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Conflicts And Challenges In Urban Planning


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Conflicts and challenges in urban planning


Conflicts as challenges in urban planning, is an issue that arises thanks to how a city is composed and how it assumes is a place created by man for their stay, where they can inhabit each other, in spaces where people aredevelop effectively.

We must start talking about urbanism that comes from the meaning of the city and its relationships, but which can currently be defined as study and planning of cities and regions. This is because we cannot see or understand what happens in cities, if we do not relate it to what happens in the field.


Urbanism aims to model as remodeling of cities, so it is developed in the design of the space where we will develop our activities every day. It projects us for society, so that it gives collective well -being above our interests, for example, if architecture identifies the shape of a house, urban planning will identify it by the number of people who inhabit it.

That is why urbanism consists of various disciplines that meet to the study of the city environment.

To give a perspective of how we live the land and mainly as we do in our country, we realize that we always try to fulfill what we dream and this becomes a great conflict in our daily lives, such as the factTo want to have a house with a wide land, this generates that the city be more extensive and forces each of us to have to travel long distances to be able to meet our activities, in addition to mobilizing all the services and locations that are necessary forour daily life.

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Many investigations say that in order to be able to live compactly, it would only be possible in highly concentrated cities, since they have a sufficient economy to effectively solve the urban problem.

In countries like ours, this situation is taken as a difficult goal, since our situation would further complicate so that it would cause our cities to be more informal and therefore inefficient.

If we want to achieve something we have to start forming citizens, who become together as a population to begin to live in a city understanding that we must act with a common good, which compensates us all to improve our quality of life.

It is therefore that our work will imply what the conflicts that are developed within our country are and what can be the challenges that we can propose to begin to give more importance to our city and urbanism in which we live.

The important focus on our work is urbanism, which has been transcending over the years in our country. As a first antecedent we have an article entitled “Representative institutions of urban planning in Peru 1946 – 2015: of functionalist urbanism to sustainable urbanism” (Castillo R., 2016)

Which tells us how the first urban planning institute was founded under the command of the ARQ. Fernando Belaúnde Terry, and then dealing with the issues of urban planning, a highlight was that he enriched the Metropolitan Development Plan of Lima, in 1967, this was a support for the Ministry of Development and Public Works, sincedeveloped various regulation plans for various cities in the country.

This ministry managed to develop through its technical section of basic plans of cities and the design of streets and squares.

Likewise, the Lima Planning Institute (IPL), contributed in urban planning for the rest of the country, in this case the regional approach in Peru, which had only been incorporated in the case of Urban Studies (Urban-Regional),These contributions was to understand cities not only as urban phenomena, but also to recognize their territorial conditioning.

Already in 1981, municipalities take an important position for urban planning, according to Legislative Decree N.º 51 and the Organic Law of Municipalities N.º 23853. However, municipalities did not have a greater capacity to develop urban plans, so a new institution called “I. of urban development ”(Inadur) to be able to attend and support the municipalities.

In this article they were also touched from institutions that are in force such as the College of Architects, the Urban Society of Peru and the most remarkable “the program of our cities – PNC and the sustainable development of cities”

This program created by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation in 2012, through Supreme Decree N.º 005-2012-Housing. Develops the scope of intervention in cities of the country that have a population of more than 5,000 inhabitants.

Among its objectives, some of the most outstanding are:

  • Promotion of growth, conservation, improvement, protection and integration of cities, so that they contribute to improving the quality of life.
  • Development of local capacities and citizen promotion.
  • Formulation, approval and execution of public investment projects of urban mobility, public spaces, urban public recreation equipment.

As institutions that have been proposed between them to the National Institute of Sustainable Urban Development – Inadeus and sustainable urban development, since the purpose of contributing to urban development in addition to promoting the orderly occupation of the territory and territorial conditioning and territorial conditioning were also mentioned.

A second antecedent is that of (Eiroa J., 2002) work entitled as “On the origin of urbanism and the urban life model” which consists of the author’s perspective on urbanism in different times, starting from a pre -Hispanic urbanism, to the current one as well as naming some differentiations that he believesThey are given in American urbanism and Latin America.

In this case, extracts of their work were taken, related to Peru specifically.


According to the author, knowing Latin America, which impressed him with our country were the ruins of Chan Chan, located north of the Peruvian coast, for being the largest city of adobe in the world. They locked great ceremonial enclosures, administrative centers, workshops, etc. THE RUIN OF CHAN CHAN.

Which comply with the necessary characteristics to define it as urban entities in the old world. Where they could live more than 50.000 people.

Another highlighted place in Peru, was the Huaca Prieta, located in Trujillo, in this place a great technological advance could be seen in its archaeological materials as well as in the housing constructions technique, since they were underground houses which were very gooddeveloped and planned for the time.

Finally, the Supe Valley is located, here is an early urban development, with a high complexity, its construction was completed in several stages, 6 rectangular platforms were created, in which the top was with masonry structures decorated withadobe. In this place, great urban planning was appreciated by the aforementioned areas.

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