Common Basic Standards For The Improvement Of Coexistence In Schools
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DownloadCommon basic standards for the improvement of coexistence in schools
Principles of action and strategies for improving coexistence in schools.
In general, we can say that the rules are rules that establish what is allowed to perform or not in certain circumstances in certain circumstances. They are also to guide the behavior of a community, in our case, a school. Therefore, to contribute to a good development of school activity and favor the good climate of coexistence and study in the educational center, the establishment and compliance with certain standards are necessary. It will be the responsibility of the entire educational community (teachers, students, parents, non -teaching staff …) that the coexistence is as correct and adequate as possible and of the educational authorities to give the necessary tools for it to be fulfilled.
Basic norms of coexistence and behaviors contrary to coexistence
For the proper functioning of a school, a series of basic coexistence standards must be established that must be mandatory by the entire educational community. Some of these are listed below:
- Show an appropriate silence in the educational center during classes. Also when the teacher is teaching class.
- Conserve and use the center’s facilities correctly.
- Maintain an order in the environment.
- The consumption of tobacco throughout the center is strictly prohibited.
- The behavior and treatment of all students to all members of the educational community must be attached to the basic norms of respect and education.
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- Respect teachers and all members of the educational community. At the same time also respect the decisions that the teacher makes as in the evaluation criteria, tasks ..
- Respect classmates. Do not attack neither verbally or physically, that is, no bullying.
- Mobile phones must remain in houses, their use in the center being prohibited. In the case of taking them to the center, they will be extinguished in the classroom during the course of the class.
- It must be punctual at the entrance to class and attend them regularly.
- The conservation and good use of school supplies is of obligation on the part of students.
- Carry adequate clothing and present a correct hygiene.
In addition, the following are considered behaviors contrary to the norms of coexistence:
- The lack of respect for all members of the educational center.
- The interruption or alteration of the normal development of classes and other activities.
- Unjustified offenses.
- Indiscipline against members of the school community.
- The improper use of the center’s facilities.
- The use of mobile phones or other electronic devices within the center’s units, unless the teacher allows for the performance of some activity.
- The non -correct hygiene and cleaning.
- Harassment and school violence:
Apart, and as one of the biggest problems of coexistence, if it is not the most serious, within schools, it is necessary to stand in school harassment and violence. They are situations of bullying:
- Social exclusion.
- Psychological harassment: that is to say contempt, lack of respect and consideration, contempt, hatred, ridiculization, mockery, contempt.
- Coercion.
- Intimidation, blackmail and threats.
- Aggressions: both physical fights, provocations, bullying and verbal: offenses insults, contempt.
- Discrimination for gender reasons, race, sex, sexual orientation.
- sexual harassment.
Teacher Authority:
The behaviors that undermined the authority of the teacher also deserve a separate section, since there are also cases of violence towards teachers inside and outside the classrooms. Some of these behaviors are:
- Disturbance in the development of classes as interruption.
- Disappointment to the teacher and indiscipline acts.
- Failure to comply with the student of transfer to their parents of information such as notes, communications ..
- Deterioration of teacher material.
- Harassment and violence towards the teacher.
- Offenses and insults towards the teacher.
- Principles of action.
As soon as it manifests or records the breach of the norms of coexistence, the educational center must have some principles of action in the face of this problem, which will be different depending on the severity of the same. First, you could follow a protocol like the following:
- Admonition by the teacher at the time the inadequate behavior takes place.
- In case of repetition of inappropriate behavior to the standards, the teacher’s admonition outside class hours.
- If recidivism persists, immediate appearance before the Head of Studies and warning to the student on the other hand.
- If this behavior is maintained, parents will be warned about sanctions that may be applied in the event that behavior contrary to coexistence is not corrected.
If this previous protocol failed to correct the behavior problem, the following corrections could be applied:
- Private or written warning.
- Appearance before the Head of Studies or the Director.
- Realization of tasks that contribute to the improvement and development of the activities of the center.
- Class or group change.
- Suspension of the right to participate in extracurricular or complementary activities.
- If the behavior is very serious, the student’s expulsion can be carried out.
These corrections must have as far as possible an educational and recovery character, they have to guarantee respect for the rest of the students and have to imply the improvement in the relationships of all members of the educational community. In addition, they will also involve families, with the acquisition of a series of commitments to help coexistence: class assistance, collaboration with the educational center, support actions, interviews with tutors.
Another possible action is what we could call school mediation for not very serious conflicts, which would imply their resolution by the intervention of an impartial third person through the respect, dialogue and collaboration of all members of the educational community. This would favor students’ involvement when resolving the different conflicts that could arise. Its functions could be:
- Detect possible conflicts.
- To analize the situation.
- Make propositions to the center for possible improvements.
- Mediate.
- Accompany students who have problems.
And, finally, for the most serious cases (harassment, violence, bullying …), a principle of action is a commission for monitoring bullying, which will address the possible actions to be carried out and the exhaustive monitoring of the problem. This commission would be composed of the director and the head of Studies, and would be responsible for eradicating these behaviors of harassment and violence, and communication to the parents of this problem.
Strategies for the improvement of coexistence.
Once described the rules of coexistence, contrary behaviors and possible principles of action within a school, then the possible strategies are listed to improve coexistence in schools both at the level of the centers and at the political level (Ministry, autonomous communities) that could be carried out and that could be applied in the future:
- Preventive evaluation: Study students to see what their family, social, economic situation is … to detect and prevent harassment and violence. Therefore, see the causes that lead to harassment by certain students to others.
- Study the climate of coexistence: see the conflicts that occur more frequently, make an analysis of them, look for possible solutions, activate mechanisms ..
- Try that actions and strategies always be positive as far as possible. An example: instead of a class expulsion of a conflicting student, lead him to counselors or mediators to reflect and meditate on their behaviors.
- Improve the tutorial action plan: carry out activities with students. Education in values, in human rights, for the improvement of coexistence, against bullying, in prevention of violence, promoting communication within the classroom, improving relationships between students.
- Promote the Harassment Commission: composed of different members of the educational community such as the Director, Head of Studies and the teacher of the harassed student, where possible actions would be addressed.
- Enhance school mediation: for the resolution of conflicts by a third person that helps to reach a satisfactory agreement between the parties involved, as previously stated. It would always be for cases not very serious, not for harassment, violence ..
- Teach to change your behavior from an early age: reeducation programs based on empathy, rejection of violence, greater social awareness and tolerance, admitting diversity.
- Educational workshops for proper use of the Internet and social networks to avoid and prevent cyberbullying: since it is one the most implanted forms of harassment today.
- Help and encourage students to suffer harassment and violence to denounce their cases to their teachers and parents. Greater attention to students with problems of this nature, that is, more individualized attention.
- Action protocols: faster, faster and forceful in order that the problem is not attached more.
- Conference of coexistence between the educational community (students, teaching and non -teaching staff, families …): where respect, education from a playful point of view to favor greater awareness. Excursions, sports days, delivery of recreational workshops could be made ..
- Sensitization among students: older to the least, among the students themselves to their parents to prevent violence through talks given by the students of the center as a possible solution to the problem.
- Isolate the stalkers: the law could be changed since there is no one to the stalker in case the reeducation does not work and in case of very recurrent recurrence.
- Improvements in methodology: greater training to teachers in these problems.
- Greater public investment: in educational programs and institutional advertising that aware against attitudes of harassment and violence. Increase in resources.
- Collaboration with NGOs, local entities …: to raise awareness of the social problems that surround us and understand the possible problems that lead to those behaviors.
For the proper functioning of an educational center, the application and drafting of a series of coexistence standards is necessary. Compliance or not on them, will depend on everyone’s responsibility, from the highest instances to the students, through parents and teachers. Therefore, these standards must focus on a series of basic principles such as tolerance, education, respect … so that the climate within an educational center and in the classroom is the best possible so that all students can study,Learn, develop as people, interact in the best conditions.
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