Christianity, Coexistence And Oganization In Society
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Western culture consists of three parts: the Greek and Roman heritage, the popular heritage, which is from the pre -Roman peoples, here in the Iberian Peninsula for example the Basques and Cantabrians, especially northern peoples who are the ones who had a personality more defined and that their particular essence did not lose so much, and then there is the Christian inheritance. All this constitutes what is called the revolution of the High Age Hispanic. This creates a transformative synthesis. From orthodoxy it is said that the Middle Ages is dark, but we observe that social formations were created.
Such formations still exist such as Catalonia, Aragon, Castilla or Vasconia in the current way with Navarra. We see that it was a time that created human realities so powerful that there are even today. Creating a new human reality with a very peculiar structure is very difficult that only happens in the history of humanity every three or four millennia.We can find several fundamental values such as the reflective thinking that the Greeks contribute, the effort of the will that brings the best of Roman society, the energy and firmness of the Romans.
The popular and tumultuous style of the pre -Roman peoples and finally Christianity, which basically provides the idea of coexistence applied not only as a norm of personal behavior but also of the organization of society.
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The processes of sharing the communal arise, as it appears in the Acts of the Apostles when they say they had everything in common. The communal as lived in the Middle Ages arises from there. This was already said by some historians outside Christianity in the 19th century, that communal customs come from Christianity.
The communal is nothing more than the application of the Christian ideology of common life sharing everything. The assembly processes by which these societies were also governed are in the Acts of the Apostles.There is a very important element that is now being lost at all and is the idea of individual.Other cultures do not have that idea of an individual, as a human being by itself, which does not depend only on society, but depends on itself, which responds by itself and it is he who later organizes himself in society from Your own will.
This conception of individual is something specific to Christianity. This was something that already existed in the Greek world, but with the nuance that it only existed for the aristocracy. Let us not forget that when referring to Athenian democracy, that was actually quite far from democracy because women, slaves, foreigners were excluded and in reality the assemblies were short -circuited by the existence of a very powerful state apparatus that was The Athenian. However, all that collapses, and then the great flow comes from the fourth century of Christian cenobitism.
This zenobitism, which means life in common, is one of the great civilizing companies in the history of humanity since it combines very deep interior reflection, the criteria of solitude, life in common and manual work, something very important in a moment when this has been lost because machines already do everything and we are condemned to be appendages of the machines. In the Roman Empire, Augusto created a large intolerable state structure, a "hyperpoting" state that was based on a strong coercion to the people. And here is the response of Christianity:
“Where there are law we are going to make coexistence, where you only make strength we are going to put love, where there is private property we are going to put the common property, where you only govern yourself for the State we are going to make the assembly of The brothers is power ".This great finding of Christianity has a great logic that has gradually been misrepresented over the centuries and more recently through bourgeois anticlericalism. All with the centuries has been distorting and what remains that has reached us.
You have to discern to separate the grain from the straw. Very terrible currents like Nietzsche came and his attack on Christianity based on the subterfuge of attacking the Church. But as we have said, we must discern and understand what Christianity was. Nietzsche said that Christianity was an ideology of weakness and that is totally false. There has never been any ideology that makes such a strong call to energy and inner strength. The Christian hero who is above all the martyr, when he opposed the Roman state, did he prove?
These fought his way and sometimes in a very important way. Some like the Bagaudas, a movement of the V century that defended Salviano de Marseille, fought with the sword. In the Ebro Valley they gave a lot of work to the agonizing Roman state. In any case, Nietzsche made a rather wrong appreciation of the history of the West because he was part of that decline that we have lived by confusing inner strength with brute force. The great reflection is the phrase of the Gospel when He says "God is love". God’s idea is love that the essential is love.
The Christian message is the same for believers and non -believers. The supernatural or divine belief is a faith, which can be had or not, but regardless of our faith, the reality is that everyone, or at least most, does have a deep belief, the belief that the essential dimension of being of being human is coexistence. Coexistence is cultivated from an inner will and effort. You have to look for a form of coexistence that satisfies a fundamental need of the human being that is to love and be loved. If that need is not satisfied people going crazy and we are seeing that now.
This is contrary to Nietzsche, since he thinks that the other must be hit. In short, he was a great defender of capitalism in the sense of competing and crushes the other. We can help us a lot through authors and experiences of people, who are still alive, the Castilian rural society, where people wanted, supported and respected. A society that was very emotionally satisfactory. At the same time it was not a society in which there were parasites because love forces in both directions. Being loves does not lead you to be a parasite because love forces you to assume your responsibilities.
Someone who is very defender of bourgeois individualism can say: "If I serve others then I make myself a slave to others", but if you serve others and you are in a community of love, others serve you, it’s that how simple. Indeed, sometimes it happens that some person at a given time is not in the best situation of it and it has to be affected without receiving, but there is a time when that cannot be maintained. If the other person does not correspond to the relationship, because we are talking about a coexistence society not for someone to live and others take advantage.
This is unthinkable even in the economic field.The tools for the contemporary person can place the human being in the first place should be distanced from what he does, even mentally. We already know that we have to live, you have jobs, you are distressed in unemployment or in other situations and you cannot sometimes cut with all that. But at least distancing himself, understanding how sad his situation, that he is a being subjected and forced in many ways. A second step would be to spend time to silence, a kind of cure of silence.
We are subject to too much noise and need to recover some silence as in nature.Third, commit to seeing things with a new look. See human beings, especially, otherwise. Consider that the relationship of affection with the other is not linked so much to anything but what can be. Accept that person can evolve better, although we can also evolve worse. Start seeing the positive because there are always positive elements generally. It is contrary to this the cruelty that current society does with criticism.
Criticism fair because living in permanent criticism ends up breaking your soul.Fourth, it would also be important to consider the limited one in the reflection of oneself. We often see people who are very involved in an excessive assessment of itself. If someone feels very important or very valuable, you don’t want to build or improve. If life is a constant path to improvement, it has to start that at every moment we are imperfect and we must accept that imperfection and consider it as natural. We found a comment from Liébana’s Blessed.
To the apocalypse of San Juan a mention of bipartite beings, bipartition, this dialectic of our own conflict, the good and evil that we have inside. When the bad moments of life come, suffering, pain, loneliness is important to see it as evidence, as positivity elements that are making us better. Because sometimes there is nothing worse for things to do well, because it does not forge, it does not improve you and fall into a kind of stupor or nonsense that blinds you. And when the bad times arrive, it is there when the abilities of overcoming come out of oneself.
In a society where personal goals have to do above all with safety and well -being, seeking happiness based on consumption and money, we can name other more important personal goals in emotional aspect.Freedom. The notion of freedom is very complicated, so much that humanity will never understand it and human beings while they exist will continue thinking about what freedom is and how to live it, and that is good, because if someone gave us once and for all the answer What would be to the following generations?.
In this sense it is important to mention freedom of conscience. The person must organize the inner world of it from herself and not with the coercion of advertising or propaganda of any kind. The truth. The truth is a decisive element. For example, science today replaces the truth. Science has real elements, but it has other obvious error and mistakes. Science is largely a scam. There are competent physicists books that tell you, as even Galileo’s experiments are not experigic.
This is because they cannot do and from there all experimental physics is more a belief than something else to a large extent. Actually, the truth that we can achieve is limited, fallible and finite. But we need to differentiate the true from the wrong in each case, always as far as possible. Today it is almost impossible because everything is propaganda, both commercial and political. The truth is the opposite of what is currently transmitted. Sophisticated social engineering methods and advanced psychological studies and human behavior.
This added to the technology and the interests of power, make some large -scale masses manipulation devices created as never before had been done in history. In all this framework the truth has no place, only the systematic and continuous lie. The most humble and modest truths that every human being needs. Love has a decisive element. A phrase from the Gospel of St. John says "nobody has greater love than the one who gives life for his friends". When we are willing to give life for something or by someone we love that project.
Maybe that someone, meanwhile not, are just words. So that everyone looks inside himself to see because he is willing to give his life. Thus life is put on something deep because our own existence is valuable and if we are willing to give it for something, it has value. This must be understood, it does not mean giving life in the sense of dying, but to give life in the sense of living it for something. Sometimes it is true that there are acts of heroism in which you can die literally, such as a military sense. It can even be a moment of alienation.
But living day by day for a cause is the difficult thing because doubts always arise and you have to continually reaffirm. The opposite of love would be the will to power. The will to power is the great evil. Societies collapse by the will to power. When you want to be able to dominate others, so the act of dominating is the act of heartbreak par excellence. Therefore, all institutions of domination are the quintessence of evil. If you wanted to build a society governed by the criteria of love, it would have to be a society where there is no domination of any kind.
Neither politics, neither economic, nor intellectual … The temptation of well -being is another of the current purposes that opaque other more transcendent goals. Welfare state is not just a political and economic phenomenon, it is also an inner phenomenon. When the person is tempted or win by the idea of physiological well -being and the well -being of food, the idea of sitting quietly watching television continuously, the idea of holidays … This becomes the center of life. Then it means that the truth is not the center, that freedom is not the center, that love is not the center.
And that is serious because we have then replaced the fundamental goals of human life with a more mundane and vulgar goal. Obviously we have to live and well -being is important, but that cannot be the main thing, but something secondary, without taking away the importance it deserves. If evil fights from the inside, because when one fights that evil and chooses good, build a good like a community, a family, a society. Would an alternative system allow a state where people choose good regarding choosing what he wants us to choose.
This conditioning of being like milking cows to produce and consume? As we have said before, the first Christians made a wise decision, which was to be outside the State. Christian fraternities said it. They did not go to the justice officials, they did not attend the army, they had completely separated from the institutions, and that did that from the first moment. The institutions were evil, so they lived in the Christian fraternities that became numerous groups of 200 or 300 people sharing everything.
Institutions are corrupt. They have a dynamic of corruption. We always see that. People with very good will who get there and after a time are crushed, defamed, removed by purges and power fights or as corrupted as the previous ones.We are so degraded and corrupted that we would not reach that Christian achievement. 2000 years later who tries something like that goes wrong. Most of the good faith projects that we see that they are born within civil society do not work due to the difficulty for coexistence and internal struggles.
First we need an individual purification period. This already happened from the fourth century where people fled to forests, to deserts, fleeing from the Roman State as they could and lived alone. There had to first be a time of recovery of the person and subsequently the Christian cenobitic phenomenon of common life emerged. The phenomenon of love and coexistence as a social reality creating an economic, political and social model of common life for centuries: the communal of the European medieval peoples.
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