Civil Society
Words: 275
Pages: 1
Civil Society
Being an American citizen means I get to enjoy all the rights and privileges that come along with it. A common thread which is citizenship connects all Americans. The U.S is a nation that is bound by shared freedom, values, equality, and liberty. As a citizen, I have the freedom of worship and freedom to express myself. The American constitution provides that for one to be considered an eligible voter, they have to be at least eighteen years of age. Once I turn eighteen, I believe I will be able to exercise my democratic right of voting. It is my responsibility as a citizen of the United States to take part in democratic processes in which I am eligible. I am expected to obey all the laws of the land and respect other people’s beliefs, opinions, and rights. Taking part in my local community’s initiatives gives me the fulfillment of a true American citizen. I respect those in authority, and I conduct myself well not to disturb other people’s peace. Being a U.S citizen means I have access to quality education and healthcare services.
The civil society is made up of non-governmental organizations that have the interests of citizens at heart. My role in civil society is respecting the law, respecting individual rights and freedoms, and other people’s rights to express their freedoms. My role is to also raise public concern regarding any forms of abuse of power as well as exposing and form of corruption by public officials. As a civil society actor, I should promote political participation of the citizens by educating people about their rights and freedoms as the U.
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S citizens. Civil society monitors a democratic state to ensure it is legitimate and effective.
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