipline at home when they enter the preschool, various situations are presented to the student’s behavior, it is important that parents as well as teachers are in constant communication and Look for strategies that help students regulate their emotions and help the development of their potential.

The psychologist. Garcia in a similar sense observes that: the degree of tolerance of parents towards this type of behavior is very variable: some parents are able to justify a series of destructive, aggressive and inappropriate behaviors as something "typical of children", while Others are unable to accept the slightest pamade or a simple challenge of a young child and request professional help immediately.

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Therefore, parents tolerance, their educational style and their skills to deal with these situations play a relevant role in the definition of children’s problems.

What is observed in school practices is that now parents subtract time from their children, that is, they no longer live with them, children have more coexistence with technological devices, what they cause is that if they do not fulfill their whims further encourage unjustified behaviors of children which does not help you in their interpersonal relationships and this shows it in their classrooms. It is recommended that children should receive quality time in which it is attended directly for 20, on 4 opportunities during the day or longer opportunities if possible.

That is why it is very important to look. With the realization of this project we will seek that strategies to implement and apply in the classroom to form social human beings, this will be achieved through a series of activities that will have the purpose of developing in children have the ability to self-regulate their expressions of emotions, internalize rules and norms, control their impulses and the use of language to regulate their behavior in different interactions with others.

This research is important because for education it will guide us to understand the problems of behavior and emotions and an adequate conflict resolution that as a teacher we face in our educational practice where there will be tools to have an effective intervention of these situations in the classrooms.

That is why at a personal level, research will allow teachers The acquisition of knowledge of their learning.

In preschool education, it will serve to understand and guide the why of those behaviors that students present and with it use these tools to have a better intervention in our salons. These strategies will be of vital importance for students to develop their learning, since a very harmonious environment allows our mind to develop these skills.

It is considered different from the others due to the fact that the strategies to be used will be based on activities that teachers implemented in their classrooms and the results are favorable in the regulation of behavior in children and thus have a better performance in their learning. Since this is part of the comprehensive development process that will help the development of their emotions and will be of great importance to favor their autonomy, thus achieving the society gradually integrate.


An investigation was reviewed by growing together, strategies to promote the self-regulation in preschool children of the DRA. Lizbeth Vega, where research was conducted in a different context and propose different strategies that were appropriate to self-regulate students’ behavior. Which in this new research will be observed if it coincides with some strategies and which can be implemented or if the informant subjects use some of these strategies. 

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