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Climatic Change And Its Health Repercussions


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Climatic change and its health repercussions


Climate change is a global event that has been taking place since man began to develop industries for the improvement of comfort in his environment, since as a result of manufacturing car, electronic devices, exploitation of fossil resources for energy productionThis has caused an increase in greenhouse gases such as CO2, nitrous oxide and the most harmful gas for our planet chlorofluorocarbon;Therefore, global warming is increased causing phenomenon series that after destroying the habit in which we live, are having an effect on our health that slowly will be affected by future generations. The greatest impacts have as extreme weather events, melting of glaciers, increased sea level, droughts, air pollution and aerlergens (particles that cause allergic reactions between some conditions we have asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, common flu),and the diseases transmitted by infectious vectors (dengue, malaria, malaria, lymphatic filariais, chikunguya, etc.), also diseases such as diarrhea and caloric stress make the mortality rate in the world increase. We can no longer stop the drastic turns that our planet has taken, but if we can adapt and transform the different causes that make climate change increasing.


The awareness and information of topics such as climate change makes the point of exchange possible to be ableAs the main actor for the increase in pollution, it has already been directly and indirectlythat increases greenhouse gases.

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All these acts result in an instability in the climate in which it affects not only small areas but to the entire contineOur weather is changing the way of surviving plants, animals that are intended to be in a specific area;At the time of altering this we would be based its existence due to the abrupt change that would be doing to its usual environment in addition this leads to the proliferation of bacterial, parasitic and fungal or mycotic viral diseases.

The Ecology and Development Foundation, Plaza San Bruno, No. 9, 50001 Zaragoza, with NIF DG50503523 obtained from https: // porelclima.es/toolbox/1777-la-adaptation-al-chamber-climatic-from-the-person-of-la-salud-public-and-labor?GCLID = EAIAIQOBCHMIKNDJK83_5Givjyfor3GPG_0eaayasaaegl8k_D_BWe


Climate change and global warming

There is a big difference between climate change and global warming, although climate change is not produced 100% by the hand of man there is climate change that occurs naturally, it is an involuntary process of the earth but it has not always been like this, since the human race has begun from its beginning to alter this natural process due to the rapid increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases caused by people who burn coal, oil and also to burn fossil fuels, air pollution emissions.

The alteration of the climate in addition to affecting and destroying infrastructure by the different climatic phenomena that hits urban and rural areas also affects the economy by the need to rebuild public and state goods, in addition to having a loss in the food industry by changesdrastic in areas that are not their own for the cultivation of certain foods and one of the strong impact of climate change would have on people’s health. It is estimated that in the last 130 years the world is heated approximately 0.85% ° C and the prognosis ensure that, if it continues to depend on oil exploitation as the main income for the economy of a country, the planet’s temperature will increase4 degrees unlike the pre-industrial era.

The planet has experienced climate change before: the average temperature of the earth has fluctuated throughout the history of 4,540 million years of the planet. The Earth has experienced long periods of cold (‘ice ages’) and warm periods (‘interglacy’) in cycles of 100,000 years for at least the last million years. (Caitlyn Kennedy & Rebecca Lindsey, April 10, 2018)

Caitlyn Kennedy, Rebecca Lindsey, (April 10, 2018) obtained from https: // www.Climate.GOV/News-FEATURES/Climate-QA/%C2%BFCU%C3%A1L-ES-LA-DEFFERENCE-Entre-El-Calenteción-Global-Y-El-Cambio-Clim%C3%A1

Affectation to the human being

The strongest problem of climate alteration is that they have repercussions on the health of the human being then to recapitulate;Global warming is an effect caused by climate change since, at the time of climate alteration for reasons already mentioned, global warming increases causing melting glaciers, storms, rains, droughts and of course it would have results such as diseases by AeroAllergens such as asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, anaphylaxis, urticaria;Infectious diseases caused by vectors such as dengue, chikunguya, malaria or malaria depends a lot on the weather. Transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, malaria kills almost 600,000 people each year, especially African children under five years old. The mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, dengue vector, are also very sensitive to climatic conditions. Studies in this regard lead to think that climate change is likely to continue increasing the risk of dengue transmission;also caloric stress;The extreme air temperature has direct influence on deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, with greater direction towards adulthood.

As a result we have that all areas and populations will be affected by climate change, but some more vulnerable areas than others such as megalopolis, mountainous regions, polar, coastal, island states about to disappear due to the increase in sea level in the Pacificwestern,

In poor countries, children are one of the main populations most vulnerable to health irrigation as well as elderly people

“There are many individual policies and options that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and report important collateral benefits for health. For example, the promotion of safe use of public transport and active displacement forms – foot or by bicycle as an alternative to private vehicles – could reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the load involved in air pollution in homes in homesand air pollution, which causes about 4.3 million and 3.7 million deaths every year, respectively ”. (WHO World Health Organization, February 1, 2018).

February 1, 2018 WHO (World Health Organization) obtained from https: // www.quien.INT/ES/NEWS-ROOM/FACT-SHEETS/DETAIL/CHANGE-CLIM%C3%A1TICO-Y-SALUD

Vector transmission diseases

Vector transmitted conditions have a percentage about 17% of infectious diseases, having vulnerable poverty sectors in subtropical and tropical areas of the world. Vector -transmitted diseases are proliferated by parasites, viruses, and bacteria transmitted by ticks, flies, careas, snails, mosquitoes, bedbugs and lice.

The rise in the proliferation of these diseases is also enlarged with unplanned urbanizations, world busIts high moisture place where its development can be carried out successfully, urban areas are also ideal sites for the increase in these pathogens due to the lack of solid waste gestation systems, nor the supply of a reliable drinking water network,This situations contribute to the distribution of infectious diseases.

WHO In view of the excessive number of infection for vector -transmitted diseases contributes to countries with strategic, regulatory and technical orientations to have a control of vectors, WHO is pronounced from:

  • Contributing evidence -based orientations to control vectors and protect people against infection;
  • Providing technical assistance to countries, so that cases and outbreaks can effectively manage;
  • Providing support to countries to improve their notification systems and register the true morbidity load;

(WHO, World Health Organization, October 31, 2017).

WHO, World Health Organization (October 31, 2017) obtained from https: // www.quien.INT/ES/NEWS-OOM/FACT-SHEETS/DETAIL/VECTOR-BORNE-DISASEES

Ecuador affectations due to climate alteration

In Ecuador, the most affected areas are the Ecuadorian coast and east. The main condition are vector transmission since they are more likely to develop it through tropical areas, such as dengue, malaria, ckinkungguy. In general, these viruses are developed in tank or streets in poor condition since it forms puddles and their proliferation is rapid, also the conditions that Ecuador has faced has been due to vulnerable areas without economic resources such as Chagas disease its infection usuallyoccur via contact with the stools of an insect called Trypanozoma Cruzi, once the mosquito bite penetrates the skin.

In July 2018, 1953 cases of Dengue and Chinkunguya are confirmed, the most affected provinces are Manabí, Guayas, El Oro, Morona Santiago, Los Ríos and Napo that accumulate 80.49%(1577 cases). (Infomed – National Center for Information of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Jul 21st, 2018).

As an example of allergen diseases that have affected Ecuador more in the coastal region for being the most populous area of the Ecuadorian territory;We have at the beginning of 2018 the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) reported 15.440 cases of conjunctivitis Some hypotheses about possible causes are by contaminated water sources, dust or sources of chemical origin. February 21, 2018. (By medical edition, February 21, 2018). The high population index that was affected by the conjunctivitis epidemic resulted in health establishments were crowded with patients who arrived by said colloquially called "Chinese kick" epidemic.

Jul 21st, 2018. Infomed – National Center for Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health. Obtained from https: // songs.SLD.Cu/Surveillance

Organs affected by various pathologies of climate change

  • Dengue: viral infection can trigger hepatitis (liver inflammation), liver failure (liver), encephalopathy (brain), myocarditis (heart), severe hemorrhages and shock. The disease in the severe phase can even cause death. Dengue can be mild or serious.
  • Malaria: Brain damage If blood cells with parasites block small blood vessels in the brain can cause seizures and a coma state.

Lungs (pulmonary edema).

It can make the kidneys or the liver fail, or that the sple.

Malaria affects red blood cells, which can result in anemia.

  • Asthma: In the lung, the oxygen of the air passes from the alveoli to the red blood cells of the blood to be transported to all the cells of the body of the body. The lungs are formed by a very elastic fabric, which allows the air to between and out of its interior with the respiratory movements produced thanks to the action of the diaphragm (muscle located between the thorax and the abdomen) and the rest of the respiratory musclesThoracic. Asthma is a disease of the bronchi or airways located inside the lungs.
  • Rhinitis: (nasal region) Throat and nose itching, persistent nasal secretions, post -nasal drip and sneezing.
  • Caloric stress: dehydration, deterioration of cells, muscle spasms.

February 14, 2018.Benjamín Constant 658 Last hour obtained from: https: // www.last minute.com/la-virosis-del-dengue-can-affect-pulmon-higado-cerebro-y-corazon-n1133597.HTML


The human being has the duty and obligation to cushion the blow that is giving climate change because he is responsible for this alteration being increasing by trying to exploit natural resources for the entry of companies and the tangible good that isUnique and that our successors can appreciate why it is where their future will be developed, so if this will disappear, instability will be achieved causing total destruction and radical extinction of the human being. The only possible do in these times is to acquire knowledge, prepare us by planning, organizing ideas that attribute to the defense of various pathologies that the population acquires and thus be able to defend ourselves from all the problems that climate change gives as a result, prevention campaigns in thevulnerable communities from developing countries to have a low mortality index due to vector and allergen diseases in addition to raising awaresuffer various pathologies. We culminate with a phrase from the French poet Víctor Hugo:

‘It produces immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen to it.’ – Víctor Hugo (1802 – Paris, 1885)

We interpret it that the human being is blinded by greed, destroying natural resources and causing alteration in the climate resulting in the loss of his only life site and of existing.


  • Climate change: are the variations in the averages of the values of the meteorological elements (temperature, precipitation, humidity, etc.) of a wide region, over a period of time, which cause alterations in the original climate of that area.
  • Global warming: increase in quantity or number of something quickly
  • Proliferation: increase in quantity or number of something quickly.
  • Greenhouse gases: phenomenon by which certain gases retain part of the energy emitted by the ground after being heated by solar radiation.
  • Allergens: It is a substance that can cause or trigger an allergic reaction in humans and other mammals. Etymologically, ‘allergen’ means that it causes or generates allergy.


  • ACCIONA, s.A. from Alcobendas (Madrid). Obtained from https: // www.act.com/es/change-climatic/
  • WHO (World Health Organization). (February 1, 2018). Obtained from https: // www.quien.INT/ES/NEWS-ROOM/FACT-SHEETS/DETAIL/CHANGE-CLIM%C3%A1TICO-Y-SALUD
  • Infomed – National Center for Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health. (Jul 21st, 2018). Obtained from https: // songs.SLD.Cu/Surveillance
  • Medical Edition (February 21, 2018). Obtained from https: // www.medical edition.EC/SECTIONS/HEALTH-PUBLICA/MINISTRY-DE-SALUD-REPORTA-M-S-DE-5-400-CASOS-DE-CONJUNTIVITIS-91750
  • Luis e. Mendoza Pontifical Pántifia Catholic University of Ecuador. Original article: Diario La Crónica (Loja) (June 25, 2018) obtained from https: // cisealpuce.Edu.EC/NEWS/267-FOMATO-THE-CHAGAS-EN-ECUADOR%20%20.HTML
  • LCDA. Marta Talise published by Web Consultas (November 25, 2017). Obtained from https: // www.Webconsultas.com/health-al-dia/dengue/diagnosis-of-dengue-6765
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  • Benjamín Constant 658 Last Hour. (February 14, 2018). Obtained from https: // www.last minute.com/la-virosis-del-dengue-can-affect-pulmon-higado-cerebro-y-corazon-n1133597.HTML  

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