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Elections and political matches Introduction It is true that citizens in general, vote for a political party, which has a leader who will govern for a period of four years.......

Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt Summary In this book, Arendt Delibera in the likelihood of elaborating moral and historical judgments and how they transcend to pure legal ju...

Effects of food advertising There are some evidence that food advertising produces a negative effect with respect to eating habits both in adults and children. This influence is mo...

Edward Snowden: Brilliant NASA computer scientist Edward Snowden comes from an environment that already predestined it to a career as an American government official, his father wa...

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Duties and Rights in Formation of a Contract Introduction In order for this type of online trade, it must demand and show security so that users trust the platform when......

Drinking water scarcity in Mexico Introduction In Mexico, the population reaches 125.9 million inhabitants, we talk about an overpopulation in the country. 10% of Mexicans do not h...

Divergent and the community divided into five factions Introduction This text aims to inform and disseminate the knowledge acquired from a broad reading about the divergent book. D...

Disability and right to decent housing Introduction The main objective of this work is to expose the reality of disabled people and their right to decent housing. It is about......

Democracy: Opinion Law Introduction Democracy is a form of organization, through which people announce their opinions of what they think about what is discussed. Likewise, democrac...

Definition between microeconomics and macroeconomics and its differences Introduction In this research, the definition of microeconomics and macroeconomomy will be developed to be ...

Decision making in the business ecosystem The business ecosystem where thousands of companies that seek on a day -to -day basis that result in their sustainability and profitabilit...

Cultivate love for reading: one of the challenges of modern times Reading is fascinating, it is a safe door towards knowledge and ingenuity. This is wonderful, however, making the ...

Critical reflection on 'Metamorosis' The writer of this moving workonly.  However, within the analyzed novel, it reflects the frustration of the society in which the author is, he...

Crime and punishment and the influence of the context of that time To understand the literature of this era, the fact that of his facts first must be understood the......

Countries in search of the reconstruction of Haiti Introduction The administration of Presidents Bush, Clinton, and others has affected Haiti in his government administration, his ...

Corticosteroid myths The use of corticosteroids such as dexamethasone in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, has revived interest in the use of this type of drugs, which have ...

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Cortés love and its myths Introduction “64% of people use chat or private messages as a gun of conquest, while 40% admit that since it is part of social networks......

Corruption of the Government in Colombia Introduction Let's start what is political? It is the science that deals with the government and organization of societies especially of st...

Contributions from New England Introduction Today it could be said that the English culture "is in fashion", today we all idealize the reign of Isabel II, the only monarc...

Consumer behavior in different places Introduction Marketing managers study consumer buying behavior to know the needs, desires and demands of the consumer with the aim of providin...

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Consumer behavior and its objectives Introduction Without a doubt, technology advances day after day, adding to it the new ways to communicate between companies that provide produc...

Computer crimes problems by gaps and plagiarism Introduction In order to define a frame of reference in the field of technologies and crimes for the European Union, the “Cybercri...

Communions that seem weddings, what happens? The month of May is, par excellence, the month of communions. Already in June, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on......

Colors and emotions: indispensable for design Human beings always have had the need to communicate, with the passage of time, we were looking for and at the same time using......

Clint Eastwood, Director of the Invictus movie   The Director of Invictus is Clint Eastwood, born in San Francisco (California) on May 31, 1930. He grew up in Oakland with......

Climatic, harmful change for our planet Climate change is something so harmful to our planet, that it could be considered “a global challenge that has no borders and that to......

Classification of the Equatioan Construction Sector In Ecuador, the construction sector can be divided into three: Building and work: main activity lies in the construction of hous...

Chronic pain management and treatment Introduction.  All people once in life have consumed some anti -inflammatory. The purpose of these is the decrease in the inflammation proces...

Choice of furniture for restaurants The choice of furniture for restaurants is not a minor issue. It is, without a doubt, one of the most important elements why? Mainly, because......

CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT O Chapter I To begin with, we can say that Rousseau raises us in this first chapter, from birth, man has been......

Changes in tourist business according to new values One of the main concerns of the travelers in the place to which they are going to travel, either by leisure or......

Brexit: repercussions that the United Kingdom will face after its departure Introduction On June 5, 1975, the referendum about the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European ...

Book ‘‘ The man in search of meaning ’’ Not everything that textbooks say is true, this is something the psychologist Viktor and. Frankl learned in the worst possible way.....

Book review: Eros agony “The agony of Eros“ is a book of authorship by Byung-Chul Han where he expresses his thoughts, and at the same time takes thoughts from other......

Body language and the way we express ourselves Introduction Body language is the best way to express ourselves, it is said that 100% when expressing 60% to 70% comes from......

Birthday decoration with Las Vegas Thematica Introduction If you think of casinos, there is a city par excellence that comes to mind, Las Vegas. It is the primary and entertainment...

Birdman: Mexican digital cinema and sound Introduction Music and cinema seem concepts that do not keep any similarity, however, it is the soundtracks of film tapes that give life t...

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Big data in business and their potential Introduction Currently, the ease with which people can exchange and generate information is a reality, thanks to the Internet you can share...

Benefits of physical activity in young people Facing physical activity in young people is a challenge for teachers and educators. At this stage of life it is very important to......

Audit and Control: Study and Meaning The term audit means verifying that the financial, administrative and operational information generated is truthful. That is, that the facts an...

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