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Cities And Their Growth In Society


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Cities and their growth in society


Humanity is characterized from its origins by notorious circumstances. The night falls and the human was no longer cold, hunger and much less fear of the beasts that hunted them by food. In that unfathomable tranquility came the new fear of him, a fear that cannot be solved in the same way in which he solved as many. The city: Is there anything more contemporary than the city? It is difficult to find a symbol that better represents that duality that exists between its progress and its gradual existential and social uncertainty. Individuals who immerse themselves in the gigantic concrete hives, will have to do everything in another way.


His time will be scarce, even when they immerse themselves in leisure, their personal space will be less and less intimate and stable. And thus, as his identity, he will be conditioned to the work he achieves and the location of this, ‘‘ (heaven will even lack stars) ’’ ’. Neufert, says that ‘‘ designers start from different and arbitrary scales and not, do not take into consideration the only one, the man ’’ ’’. And still surrounded by so many people, loneliness will stake them in every corner. If one thing is clear is that governments see ‘the horizon of the future covered with cities’ ’’. In the plans and forecasts of different powers of the world, the abandonment of the fields and the growth of cities is capitalized.

China goes further and imposes controlled programs, that over time, will sprout city after city.

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As well as seeking to grow existing ones. Because? Simply to increase their economic margins, technological and then culminating with politicians. The technique: a meta-political tendency towards the continuous advance, development and efficiency of productivity. This above all context, including the human context. It is not exclusive to China, nor is it new, but it is one of many things to consider when we talk about the ‘gigantic concrete entity’ ’’.

This trend to control, denying it, would be to deny something that would make ridicule, that we think about how ‘transport’ ’(especially cars) have molded the skeleton of these‘ colossi ’’ and its inhabitants and its inhabitants. (Roads normally connect and cars normally approach) but the reality is very complicated. There are areas where the roads are loaded with quotas and where the car is not only necessary but indispensable. Invisible barriers sites, but more effective than electrified between rich and poor (or sometimes between the rich and the rest). There are cases around the world; Santa Fe being an example of Mexico City, a place reserved for wealthy and clear, for the workers who serve them.

The city joins us, but it does not bind or stir. It is curious to hear of equality or the union of peoples when in the cities they welcome these principles around the globe. Invisible barriers. And in those towers that bathe the horizons of the cities, be luxurious, be luxurious, or are brief homes, these have been built to ensure that many live together, but as isolated as you can. Who in the healthy judgment of him would not support not having privacy before dozens of people? It is a paradox in pursuit of productivity, the house becomes that place near work, or that place near the places we like to buy.

Instead of that place near nearby people, or we want to have close to us, (we are forced to live piled up with each other). All this seems like this, on the one hand, we need to be able to move from place instead, leaving behind what is and on the other hand, that is just what praises the literature of self-help in a large majority. Sometimes misrepresenting Buddhist ideas to extol that ideal detachment and fear of commitment, not only to people, a fear of commitment to everything. And it is that the relationship with the roots, with the lands, with what can be called your ‘‘ community ’’ that is not common in the city.

These words can be strange, but for those who have not been born in the field, this sounds ridiculous. But the expressions of sadness for missing your lands are real, because those can feel owners not only of a land but a lifestyle. Whoever travels to the field will see how hours will lengthen to a point that may seem obscene. As you can talk a thousand times with them and still enjoy, in turn you will notice with stupefaction that those do not want. That their lands are like their families as a legacy that is not thought much but that in turn is always present.

When the city’s individual travels to these places, often what ends up missing are not exactly their lands, which ends up surprising, are the comforts present in the place where it is. And is that the loneliness of the city is ontological. It is not a loneliness that is clearly explained in being alone or physically, it is a loneliness that reaches us to the medulla. And many of the housing units around the world are designed with a basic principle that points to the creation of the individual (this clear for economic and health purposes)). In other words: the fact of having your own room, it becomes an individual.

Prosémic and behavioral mental barriers are generating you with others. It may be difficult to imagine, but in other latitudes, people share rooms, or if they share them, their rooms do not usually have a door, they are usually together and there is no idea of ​​personal space, nor the idea of ​​private property, but As such, the family or the people who share housing place, are part of you, are part of your identity, being that our last name has a special relevance, thus, the house where we come from, has an incredible weight, (( In the city that ends). You are forced to be part of others, which is not necessarily good or bad.

We must understand that the ‘technique’ ’behind cities something that leads to individualism and then, super individualism. Also part of this ontological loneliness is the ‘‘ no identity ’’ ’. We talk about a situation in which the subject no longer belongs to any place, (which explained about this ‘belonging to the earth’ ’). We talk about this situation where the subject has to adapt to the conditions that impose his space, but not the other way around, than his conditions, that his demands and needs amuse his space. What leads us to super individualism. In this way any place, it does not feel like your home, you feel as if you had no roots to anything.

Nothing is achieved, because nothing really belongs. It is not strange that today there is a renewed taste, and almost a popular fashion for the trip, traveling no matter where to travel. Because in the end where you go, you will have the same attachment as that place we call house. This is not necessarily bad, but all this must be taken into account, and much more, it is part of super individualism, in which the subject is only there for himself. Because he cannot take anyone else with all the things he has to carry, (in fact, this is one of the labor demands). Don’t you have availability to travel? Yes, but my family doesn’t. 

In turn, the individual is to blame for what is happening, he is solely responsible for his success or his failure. He can’t blame anyone else, because that would be that his individuality is fragile. Or institutions can affect my performance, which can be cut off opportunities. But that would go directly from ‘‘ I ’’ I can do everything, as long as I mentalize, as long as I am a positive person and work a lot. Demonstrate that I can do everything. This completely contradictory. This super individualism, as we have seen will turn its ballast and its opportunity at the same time. But above all it will become something that cuts the possibility of feeling part of the city.

It is surrounded by strangers all the time and even if you try, it will not be able to. There is not enough human energy in his body to be able to deal with the mouth of what the city is. Not only in its structures, or in its paths, either in its size, or in its economy; but also in their people. And it is always surrounded by dangers that cannot always be seen, dangers that can be invisible (an economic crisis, an attack, slander).  The city is always in transformation, changes and moves; And what was one day a prosperous neighborhood is then abandoned. There is simply no place to rest and the time itself makes no sense. Han, he tells us that "there is no other other, there is no longer the‘ ‘other’ ’to blame". 

This is part of the modern cosmopolitan condition and dream. The idea that there are no barriers and we all be equal, with each other. Which does not sound bad. But it simply avoids that we can no longer really feel any kind of defense against others. This city becomes that, a ‘concrete jungle’ ’and not because their planning is not working. All the ideas that were around her when she is built and her uses are being given. (But because they have succeeded). Again this is the spectrum of the technique, of certain type of utilitarianism. In an investigation of suicide prevention in adolescents (WHO).

It was found that in the future suicide will be one of the main causes of death among young people. To which, it will be called, ‘‘ An epidemic of solitude ’’ ’. And before all this social disintegration, social networks arrive, such as a ‘social placebo’ ’’. It is true that, in society, no matter who you are, that, that message, gives it to you, again and again. You are just one more, and the only thing that matters, is that you do not hinder, be famous, be a politician or an internet figure, be who you are. Is the city so terrible? Not quite. ‘‘ Simply the city is everything and more ’’. Maybe, if we saw the roads from heaven, they look like veins. Where hundreds of bright steel or aluminum cells circulate. 

Maybe that vision is real, maybe we simply leave our rooms and, when those ways suck us, we can’t stop by the movement. We are just one more cell. Isn’t it curious to think that? The cells do not know that we exist, but they are part of us and fulfill work for us. We in some way or another are a mega city full of cells, in turn the city does not always understand how the city in which it lives works. (And maybe he doesn’t want to do it either). He is only transported from one place to another, through those veins (roads). Transporting, reproducing and consuming. Thus almost infinitely, until the time comes when your energy ends. 

And then when he can no longer reproduce, his cycle ends, but he generated enough cells, which will do the same, but the city. The city is still there. The question now is: are we building a world of cities or are we building a world of humans? After certain uncertainties man has always been somehow related to the city or, rather, "the city focuses on man". Man is destructive by nature and by nature this same destroys the utopia that constantly try to build for himself, with ideals that do not make up with his space. 


Humanity needs designers and people who focus on this type of constructions, who have a wholesale base that, of course, has to be universal, based on what man really needs, and thus create a home, where he is comfortable with the environment and thus man can feel safe and can develop positively without causing or affecting more or lesser extent to others. The human being is self-destructive with cities because they do not belong to them, because they are not happy, because they really have other needs that are not priority for human life. It is not about concluding with a paradox that is trying to build a world. To create a space, knowledge is necessary and that knowledge is equally extensive as knowledge itself. 

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