Community standards/censorship
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Community standards/censorship Censorship is a way of suppressing images, ideas or words that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Censorship can be carried out by private institutions, groups or the government. America is in its third great era as a result of new constitution containing bill of rights enacted in the second era, the country is abolishing laws that helped each state prosper through years of challenges than the current effect of terrorism. The bill of rights contains laws that compromise freedom of speech compared to 100 years ago, this is evident by different cases that the country faces currently (Miller 1).
There is an increasing change in media landscape championed by financial instabilities, aggressive politicians and media ownership. Compared to 100 years ago, the current digital media landscape is outstretched on what content to air, national and local newsrooms are reducing in number, reporters are confused on what to report fearing the law will take its cause without notice and the quality of American journalism is diminishing. Laws against profanity, indecency and obscenity are enforced by the federal communication commission stipulating what content should be aired (Thomas 21).
Communication decency act enacted in 1966, was meant to protect to protect artistic expressions through books, paintings, posters and theatrical works. Entertainment and sex in art are the most affected currently by censorship; many of these arts were created years before the twenty first century.
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For example the statue of Venus de Milo painting was removed from a theater reason being it was semi nude. This is shocking if people 100 years ago didn’t know what semi nude meant or maybe censorship is becoming a trend and culture in our country that we don’t appreciate art expressions (Thomas 21).
Today censorship is motivated by taste and morality. There is a spreading belief that people act violently due to images portraying violence though media platforms. This belief is fictional and doesn’t have any virtual evidence to back it, America 100 years ago people experienced violence but media was limited, people even experienced or watched violent actions in real life but they didn’t turn to be violent. Does it mean every one watching violent or action movies turn out to be violent? Evidence shows that many psychopaths justify their actions by quoting the Bible or the Quran; this means fictional violence in media platforms isn’t a contributing factor and shouldn’t be censored (Couvares 16).
The current laws prevent employees from speaking out any information involving the organization without prior authorization. United States Intelligence community prohibits government employees from speaking to the public this is through media before getting permission from the government, failure to which one looses their job or faces jail terms. Then we are left to wonder when and who should or is responsible of communicating to the public about their government in real time. This proves that a government in lock down with journalists and media portrays a culture where censorship is a standard (Miller 2).
There is a growing number of people who belief that what you say should be embraced only when it pleases them; this attitude has a huge effect in how laws associated with speech are enacted and how we embrace free speech. The government should control but not stop people from expressing themselves; it should also come up with friendly laws that promote free speech and journalism to resurrect our ailing newsrooms. If not, censorship will remain to be the new American culture.
Work cited
Couvares, Francis G. Movie censorship and American culture. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2006. Print.
Healy, Thomas. Great dissent: how Oliver Wendell Holmes changed his mind – and changed the history of free. New York: Picador Usa, 2014. Print.
Rebecca T. Miller. “The Challenge: Extending the Conversation About Censorship” School Library Journal’s 1.1 (2015): 1-2. Print
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