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Chronic Stress Management


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Chronic stress management


Healthy and balanced eating, not abusing alcohol or substances such as caffeine and taking advantage of food time as a break to favor family relationships. Sleep enough and disconnect from work problems, university when you finish your day. Perform physical exercise, since this helps to relax and interact with friends and family. It also serves to eliminate tension and move away negative thoughts. There are several strategies to prevent or eliminate stress. 

These are some of them: prevention;The only treatment or way to reduce the effects of stress on the brain is to treat stressors that cause tension. Taking an active and healthy life you will keep the body homeostasis, that is, positive, glucose and endorphine energy levels. You will begin to feel quieter once you start using all excessive energy through exercise, meditations and dedication to other recreational activities. Stress affects the release of endorphins also known as happiness hormone.


It implies to feel sad and annoying most of the day. This problem can lead to maniac depression, a depression where the individual loses all hope and perceives everything against him. Another stress action is the increase in cortisol levels in the brain, which affect metabolism, and therefore depressed people tend to inactivity and lethargy. Cause of depression;A prolonged increase in glucocorticoid levels can cause damage or weaken memory, because it makes nerve endings to connect with other new brain cells.

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It also causes short -term memory loss and prevents information transfer. One of the reasons that induces the appearance of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in people is the increase in glucocorticoid levels. Weakens memory. Stress releases a hormone called glucocorticoids in the brain that gradually weakens brain cells and finally kills them. Adrenaline is released during stress episodes, which agitates and confuses us. When this adrenaline is not spent, it can result in excessive glucocorticoid production. 

In a recent study carried out in laboratory rats, the following results were revealed. Examining animals, a high level of glucocorticoids was the cause of the animal’s damaged brain cells. The probability that similar results appear in humans, is high;And it is more likely if the tension is allowed for a prolonged period of time. Effects of long -term brain stress. When we have stress, the pituitary gland reacts by increasing the hormone secretion called adrenocortrophic (ACTH). 

When this Acth burst is sent by the pituitary reacts as an alarm system inside our brain. This alarm notifies the adrenal glands, which supply the blood torrent of stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. The release of these hormones causes a series of changes in our body, especially physiological. For example, increased heart rate and blood pressure, the alteration of the immune system and/or the inhibition of the digestive system. 

Once the stress disappears the levels of cortisol and adrenaline decrease from the bloodstream, reducing heart rate, blood pressure and the other functions of the body return to normal. Patophysiology;People familiarize the chronic stress that wears up until they reach a final and fatal nervous breakdown, because physical and mental resources are consumed by the wear and tear that has been during that long term. Chronic stress symptoms are difficult to treat and may require special medical and technical treatment and education management. 

The worst aspect of chronic stress is that people get used to it, they forget that it is there. People immediately aware of acute stress because it is something new. They ignore chronic stress because it is something old, familiar. Chronic stress kills through heart attack, violence, depression, suicide and even cancer. Chronic stress also known as exhausting stress, physically, psychologically and spiritually wears the people day after day, year after year. This type of stress destroys the body, mind and life. 

Some reasons of chronic stress come from traumatic experiences from childhood that remain painful and constantly present. Menstrual problems, skin problems, such as acne, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, high blood pressure, depression or anxiety, during chronic stress, your body remains alert even when there is no presence of stressors. Over time, this increases the risk of health problems, including among them: your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones. 

These hormones make your brain more alert, your muscles are tension and your pulse increase. These short -term reactions are good because they provide help to handle the situation caused by stress. In this way your body protects yourself. Hard chronic stress for a prolonged period of time. The most common reasons to obtain chronic stress are economic problems, marriage problems or work problems, among others. The stress that continues for weeks or months is considered chronic stress. 

It usually happens that the individual gets used to chronic stress that he does not realize that it is a problem. If the person does not find ways to control stress, this could cause serious health problems. Chronic stress;Acute stress occurs in anyone’s life, and is very manageable and treatable. Increased heart rate, there may be the presence of palpitations, dizziness, migraines, cold skin, breathing difficulty, and chest pain. Intestinal and/or stomach problems such as acidity, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. 

Muscle problems in which headaches, muscle tensions, back pain, tendons and ligament problems are associated. Three common emotions of stress, anger, depression and anxiety. Most people recognize common symptoms of acute stress. It is a list of what has gone badly in their lives: the loss of an important contract, the occasional problems of your child in school, and others. Since it is in the short term, acute stress does not have enough time to cause important damage associated with long -term stress. 

The most common symptoms for acute stress are: acute stress, this is in the short term that disappears rapidly. You can feel it when you press the brakes, fight your partner or ski on a slope. This helps you control dangerous situations. It also happens when it does something new or exciting. All people feel acute stress at some time or another. This is the most common in university students and in people in the workplace. Acute stress;From the psychological approach, stress is the result of a particular relationship between the individual and his environment.


It is evaluated by this as threatening or overflowing with its resources and that endangers your well -being. The effects of stress depend on both the perception of stressors and on personal and social skills, capacities and resources to face situations with stressful potential. There are two classifications for stress, acute and chronic. Stress is a set of physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses.

They are highly organized that are always present and prepare the individual to stay alert, adapt, survive and face tension situations. Sources, p. According to Lewis, stress adopts the definition of the inability to deal with the perceived (real or imagined). The demands are perceived differently about the person and the situation, since this can be emotionally or psychologically stressful for a person, but it may not be stressful for another person. Individual responses to the same stressor vary greatly.

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