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Communication And Marketing As A Key Factor Within The Strategies Of Companies


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Communication and marketing as a key factor within the strategies of companies


Communication is a human activity in which it has evolved with the passage of technological, social and cultural advances. Its high efficiency has allowed an adequate organization of societies to achieve common objectives. Being organizations part of a society, it is understood that communication is a vital element for survival;Since after the approach of strategies of any type of an organization, it is necessary.

Through this essay, it seeks to present how communication and marketing influence the approach of strategies within organizations, specifically, in sales and marketing departments. To do this, a brief review of various articles has been carried out where the advantages of applying adequate communication and marketing strategies are mentioned;as well as the problems associated with the absence of corporate communication. Likewise, trends are shown regarding new profiles of communication professionals to meet the needs of customers in a context of positioning a brand in digital media, that is, Internet and social networks.


Communication is currently recognized as a fundamental pillar for the development of business strategies in companies. That is why there is a tendency to carry out consulting or hiring of organizational communication services through agencies specialized in the field. The purpose of this action mainly seeks to create the appropriate strategy to present news in the offer of its goods and services;Similarly, they contribute to the resolution of brand crises that can affect the performance of a company.

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Therefore it is necessary. Similarly, these concepts become relevant when it is necessary to present in a professional way an incident that has an impact on the prestige of the company of the company involved. This is because in organizations, the absence of corporate communication originates two important problems that in addition to sales indicators, would affect the communication results of a company: broken and metric processes inconsistent (Moriana, 2019).

Several studies determined that corporate communication, if aligned with sales and marketing strategies, increases the value proposition of a good or service for the client (Moriana, 2019). Therefore, through a good communication strategy, the effectiveness for the organization in business closure increases. This is mainly due to the fact that the consumer currently has more sources of information about the good or service in which he is interested before making a purchase decision impulsively.

Another important benefits of corporate communication is the fact that allows to take advantage and maximize the resources they have within organizations to avoid losing sales opportunities that are in a low income for the company (Moriana, 2019). Then, it becomes necessary that sales and marketing departments communicate more effectively to achieve better commercial strategies that meet customer needs.

When satisfying the needs of customers, with adequate organizational communication channels, both potential and current clients can communicate to organizations the existence of problems that could seriously harm the organization (Moriana, 2019). An absence of feedback is one of the causes of the well -known brand crises that originate when the brand believes to know the client’s needs without considering that the market is in constant innovation. Through communication it is possible to create better purchase experiences in which the sales levels within the organization are increased in the medium term since the customer is considered in this case as a strategic ally for the achievement of its objectives.

Therefore, for a very good negotiation you must know in the first place what will be the value proposition that the company is willing to offer to increase the interest of the client towards its brand (Moriana, 2019). You must also consider what kind of content you want to transmit both to attract customers and to retain them. That is, corporate communication must incorporate various strategies in which both positioning within the market and customer service in all phases of sales are solved both in the improvement of their market.

While communication allows the productivity of an organization to increase when sales initiatives are aligned with the organization’s goals;It is no less true that the implementation of these strategies must be properly planned (Moriana, 2019; Verdes Digital, 2016). To do this, the approach to an adequate communication strategy that includes the needs of customers and meet in the best way allows the increase of organizations’ sales and thereby increase the benefits for their shareholders. For this purpose, it is necessary to know in depth the problem what should be addressed, how can it be solved and what would be a value proposition to potential clients. Among the techniques used for this, is the Canvas method, the client’s empathy map, target pictures and actions and competition studies (Verdes Digital, 2016).

With the current technologies, highly specialized profiles have been created to meet the needs of companies to increase their presence in digital media (Izquierdo, 2018). Thus, there are analysts in charge of presenting market trends in social networks, strategy designers within social networks and those in charge of their execution (of the Herrán, 2016). These profiles respond to the fact that new issues that are of interest to the market segment to which an organization is interested.

Consequently, to be recognized on the web and social networks, it is necessary to have due order for the management, categorization and management of content in this area (Maza, 2016). So communication strategists need to have professional profiles capable of discerning quality immediacy as the main characteristic for the design, execution and evaluation of communication and marketing strategies in the contemporary era for the benefit of the organization.


During the development of this essay, it was evidenced that communication and marketing are very important elements for the approach, development and control of the sales strategies of an organization. This is mainly due to the fact that at present, it is more difficult to convince an informed customer to make his purchase decision to a certain brand. Therefore, a lot of creativity and deep knowledge of the market to which it is desired to effectively communicates the benefits of the product offered by an organization is required.

It has been mentioned that among the benefits of communication and marketing within brand strategies are: the fact that communication allows representatives in the company to increase the value of their conversations, increase organizational productivity, take advantage and maximize their resources;And, improve the shopping experience in customers.

Similarly, it was mentioned that the absence of a communication and marketing plan in companies significantly distort a company’s sales results. This occurs when the unsatisfied needs of the market of market greatly harm the commercial results of one of an organization and the arrival measurements of the applied commercial strategies. For this reason, the communication and marketing plan is necessary to be properly planned and aligned with the objectives of the organization in the field of sales.

Finally, at present, through communication and information technologies, possibilities have been created to hire new profiles of professionals who have the necessary communicational requirements to maintain the presence in digital media of a specific brand. The objective of these new profiles is to show the organization on social networks and internet properly and allow a high level of memory in consumer memory.


  • of the Herrán, L. (October 20, 2016). Communication and marketing, keys in business strategies. Obtained from Puromarketing: https: // www.Puromarketing.com/13/27855/Communication-Marketing-Claves-Strategy-Negocio-Empresas.HTML
  • Izquierdo, j. (August 28, 2018). Digitize or die: particularities and professional digital media profiles. Obtained from digital communication: https: // www.iebschool.com/Blog/Media-Digital-Recion-Particularities-Perfiles-Professional-Communication-Digital/Digital/
  • Maza, J. (2016). Digital communication: new professional profiles. Obtained from Jorge Maza Uxdesign: http: // jlmac.com/Communication-Digital-Nuevos-Perfiles-Professionals/
  • Moriana, r. (2019). 4 tips to improve sales and marketing communication. Obtained from Badger: https: // www.Badgermapping.com/es/blog/improve-the-communication-de-ventas-and-marketing/
  • Digital green. (September 30, 2016). Steps for a perfect communication and marketing strategy. Obtained from https: // greengital.com/2016/09/30/steps-for-one-strategy-of-communication-and-marketing-perfect/

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