View all "Communication" ready papers, essays and assignments
Commercial brand sponsorship Introduction Sponsorship is considered as an advertising strategy where there is economic support and is closely associated with information;You usuall...
Words: 2568
Pages: 9
Commercial and institutional brand Introduction The institutional brand is the form of the organization and identification in front of the other entities, “it is a type strategy ...
Words: 968
Pages: 4
Comment of a dramatic work: Tartufo Moliére writer of the work to be commented on in 1622 and died in 1673 in France, he was a famous playwright and comediograph......
Colors and emotions: indispensable for design Human beings always have had the need to communicate, with the passage of time, we were looking for and at the same time using......
Cochrane in the process of independence of Peru in 1819 SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION This investigation tries to answer the question of: “To what extent did the Huachanos...
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
Classic realism in Ukraine, Russia and Crimea To begin to study the relationship between classical realism and trusted conflicts from the annexation of Crimea to Russia it is impor...
Words: 1031
Pages: 4
Civil War in Spain, its most important consequences INTRODUCTION I have decided to do this work on this issue because it seems to me that only people who specialize in......
Words: 3214
Pages: 12
Civil Law and New Technologies, Advantages and Disadvantages Civil law Civil law regulates private relations between individuals, the person in charge of regularly regular individu...
Words: 2719
Pages: 10
Civilization and evolution today Introduction Society evolves day by day, interests change and people with it too. In this way I mean that today youth is stagnant because it does.....
Citizen empowerment in today's society We live in a binary world in terms of the antagonistic character presented by our positions. This ideological binarism frequently translates ...
Words: 1342
Pages: 5
Chronicle Political Journalism Introduction How much can a means of communication influence? Together with my group of the Policy subject, Professor José Luis González taught a c...
Words: 1562
Pages: 6
Chinese -born American: Conversation Introduction The American vision is a curious animal that lives most of the US territory. This little animal is also found on the American and ...
Children with high capabilities Introduction Mothers spend many hours a day with their children. They observe them closely and interact with them in different contexts. In fact, th...
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Children's vaccination, bibliographic review Introduction Vaccination has been one of the public health measures with the greatest impact, reducing both mortality and the incidence...
Words: 2434
Pages: 9
Children's hospitalization This work talks about the hospitalization of the child, because formerly the child was considered as a lonely being since they did not allow access to ...
Words: 451
Pages: 2
Children's disintegrative disorder: Study Introduction Throughout the years researchers and pedagogues have seen changes in the human being, which being so surprising have led scie...
Child labor, a problem of society Child labor is contemplated with one of the most serious social problems worldwide, Ecuador seeks solutions to it in its territory. Child labor is...
Child development in the social sphere Introduction This research seeks to document the behavior and development of children suffering from shyness within the initial education cen...
Child and discipline behavior Introduction For years, professionals from different disciplines have conducted numerous research about human development and in a particular way of t...
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Child Abuse A relational phenomenon as an expression of violence Child abuse as one of the configuration modes of family violence, is established within the bosom of abuse and cont...
Words: 491
Pages: 2
Charlie and the chocolate factory: Tim Burton Charlie and the chocolate factory was published on July 10, 2005 in the United States, this is based on Roald Dahl's book in......
Words: 1533
Pages: 6
Charlemagne and the Renaissance of the Carolingian Empire The Carolingian Empire, historically located in the High Middle Ages, began since Pipino the brief was crowned as king ...
Words: 1863
Pages: 7
Charismatic leadership and characteristics that describe it Introduction Charisma is a word that can be used to describe some people for certain characteristics of their personalit...
Characteristics signs of battered women Bad treatment and gender violence have become two more and more visible concepts both in politics and in health and, of course, also in.....
Words: 969
Pages: 4
Characteristics of the Managers and Leaders of the 21st Century Introduction The current world where the companies of the 21st century operate, to achieve subsistence and be succes...
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
Changes in knowledge in human sciences and indigenous knowledge Introduction This essay is intended to be known through two areas of knowledge: human sciences and indigenous knowle...
Words: 1571
Pages: 6
Changes and growth growth Introduction The City of Buenos Aires followed the principles stipulated by the laws of the Indies and was raised with the criteria of foundation of Spani...
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Censorship in the culture of Spain Introduction According to article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which all the countries of the world should be theoretica...
Words: 1318
Pages: 5
Celebrities that managed to overcome the difficulties Introduction Are you experiencing a failure? Not only once, but repeatedly failed? It is not alone, because there are many peo...
Words: 1067
Pages: 4
Causes and symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder Introduction In this essay, the issue of autism will be announced, its causes, symptoms, treatments, as well as diagnoses will be ...
Words: 930
Pages: 3
Causes and clinical manifestations of Down Syndrome A syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms and signs that form a frame of reference to investigate what characterizes a certain....
Words: 2005
Pages: 7
Case analysis, of the 'Go' team The work presented is centered on the analysis of Roche's “Go” team, which consists of a combination of seven researchers from the Departments o...
Words: 1208
Pages: 4
Carlomagno's army and his battle Introduction Parallel to the effort to establish an organized and centralized administration, Charlemagne sought the regulation of the army in rela...
Words: 791
Pages: 3
Business Opportunities in Puerto Rico The economy is the study of how people choose to distribute scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited desires. Entrepreneurs are the mech...
Businesses and collaborations over time INTRODUCTION Businesses over time have changed, a consequence of accelerated globalization causing the flows of goods and services worldwide...
Words: 1614
Pages: 6
Bullying or bullying, causes and consequences Concept The word bullying was created by Dan Olweus, a Norwegian researcher, who points out that "Bull" means bull, so Bully...
Bulimia is a food trador When talking about mental disorders we talk about a series of pathological behaviors or behaviors, then we will refer to these anomalies in the......
Words: 1663
Pages: 6
Breast cancer, the largest public health problem Breast cancer today has become a public health problem because it is the most frequent oncological disease in women, which increase...
Branding through a specialized book "The essential book in the knowledge of the methodology of the brand development process". Indeed, in addition to explaining the impor...
Words: 465
Pages: 2
Book review: Eros agony “The agony of Eros“ is a book of authorship by Byung-Chul Han where he expresses his thoughts, and at the same time takes thoughts from other......
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