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Company policy that encourages managers to empower their employees


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Company Policy
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Empowering employees is essential since it helps in motivating them so that they can perform their roles accordingly. Managers need to integrate motivation into a company’s culture. Managers need to empower employees so that they can experience intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person. Managers can do this by encouraging and inspiring them so that they can believe in themselves. Managers must seek the contribution of employees so that they can contribute to the economic growth and development desired by the company and themselves. Risks are inevitable in organizations, and it is the role of managers to ensure that all the risks are mitigated to prevent huge losses. I would suggest that the executives start a stress management program that will play a critical role in solving stress-related issues. Managers need to provide all information that is required for better decision making. The executive needs to establish programs and policies that encourage employee empowerment.
Motivating employees is important in an organization since it helps in increasing morale, which in turn increases productivity. The motivation of employees needs to be based on financial and non-financial incentives since it will help in adding value to the motivation established. However, there are various risks involved in motivating employees. It does not always result in increased productivity.

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Financial gifts and rewards could be costly to an organization since it eats up a company’s profit. Offering different gifts to employees can result in feelings of resentment and lack of appreciation. Also, some incentives if given for long can bring no motivation. There are also some costs and benefits of motivating employees. Decision making, reduction of stress, and employee value creation are some of the motivation factors that can bring about benefits or costs to an organization. It is therefore essential for a company to draft a policy that encourages managers to empower their employees.
Company Culture
Managers need to integrate motivation into a company’s culture. An organizational culture defines how people need to behave by defining the beliefs, assumptions as well as values. A company that values motivated employees will be keen to integrate the value in its culture.
Managers need to empower employees so that they can experience intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person. Managers can do this by encouraging and inspiring them so that they can believe in themselves. Autonomy and independence are helpful in allowing employees to take control of their work environment and therefore take charge of the company and their own lives which results in enlarged determination. It drives them to perform their roles and responsibility in high spirits leading to increased productivity (Kim & Fernandez, 2017).
Managers must seek the contribution of employees so that they can contribute to the economic growth and development desired by the company and themselves. It is the role of managers to assure employees that they have the freedom to make decisions that can change the company economically. Involvement of employees will play a significant role in improving the economic status of the company.
Managerial accounting
Managerial accounting is a process that is used in identifying, assessing, evaluating, understanding and communicating information for the quest of organizational goals. Managers need to allow employees to pursue organizational goals and this can only be achieved by giving autonomy for them to be involved in the entire process. This process would allow employees to feel in control of where they work and this can help increase their ability to think and therefore solve problems
Decision making
Decision making skill is an important part of employees since they need to solve problems that they encounter every day. Managers need to provide all information that is required for better decision making. Managers must empower employees by delegating leadership to allow employees be responsible for certain areas and therefore make thoughtful decisions regarding the company. Decision making is an essential role of leaders and allowing employees to make important decisions in the organization or involving them in the process can play a great role in motivating employees.
Risk management
Risks are inevitable in organizations, and it is the role of managers to ensure that all the risks are mitigated to prevent huge losses. A manager must be keen to allow employees predict the occurrence of risks and also suggest ways that can be used in safeguarding the company against them. Managers need to allow employees to have the opportunity to give their contribution regarding risk management (Govindarajulu & Daily, 2004).
Final Proposal to the Executives
The benefits of motivating employees exceed the costs. Employees are faced with various stresses that affect their performance. Family issues, poor working environment, and other issues can become a hindrance to their ability to reach their potential. I would suggest that the executives start a stress management program that will play a critical role in solving stress-related issues.
The company needs to empower its employees by allowing them to carry out critical roles in the organization. Decision making is a motivating factor, especially when employees are given the mandate to make choices. The autonomy and freedom allow employees to use their minds to think critically and therefore come up with unique choices that are of great value to the company (Ugboro & Obeng, 2000).
A cost-benefit analysis of motivation will help the company establish the benefits expenses, it can incur in motivational activities to determine whether to progress or stop to the project. I would propose that the executives implement policies that will ensure that employees are protected in since they are assets of an organization and they can harm or build an enterprise.
Risks associated with motivational techniques that are many. The executives must be there to implement strategies that will help employees overcome their issues and at the same time benefit the company.
Employee empowerment is crucial as it helps them make decisions, work independently and do other things with freedom. Managers need to allow employees to perform their role without interference to allow creativity, thoughtful decisions and other benefits. A manager must be keen to allow employees predict the occurrence of risks and also suggest ways that can be used in safeguarding the company against them.
Govindarajulu, N., & Daily, B. F. (2004). Motivating employees for environmental improvement. Industrial management & data systems, 104(4), 364-372.
Kim, S. Y., & Fernandez, S. (2017). Employee empowerment and turnover intention in the US federal bureaucracy. The American Review of Public Administration, 47(1), 4-22.
Ugboro, I. O., & Obeng, K. (2000). Top management leadership, employee empowerment, job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction in TQM organizations: an empirical study. Journal of quality management, 5(2), 247-272.

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