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Faith in the future The current world is mostly dehumanized people human, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships are being degenerated. Values are being lost and our functio...

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters Introduction Who better than with Shakespeare to begin this dissertation The exterior appearance proclaims the internal condition of man (Shakespe...

Exploration in clinical cases of dentistry Introduction During the intraoral exploration, the dentist, observes that the patient suffers from bruxism, that is, it brightens the tee...

Existentialism in the second sex Existentialism against stereotypes according to Simone Beauvoir and transmitters in gender and religion through normalization in people's thinking ...

Essay on equal employment opportunities "Exceptional affirmative action at the National University of CuyLanguage or even for its geological location. In this particular situa...

Equality measures in schools Introduction The main problem that exists in this school is that the Coexistence Plan has not been reviewed in 6 years. Although the school is the......

Epistosis and the inheritance of the habit of the plant and the quality of the fruit Introduction The pepper (capsicum annuum l.) It is a domesticated ornamental angiosperm plant, ...

Environmental Biotechnology and Development of Human Activities In the last century the development of multiple human activities (in industry, transport and production), the increa...

Empiricism, knowledge and existence Empirism is one of the philosophical currents that opposes rationalism within modern philosophy, empiricism arises in England and has as main re...

Empiricism and great philosophers Berkeley, Locke and Humé ‘No human knowledge can go beyond your experience’. (Locke j. , 1632-1704). The issue of empiricism generates intere...

Effects of globalization in companies in Mexico The objective of this essay is for the reader. As the objective of the essay is that the reader is well informed in......

Edible fungi as part of culinary art Introduction From our origins;Fungi have been present in much of our cultures as part of our culinary art. But not all are edible......

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Easy learn making flowers on cardboard.  Introduction First, a cordial greeting dear friends, today Educateaqui. Online provides practical and simple information to learn to make ...

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Dramatic expressive media Introduction What are the dramatic expressive media? They are multidimensional expression that occurs within a planned context of expression such as what ...

Dracula and the celebration of the dead Introduction There are many traditions around the world that suppose more than a celebration, more than a party or a part of our......

Division and Classification, Population segregation Introduction Part of the characteristics of discrimination and division in South Africa and the invention of the forced transfer...

Divergent and the community divided into five factions Introduction This text aims to inform and disseminate the knowledge acquired from a broad reading about the divergent book. D...

Disneyland amusement park for the family Introduction Walter Elías Disney was born on December 5, 1901. His dad was called Elías Disney and was a carpenter and his mother Flora.....

Discrimination of individual ethnic groups and prejudices Introduction The UN does not define racism;However, define ‘racial discrimination’. According to the United Nations In...

Discrimination and types of existing rejections Introduction Discrimination can be considered as one of the most inhuman things in this world and every time people try to face and ...

Discrimination and change of education for equality Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyze the changes in education in education, in behaviors, attitudes and values, ...

Dinosaur: The most famous animal Introduction What is a dinosaur? Dinosaurs are among the most famous animals in the world, but paradoxically they are also among the least known. W...

Different types of work violence Introduction. According to the Office of Advice on Labor Violence, the term of work violence would represent any action aimed at directly or indire...

Different types of heavy metal Introduction Heavy metals are chemical elements, characterized by their high density and fixation, accumulation and permanence capacity, these are di...

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Differences between Spanish and Latin American modernism Modernism is, in addition to a spiritual and artistic movement, a vital attitude and a way of seeing life. Rubén Darío is...

Didactic games for children's development Introduction Educational Games are currently constituted in one of the most used teaching tools in the school for the development of learn...

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Desiree and Vajillas Baby Introduction The harmonic presentation of food is fundamental at this stage where the child is discovering the world around him. Show different colors and...

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Dental care tips in Cambridge patients Introduction. Nothing gives a better first impression than a healthy smile that shows shiny white teeth. With modern social and professional ...

Death of a seller: Arthur Miller American Dream We will take as a starting point the theatrical text "Death of a traveler" by Arthur Miller, written in 1949. In this......

Dairy derivatives and their various benefits Introduction Villi is a type of mesophilic fermented milk that originated in Scandinavia;For the formation of this type of fermented mi...

Cryptographic algorithms and security Introduction Privacy is an issue that gives little relevance in the media. Companies such as Google or Microsoft have been subject to many acc...

Critics review of the film 12 years of slavery Introduction 12 years of slavery is an American film directed by Steve McQueen. In 2013 based on the autobiography of Solomon......

Critical reflection of the behavioral manifesto  Introduction Next, a critical reflection of the behavioral manifesto published by J is going to be made.B. Watson will be analyzed...

Critical essay on Martin Lindstrom's book What the Buying Book made by Martin Lindstrom refers to that there is another way to present to consumers the brand, it is not......

Critical comment from The "Descent of Christ of the Cross"   It is a Gothic painting where a religious scene is shown in which we see in the center highlight......

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Critical analysis of the avant -garde The avant -garde as a way to face the world with new eyes, that is, see the world differently, where there is a radical......

Criminology as a science that prevents crime Introduction Criminology is an Inter and Multi-Disciplinary science in order to study, analyze, intervene and prevent crime, criminal a...

Criminal profile, serial killer. Introduction Killer, is it done or is born? Despite the scientific and technological advances that have been achieved, there is still much to learn...

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Congenital ichthiosis, symptoms and possible treatments. Introduction: Trying to define congenital ichthiosis (IC) is trying to define a really broad and complex topic, because it ...

Conceptual analysis of gender identity in society Introduction It is easy to understand the definition of concepts equality, tolerance and discrimination. Equality means condition ...

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