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Understanding the meaning of atheism To understand the meaning of the term atheism, it may be necessary to first understand the etymological origin of the word itself, its most bas...
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The Venice Mercader movie The Venice merchant is a film set in a work by William Shakespeare, which transports us to Venice in 1596 and in a certain way......
Words: 752
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The Twilight of the Idols. Introduction The way of being of philosophers, as he says: his idiosyncrasy, Nietzsche mentions the historical lack of meaning referring to his inability...
Words: 572
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The truth and the search for the truth Introduction Yalom introduces us to an imaginary world, where our two protagonists Nietzsche and Breuer immerse us in several extraordinary a...
Words: 970
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The symbolism marked by religion Introduction The symbolism of San Manuel Bueno, martyr as part of the generation of 98, Miguel de Unamuno was always worried about philosophical is...
Words: 1594
Pages: 6
The story of San Agustin de Hipona Aurelio Agustín de Hipona was born in Tagaste on November 13, 354 - August 28, 430, Latin Theologian, one of the greatest figures......
The story of Rome is an essential source Introduction From its foundation as a city in 753 to.C. Until the fall of the Roman Empire of the West in the......
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The story about Freemasonry At present, the history of Freemasonry is raised in three great blocks: Legendary Freemasonry. It is the period of gestation of great cultures and civil...
Words: 1614
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The social impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous population that occupied the territory of what is today Colombia In the Spanish conquest of the territory that today is....
Words: 1433
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THE ROOTS OF CELEBRATION OF THE DAY OF THE RACE Popularized by the American education system, the childhood song "In Colon colonized the blue ocean in 1492", many student...
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The Renaissance: Ideals, Culture and Religion Introduction The Renaissance in the North: Propagation in Germany in the years 1515-1550. To what extent did the reform of Martin Luth...
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The politicians and the religion of Spain, 2018 situation I will include in this essay the politicians and religion of Spain and my opinion of what is happening in 2018.......
The perfume and consumerist society of the eighties The eighties was an era infested with fear due to the possibility of a war with nuclear weapons. This fear was fed......
Words: 1409
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The perception of religion and atheism Within the theoretical debate it was observed that the religious freedom principle and the principle of secularism have great differences for...
Words: 1152
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THE ORIGIN OF MAN: Ancient cultures In ancient Greece there were different currents philosophies, scientific and religious, where the Greeks were based on superstitions, spirituali...
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The origin of asylum right Introduction The origin of the right of asylTemple resorts to the gods, it is outside the human power, it no longer depends on the justice......
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The Olympic Games Introduction The Olympic Games are the largest multidisciplinary sporting event in which athletes from various parts of the world participate, and is considered t...
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The Old Testament and its Secrets Introduction. In 1945 a great discovery occurred in the desert of Egypt, which was that of the Dogmas of the New Testament, incomparable scrolls.....
The mission of the Church in front of the antivalores of society Introduction The Church is, by its nature, missionary, since it prolongs the mission of Christ, who was sent......
The Major Colleges and the Spanish University in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Introduction. The Middle Ages begins in the 5th century with the Roman Empire. It......
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The legend of El Santo Grail Introduction The origin of the Holy Grail legend dates back to the Middle Ages, as patent in the writings of Godofredo de Monmouth, Chrétien......
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The Inquisition and Catholism Introduction. The Spanish Inquisition or also known as the Court of the Holy Office was an institution that was created in 1478 by the Catholic Monarc...
The influence of St. Augustin on Philosophy The author of this text is Agustín de Hipona (354-430), belongs to works by San Agustín, “Sermon 43” 4. It was a medieval......
The importance of religion in the world population The importance of religion There are numerous irrational beliefs in the world, many of them are believed by millions of people an...
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The impact of Protestant reform on society Introduction The Protestant reform was the origin of a series of changes necessary for the Catholic Church that later marked a before and...
The great witch hunt Introduction Between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries a witch hunt was installed causing the death of thousands of innocent victims. The great witch hunt ...
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The great Friedrich Nietzsche Introduction Talking about Friedrich Wilhem Nietzsche is talking about an undeniably peculiar philosopher. Full of fervor by philosophy from a very ea...
The free will seen during the story The free will seen during the story At present, the concept of freedom usually comes together with the availability of being able......
The fall of the Byzantine Empire Introduction Both inside Islam and within Christianity there are internal divisions. As for Islam, we identify various currents or groups such as S...
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The evolution of the concept of nationalism in Ecuador, a historical perspective The national soul was not born in Ecuador of 1830 but has its origins much earlier, this concept......
Words: 2254
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The end of life, Unique Experience "Authentic living we are only mortals, because we know that we will stop living and that life is precisely" It is true what Fernando....
Words: 940
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The decriminalization of abortion in Ecuador for victims of rape Introduction In ancient times, the concept of abortion had different positions throughout history, where it was acc...
THE DARK AND INCRIVILIZED TIME OF THE MIDDLE AGES Historically, the Middle Ages has been seen as a dark and unlocated era of our past, between the classical world and......
The Cuscaña Public School Introduction The Cuzqueña school is a pictorial school that arises during the colonial period in Cuzco, Peru. His works combine the color of flamenco st...
Words: 845
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The current marriage consensual divorce ABSTRACT When talking about marriage separation by mutual agreement we immediately know that this occurs when the parties agree the parts of...
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Pages: 10
The context and impact on Europe after the Protestant Reform The seventeenth century is an extraordinarily turbulent century throughout Europe. Although the constants indicated for...
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The concept of Canon Law What we must know first is: What is canon law? We can say that it tells us or tells us that it belongs to......
The Byzantine Empire and its Artistic Expression Introduction The starting point of Byzantine art begins from the moment this city became the capital of the Roman Empire by order o...
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The Baroque Church and style The baroque style begins to emerge with the works of the late 16th century, as is the case of the Church of the Jesuits of......
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The Baptism Test in Faith In the Catholic temples it is called a blessed water battery to a stone recipient or other material, more or less large, located at the......
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