Compile the information gathered for the module assignments to develop a project paper on the sleep disorder Insomnia to research.
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Insomnia is a disorder that results into sleepless nights. Individuals who suffer from insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep at night as well as feeling tired during the day. The effect of sleepless nights may occur three or more times in a week and may persist for several weeks or even months. In this paper, we will discuss the history and overview of the sleep disorder as well as its symptoms, the assessment of the patient concerning the sleeping disorder using interview method and carrying out diagnosis to the patients. The paper will also discuss the type of therapy that is available for the Insomnia, how Insomnia affects different activities of the body such as respiration and cardiac function, patient evaluation and education and finally the changes that occur to the patient after the therapeutic treatment
Overview of the sleep disorder as well as its symptoms
When one finds it hard to sleep at night for more than three days every week continuously, then it shows that the brain is overworking and therefore there is the likelihood that such individual is able to suffer from insomnia. Some of the symptoms that an individual is likely to experience which can show that such a person suffers from Insomnia are; difficulty to sleep at night and the problem of concentration during the day. Some individuals also feel irritated and have a bad mood during the day due to the improper sleep they had during the night (Rosen & Zozula, 2000).
Wait! Compile the information gathered for the module assignments to develop a project paper on the sleep disorder Insomnia to research. paper is just an example!
People with problems of sleeping patterns should consult with primary doctors. During their consultation, they are interviewed about how they feel with the change in how they sleep as well as how their sleep affects their daily activities. After the interview, diagnosis is carried out, and the diagnosis involves the doctor seeking information about the patient and also giving advice on what the patient should do depending on that patient experiences. The doctor may ask the patient to prepare a sleep log which shows the activities that the patient does up to the point he or she goes to sleep. The doctor also uses sleep inventory which involves several questions which concern the patient’s health life, the pattern in which the patient sleeps and the history of his or her medication. The doctor will also include blood test if the symptoms are conflicting. The treatment of the insomnia is through relaxation training, cognitive behavior therapy as well as stimulus control and sleep restriction.
Effects of insomnia
Spending sleepless nights can lead to mental and physical problems of the body. Some of the diseases that result due to lack of sleep are heart diseases, stress and also respiratory diseases. Heart diseases occur when the insomnia is long-term; that is, it has taken longer duration with the patient. It leads to a chronic stress-response through the adrenal-pituitary-hypothalamus circuit resulting to the body feel as if it is in danger (Rodin & Sateia, 2009). The process triggers higher blood pressure and other related heart diseases such as inflammation. Stress comes about when there is a lack of concentration because of sleep disturbance during the day and overstraining to do daily tasks. The discomfort brought about by a change in the septum or even other breathing problems like asthma, causes a disturbance or change in breathing patterns that can lead to sleeping difficulty. Frequently, a wrongly deviated septum can cause a strong snoring such that the noise caused can wake up the victim.
Patient evaluation and education
The patients should be well taught on how to handle themselves. The evaluation done to them should be in terms of the interview showing the problems that the patient encounters and how each problem should be solved. After these problems have been looked into, the doctor restricts the patient from carrying some activities before going to bed and even in the bedroom such as watching television or reading books.
Changes that occur to the patient after the therapeutic treatment
Some of the therapeutic treatment measures which are needed to be used by the patients are the cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves the change in behavioral beliefs of the patient concerning his or her sleeping time and durations. The therapy helps the patients more than the sleeping pills that they may use. The cognitive behavioral therapy also helps the patient to develop good sleeping posture hence no feeling of disturbance during the sleep.
Rosen, R. & Zozula, R. (2000). Education and trainings in the fields of sleep medicine. Current Opinion In Pulmonary Medicine, 6(6), 512-518. HYPERLINK “”
Rodin, S. & Sateia, M. (2009). Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults. Family Practice News, 39(14), 32. HYPERLINK “”
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