View all "Classroom" ready papers, essays and assignments
The personality of the teacher and the necessary qualities for teaching Introduction The term personality derives from the word person of the Latin origin, which means "mask&q...
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The performance of educational centers in the eradication of bullying When there is a case of bully. According to Olweus, a psychologist considered the pioneer in addressing this i...
The Odyssey of my latest teaching practices Introduction My last and so longed for residences began on September 18, 2020 in the 0-118 Dra garden. María Estela Lima Páez de......
THE MORAL OF THE HUMAN BEING There is a connection between him and his constant and comprehensive formation that avoids moral relativism, since this refers to the moral state of......
The innovative teacher and its impact on learning An innovative teacher is also a motivating teacher because his constant eagerness to stay updated and learning different ways of t...
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The influence of the motivation on learning a second language Introduction The situation in public schools regarding the learning of a new language is worrying. Even with the chang...
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Pages: 6
The influence of a teacher's leadership in education When a teacher always wants to go beyond his established performances, having commitment to his work and wanting to achieve tho...
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THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSICAL EDUCATION First, before starting this programming, we must know the importance given to auditions in the primary education stage. But what is a hearing? A...
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The great importance of writing Scripture, like orality, is also a form of social interaction and constitutes a system of signs independent of this, governed by own laws. Written p...
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The five qualities of a good teacher When talking about the qualities of a good teacher we can find a lot of articles about it. That can even create more......
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The Educational Pact, one of the most important sectors of society Introduction Education is one of the most important sectors for society, since it is essential for the correct de...
Words: 2214
Pages: 8
The development of the neighborhoods Introduction Read a document called “The neighborhood is an misunderstood dimension?”By: Diego Londoño García, of which students must ela...
Words: 989
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THE CURRICULUM, LEARNING ROUTES AND, MAP OF PROGRESS As we know the curriculum is the curricular basis where the general principles of education are, it is also a very important......
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The current teacher and his formation in didactics (strengths and weaknesses) Currently, didactics is important in education, because it allows us to exploit, selection or elaborat...
The child's behavior Introduction It refers to the actions, behaviors that children present during their growth and training, some behaviors are observed in the classroom as emotio...
The autonomous apprentice and the teaching role The current learning is mediated by many circumstances such as the mass media that can be a tool for or against the process,......
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The art of grammatical translation Introduction Have you ever studied Latin? Ancient Greece? Sanskrit? Linear b? If so, you probably used the grammatical translation methodology. Y...
Study on Research and Historiography Throughout the present work we have seen numerous currents all with their pros and cons. In addition, we have deepened numerous historians reco...
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Study on identity, tolerance and exclusion I want to start this essay with a phrase from Nelson Mandela, who was an activist politic”We live in the 21st century where many......
Words: 939
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Study habits and social habits The main purpose of the research was oriented to verify the relationship between the habits of studies and social skills with academic performance in...
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Pages: 7
Student's care and his school uniform Introduction Attending classes continuously and permanently is one of the simplest factors of school life, however, it is one of the most impo...
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Strengths and weaknesses of face -to -face education and distance education Education has always been a subject of utmost importance, independent to the degree or scope to which it...
State of Artistic Education as a contemporary educational environment in Colombia The disciplines that we will see below are far from our reality, do not cover everything in Colomb...
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Starting a business without initial capital Introduction. The most common reason why many entrepreneurs advocate not starting a business is because they don't have money. What to...
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Socioformative learning environments and knowledge society Developing Education According to Escudero (2018), education is a path of access to the knowledge society, where the role...
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Social worker roles in society This role is done by systematic data collection, establishing hypotheses and verifying them, using professional and scientific techniques to carry ou...
Social norms and their behaviors Introduction This evidence is related to the importance acquired by the development of social skills in the classroom of this group, being an aspec...
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Social networks, advantages and disadvantages of its use A social network is a website whose purpose is to allow users to relate, communicate, share content and create communities....
Sign language and its process Introduction Through this process, it seeks to integrate people with hearing impairment, which is determined by various considerable factors when th...
self - esteem, the main indicator in school performance self - esteem is a main indicator in personal development, it is formed about the opinions we have of ourselves. The......
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self-care and freedom Introduction Many are the authors of different branches of human sciences that give contributions to the definition of freedom. Sociologists, psychologists, p...
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School accompaniment strategies One of the main factors within the teaching-learning process of children is the importance that school accompaniment requires throughout the course ...
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School abuse being autistic All schools must comply with a number of legal obligations in regards to bullying, a topic included in the School Violence Law. Everyone must have a......
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School abandonment as a result of student frustration Education is extremely relevant in life, since it consists of a process of knowledge transmission, which allows the student to...
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Research designs Introduction This chapter will define the approach, method and techniques to be used in this research, which aims to design a pedagogical proposal based on educati...
Religious freedom and children's education The main subject to be addressed in this judgment is the right to education of article 27.1 CE, in reference to the guarantee that public...
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Religion in Spain's education Today, we live in a multicultural society, we are surrounded by students with different religious beliefs. Therefore, religious tolerance must exist w...
Words: 448
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REFLECTION AND CRITICAL ACTIVITY Introduction The central theme of this critical review is focused on higher education, observing that it has a diverse and extensive possibility of...
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Reading is a practice that enriches the person Introduction In Peru, the education system seeks to achieve a complete training of the human being, it is for this reason that......
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Public Business School Introduction The world advances with entrepreneurship and technological development, which allows distances to be increasingly short and the most dynamic tim...
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