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Compare and contrast the aesthetics used in one artwork and one scientific image.


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Aesthetics used in one scientific image and one artwork
Aesthetics examines art’s nature and how an audience explains it. It includes wider aspects such as order, symmetry, and proportion other than reason alone. Human feeling combined with emotions such as pleasure or joy aids one in experiencing the art while intuition helps in the comprehension part. Sublime and beautiful are the two terms which an audience can use their experience. Aesthetics convey visual beauty. They make an audience judge a given work by just looking at it. A mere glance is enough for a person to decide whether the object in question is beautiful or ugly. Aesthetics does not judge the value of an object with reason. More so, it excludes the ordinary or rather what is known and acceptable and appreciates by sense fulfillment (Pleydell-Pearce, 1970).
A mere glance at the two works by the scientist and the artist may be judged as incredible. This is the power of aesthetics. The two objects are visually impressive and therefore concluded as beautiful. However, including reason undermines the power of aesthetics and makes the work less ugly for example due to the wrongful position of the ear on the arm instead of the head. Also, reason has that a mouse cannot have an ear on its back hence the work will be criticized by reason (Walton, 2007).
The procedure that the creator of the art puts in place determines whether a piece of work is an art or not.

Wait! Compare and contrast the aesthetics used in one artwork and one scientific image. paper is just an example!

For instance, the work of Stelarc on an ear growing on a human arm is a piece of art while the while the work of Charles Vacanti on a mouse with an ear on its back is purely scientific work. This is because primarily, Stelarc applies paint on a canvas and produces this image which he intends to display or satisfy him while Charles ends up with a mouse that has an ear on its back with the intention of making scientific observations and conclusions. Aesthetics aids in the distinction between what is art and what is not(Ames, 1941).
To appreciate an object not necessarily an art object by sensory contemplation is aesthetic judgment. For example, the work of Charles Vacanti is a significant breakthrough in the field f science since previously there existed no organ transplants. When people appreciates Charles’ work, this is referred to as aesthetic judgment because Charles’ work is majorly scientific and not work(Clhsonline.net, 2016). On the other hand, the process of recognizing, appreciating or criticizing an art object is referred to as artistic judgment. Stelarc’s work is an example of an art object therefore when an audience judges it as a spectacular or magnificent; then that is an aesthetic judgment.
Aesthetics conceals the fact that beauty relies on what a person knows or believes as beautiful. For instance, when a known object is presented to the audience, they regard it as beautiful or not depending on how their mind perceives. When a person is knowledgeable about a given object say a human being with two eyes, a piece of work presented to them showing a human being with one eye may seem ugly due to reason. This is where aesthetics comes in and nullify such judgments since it focuses beyond mind perception. As long as sensory organs more so, sight are satisfied, then the work of art is beautiful.
Take, for instance, functional aspect whereby, some features known to be found on the human body or may not be termed as beautiful if they were on another animal or a different body part. Function as well determines the beauty of a piece of art depending on discipline. For instance, what is termed beautiful in the field of architecture may not be beautiful in the discipline of art. The design includes many other aspects apart from visual satisfaction whereas aesthetics majorly focuses on visual quality. When a scientist looks at Vacanti’s work, they will criticize it due to the science discipline which finds an ear on the back of a mouse or according to Stelarc an ear on the arm as a weird thing (ABC News, 2016). Aesthetics, therefore, reveals the beauty of this two works regardless of the disciplines to which they belong. The fact that aesthetics relies on sensory judgment gives both the piece of art and the scientific work some credit.
In conclusion, aesthetics, as discussed above, is an aspect that defines beauty from a visual point of view. Aesthetics, therefore, distinguishes works that can be considered as art and those that are purely scientific or experimental works. It reveals the beauty of an object, despite the previous perception of the similar object. It conceals one’s knowledge on the same subject in that the conclusion made on the piece of art ignores reason. In aesthetics, visual fulfillment is what is considered vital in judging whether it is beautiful or not. Therefore, Charles Vacanti’s work together with Stelarc’s apparently brings out the power of aesthetics in making judgment, especially in different disciplines.
Reference list
Ames, V. (1941). The Function and Value of Aesthetics. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 1(1), p.95.
Pleydell-Pearce, A. (1970). OBJECTIVITY AND VALUE IN THE JUDGEMENTS OF AESTHETICS. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 10(1), pp.25-38.
WALTON, K. (2007). Aesthetics-What? Why? and Wherefore?. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 65(2), pp.147-161.
ABC News. (2016). Perth man grows ear on his arm for art. [online] Available at: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-11/perth-artist-grows-ear-on-his-arm-plans-to-connect-to-internet/6689794 [Accessed 2 Nov. 2016].
Clhsonline.net. (2016). The Vacanti Mouse: Gross and Incredible. [online] Available at: http://www.clhsonline.net/sciblog/index.php/2009/02/the-vacanti-mouse-gross-and-incredible [Accessed 2 Nov. 2016].

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