Communication Skills for Professional Accountants
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Compare what you wrote in Week 1 in the Topic Conversation about the importance of communication (particularly writing, listening, and reading) for forensic accountants. Would you now add anything to that answer?
I would like to add that the most significant use of accounting data is to communicate meaningfully and easily understood information so as to help the management and other stakeholders to make the right decisions to steer the company in the right direction. Therefore, to be effective and fulfill this need, accounting information should easily make sense to all its users or else it will just be lists of figures without any substantial significance.
What did you learn that is most helpful to you in your coursework and your career?
The first important thing I learned in this course is peer review. This can be applied in reviewing the work or classmates and colleagues which can be beneficial to both the reviewer and reviewer. Another important thing I learned is the importance of communications skills for the duties of professional accountants in addition to ways of thinking and strategies about communication that can help me in the future both in my career and in my coursework.
What did you not learn that you would have liked to?
Even though the topic of delivering effective oral presentations right for the intended purpose and audience was covered in this course, I feel that it was briefly covered, and it should have been covered more in-depth as accountants are required to make a lot of oral presentations in their careers, for example in explaining the economic situations of companies and how to improve them.
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What was least helpful in the course?
The least helpful topic in this course was the creation of grammatically accurate correspondence and reports as this is covered elsewhere in grammar and communication skills classes
What could we do to improve the course?
The course was centered around the analysis of a single scenario that was used for all the assignments. To improve the course, the assignments should be broken down into more specific course assignments with different and unique scenarios for analysis.
Finally, what would you like to say that isn’t prompted by one of our questions?
The course has been a great journey of learning, led by a competent instructor, and therefore, it will contribute greatly to the success of all the students in communicating effectively with all the stakeholders in their respective career fields.
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