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Leadership and its essential characteristics and skills Leadership is defined as a adjacent skills that an individual possesses to influence others. In the educational field, Wagne...
Words: 999
Pages: 4
Latin America and the Feudal System Today Latin America is a continent with capitalist and socialist countries, forms of government that have succeeded in certain countries and oth...
Words: 631
Pages: 2
La Regenta: The book Introduction I used to think that the worst that could happen to my life was to finish alone. But not. The worst is to end people......
Language origin: Language and Society Introduction 1. Origin of the feminist movement To begin, we will place briefly how the feminist movement began, in order to understand in a...
Words: 3070
Pages: 11
Language in English in Ecuador Introduction Ecuador is a country located in South America, the city of Quito is its capital. It has a population of approximately more than 16.000.0...
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Labor Law and Discrimination of Women who work Labor discrimination against women is one of the most recurring social problems in our nation, however, it is not a recent......
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Labor absenteeism and its main causes Introduction This work seeks to be carried out from a practical academic act, looking for the purpose of making a more transcendent approach...
Knowing Albert Camus Albert Camus, born on November 7, 1913 in Algeria and died on January 4, 1960 in a traffic accident in the French region of Yonne, was a......
King Carlomagno, Carlos El Grande The Middle Ages is a historical period that extends from the fall of Rome 476 to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The fall......
Words: 1149
Pages: 4
Kilimanjaro Maravilla y Roof del Mundo Introduction We travel today to one of the seven wonders of the world. Mount Kilimanjaro, or the "roof of the world" has served as....
Julio Cortázar and Magic Realism Cortázar used fantasy a lot, the magical and connected reality with the fantastic, often making the character delirious and confuse the reader, c...
Words: 2179
Pages: 8
Juan Rulfo literary contribution and his works Introduction. Juan Rulfo, was a Mexican writer was born in the city of Acapulco on May 16 in 1916 and died in Mexico......
Juan Eljuri Group, Discursive Epistemology of the capital's junctural reality Introduction Discursive epistemes; such as progress, wealth, private property, full welfare, capital a...
Words: 924
Pages: 3
Juana de Arco in French politics Introduction This work has a main objective, analyzing the influence by Juana de Arco towards French politics and determining the commitment he had...
Words: 1983
Pages: 7
Joseph Stalin caused Holodomor in Ukraine In 1928 Stalin proposed a new strategy to improve industrial production, which had been roughing after the Russian civil war. Since Stalin...
Words: 587
Pages: 2
José María Arguedas and his contribution in Peru “The truly heroic and difficult task was to extend to the majority of the capital population this understanding of art called i...
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Japanese concentration camps in the United States What are human rights? Are the freedoms and obligations inherent to all human beings that nobody has authority to deny them. The...
Words: 1542
Pages: 6
Islam in South America and the possible influence of Islamic extremism Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion, based on its sacred book "El Koran", which establishes...
Words: 1397
Pages: 5
Islamic art of the 10th century Introduction We are facing a work framed at the time of the Fatimí Caliphate present in North Africa between the 909 and 1171, after......
Isabel la Católica as the First Mecna in Spain Isabel la Católica is considered one of the first patron in the history of Spain. His taste for art led him......
Inverse wind energy osmosis Introduction. The panorama regarding water for human consumption is daunting. Almost two million people die a year due to lack of drinking water and it ...
Words: 3336
Pages: 12
Inventions and discoveries of Leonardo Da Vinci Introduction With his study of the ideal proportions of the body, it is a drawing with annotations on the anatomy of the human......
Intervention of Social Work Help Introduction Natalia Rodríguez Valladolid is a diploma in social work and official of the Logroño City Council corresponding to the Social Work U...
Words: 1352
Pages: 5
Internet development as a means of communication in Mexico Introduction Imagine that there is only an appliance store near our home, we can hardly acquire what we need elsewhere an...
Words: 1110
Pages: 4
International Humanitarian Rights, its importance and application in Colombia Introduction In this essay, the concept of international humanitarian law and the importance of the st...
Words: 1168
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Intercultural philosophy Before starting to develop this issue, it is very important. Regarding the word philosophy Adela Cortina, a Spanish philosopher, tells us: “Philosophy ...
Intercultural communication in antiquity Introduction Throughout the world there are around 184 countries, more than 600 groups of living languages and 5,000 ethnic groups, which i...
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Integration, segregation and discrimination Introduction Without a doubt, the issue of more controversy in today's world is the immigration of Hispanics to the United States. Today...
Words: 1354
Pages: 5
Inspiration of art in literary works Introduction How do memories affect the inspirations of the individual of the nineteenth century, based on literary work beyond the oblivion of...
Words: 1269
Pages: 5
Insecurity and their relationship with the citizen and gender The insecurity of cities is a daily problem in urban life, thousands of resources are allocated daily to control their...
Influence of marketing in the economy of the Citadel of Machu Picchu Day by day thousands of tourists travel in search of places which satisfy their desires for adventure,......
Words: 1068
Pages: 4
Influence of gender stereotypes in today's society Introduction The opinion column of this written work is based on the topic "Gender". The objective of this work is to p...
Influence of criminological sciences in Mexico Introduction Criminology in Mexico has a variety of influences, so that this science is not developed as it should and is not conside...
Individual and reliable company Introduction The EMIP company is a company with more than ten years of experience, its area is the transport of personnel, it was developed in 2001....
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Income and wealth gap in Mexico: the reasons and political instruments of its decrease It has been revealed by Oxfam that only a few people (85) have the same wealth......
Words: 2160
Pages: 8
Incidence of globalization in current policy When we talk about incidents, we refer to how something can affect or change an area or theme, causing both negative and positive......
Words: 1318
Pages: 5
Importance to maintain water quality Introduction The most likely number techniques is a means of estimating the density of viable microorganisms in a sample. It is based on sowing...
Importance of the Navy in the development of a country Introduction The history of humanity is full of wars, revolutions and military coups. It seems that armies have played a......
Importance of modern history in art history As a reflection on the course, the Modern History Professor Jacinto Juan de Vega Domínguez of the University of Salamanca exposes us, s...
Importance and evolution of the nurse uniform In the following trial, the importance will be announced, highlighting the main functions granted by each of the garments that compose...
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