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Complementary Therapies And Spirituality In Health Problems


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Complementary therapies and spirituality in health problems

The articles analyzed highlight the therapeutic capacity of spirituality in health problems, encompasses the dimension that encompasses: CAM or religion. Although Paley (2007) disagrees and argues that to achieve the expected results in the so -called esoteric healing or by faith or spiritual. Paley (2007), as a reference nurse proposes that with health psychology, social psychology, neuropsychology and pharmacopsychology patients can achieve effects comparable to religious or transcendental experiences. He also adds that spiritual suffering does not exist but that there is emotional and psychological pain that health professionals can relieve. Likewise, he firmly criticizes the training programs of the United Kingdom where he is obliged to undertake spiritual education as the necessary part of the training of nurses / os.

Timmins (2012) is shown that although Nightingale goes back to defend the spiritual dimension of nursing, not only remains in the past, it also refers to the present when it speaks of civil religion as an independent entity of religious and political institutions but in which there are non -traditional sacred representations, rituals, emotional experiences, etc.. For what he defends spirituality as what still has to conquer in current times to nursing science. Another vision is offered by Pesut (2016), she puts the current great paradox in check: increase in social intolerance towards religion on the one hand and nurses that must deal with ethical problems related to spiritual attention, and how religion is a factor important in decisions during a critical illness and as nursing professionals lack knowledge for it.

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To do this, Borges (2015) believes essential to incorporate spirituality into the curriculum of health courses and thus also normalize it, concepts can be clarified, which according to Ramenazi (2014), lead to confuse spirituality with religion.

And so as professionals feel safer and more competent in the subject, a more efficient practice will be achieved, better conflict resolution and greater listening capacity. (21), (22), (24), (25).

When analyzing Levin (2008) we realize that the so -called CAM are not a current fashion, they are the tail of the ancient esoteric healing traditions, in which physiology and alchemy went hand in. On the other hand Cornejo (2014) clearly differentiates the “New Age” CAMs although it does find an insertion point between the two currents: holism. To this concept- totally counterhegemonic- healing properties are also attributed to it, under a holistic environment the patient receives better attention and is empowered from the situation of it (35). Lena (2011) proposes nursing holistic attention as a means to relieve suffering and, as a consequence to reduce health expenses.

Ayurveda, Kabbalist medicine or shamanism are in force today and in many occasions, the professional who exercises them is also trained in allopathic medicine. To the action of applying the two currents, the esoteric and the exoteric is called Cam. These are predicted an optimistic future in nursing. According to Echevarría (2010) the effectiveness of CAM in certain pathologies related to suffering and their demand can help their regulation by the authorities. As for the resistances against, Echevarría (2010) blames the prevailing hegemonic system. At this point Zvesss (2005) helps to specify and emphasize the importance of the body or som The soul and spirit were ignored.

Supporting in favor of spirituality as the value to explore and enhance, we find the experience of Vancini (2016) between spiritualism and epilepsy, in his work we find normalized the interaction between medicine-disease alopathic and spiritualism and spiritualism. Likewise Teut (2014) investigates the healers and their clientele detecting positive changes in health problems addressed. In other studies with the elderly population, the importance of religiosity and spirituality continues to be evidenced although Araújo (2017) (2016) does not provide differentiation between them. In the two different studies the Bible, religion, transcendence are pillars on which octogenarians are supported to move forward with good health perception.

In the results offered by this first block of 14 articles analysis: only the article by Paley (2007) is positioned as an skeptic when working, investigating, promoting, normalizing, etc … Spirituality within Nurse Science. Another 6 articles, although totally according to the great importance of spirituality in all its aspects, recognize the lack of knowledge, training, etc. To be able to normalize it.

Theoretical and philosophical bases

In our search there is also the concept of suffering that, although very unknown to medical professionals (33). It is associated with the importance and knowledge of all the dimensions of the human being. In this regard, among health professionals, those who gather the ideal characteristics to address it is nursing. This emphasizes the evidence of the importance of spirituality within the nursing profession, training and information are fundamental to break barriers and prejudices.

Faith as healing is not a new theme, Levin (2009) already explains how in 1910 in an article by the British Medical, the virtues of faith are extracted especially with the main role in healing, health and medicine. Then it should not be surprised when Ekedahl (2009) guides us towards the facet of the life of nurses where spirituality is a protective factor towards themselves when lived situations surpassed them and are subject to Stress. Likewise, Urra (2011) that deducts the care factors of Watson hosts faith and hope, the cultivation of spiritual practices, both for the patient and for the professional himself. We return at this point to the protective factor appointed in the previous section, to the resilience provided by spirituality and the benefits it entails.

In this section we find in the 5 articles analyzed a transverse topic: suffering and as from the theoretical bases there are tools to accompany it, as from the principles of esoteric healing.

Therapeutic anthropology and spiritualities

In this section we find scholarly exams of how esoteric healing traditions are the foundation of our medicine and nursing. Levin (2008) normalizes and gives a conductive thread so that, today, we do not miss the inclusion of esoteric spiritualities in medical systems, since neither physiology nor the pathology was obvious in them, which reinforces the Proposal from the first Zvesss (2005) section. And although the "movement of the holism" is born outside the nursing consultation, grows in the streets, in areas of maximum human concentration and is sold as good of healing and causes effect and is mixed with different therapeutic consultations (massages, Bach Flowers …) We cannot think that it is foreign to the great healing tradition of the mysteries of antiquity (36). Healing as merchandise that sometimes alludes to an esoteric nebula where, and I return to Echevarría (2010) nurses must find a new place to help with suffering in a regulated and regulated system but open to diversity (esoteric and exoteric ) (38).

Outside the consultation, the charism is also born whose greatest expression "in crescendo" is Pentecostalism, many people approach it in search of healing and calm. In Europe, Latin America grows day by day and, as Vallverdú (2007) explains people approach them with a request: heal a disease, addiction, restlessness, etc.. And through the charism of its shepherds or the health community, healing by faith, as Levin (2009) explained and as described in the British Medical, it is not surprising us. There is a socio -emotional and therapeutic terrain that becomes attractive in these charismatic groups and is simply to solve in lived and direct processes that interfere in the mood or in the person’s health, so converting becomes inevitable (37).

In this last section the different articles (7 in total) coincide in the therapeutic of spiritualities whether from a religious system such as Pentecostalism or charisma, the trade of therapeutic goods, holism or the therapies derived from the " New Age ".

Limitations and difficulties in our review

Given the eclectic of our search, generalization has not been easy. Each database has certain areas of influence and the search criteria could not be the same. For example: Cinahl-Bsco and Dialnet as opposed. Nursing is the link between the scientific world and humanism and this has great advantages and inconveniences.

On the other hand, say that there are few articles in Spanish, English is the vehicular language especially in relation to spirituality since most research is carried out in the US and Nordic countries.

Population samples have also been a limitation because they are not known in detail, today the consuming population of counterhegemonic healing goods is not known, the population that goes to religious services is not known exactly and to what degree they do it on their own conviction or conventionalism.


After each of the articles more reading the reading of many others, which finally dismissed, it can be concluded that:

  • The need for incorporation, training, updating and above all the understanding of spirituality in nursing care is affirmed either in its purely internalization, amparo and self-knowledge modality as expanding it, incorporating techniques and procedures derived from the CAM.
  • It is evidenced that spiritual experience is a protective factor of health as well as the attention and holistic environment for both patients and professionals. Also that more knowledge (information and training) is needed to feel a level of comfort in which the nursing professional can offer this quality with comfort and security.
  • Regarding charismatic or Pentecostal systems, conclude, which are health systems that offer healing to suffering through faith, listening and accompaniment. Nursing also belongs to a health and nursing system must actively listen to, at least, understand suffering and accompany who suffers it. 

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