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Consumer Effect On Alcoholic Beverages


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Consumer effect on alcoholic beverages


Years before, humans already knew to ferment grains and juices to obtain a substance that caused a special state. In its status of people, it consumes in excesses the amount ingested, so the motivations of its consumption, become in a state of alcoholic intoxication. In Peru, abuse and dependence on alcohol appear as the third most important cause of economic losses due to premature or disability death, surpassed only by pneumonia and traffic accidents. However, the contribution of alcohol consumption can be even greater if we take into account that this is also the cause of a variety of other health problems, such as provoking traffic accidents (which are the main cause of disability in our country), Family violence, work accidents, also subjected to drugs and involving sexual behavior at risk.

In young people the problem is even greater. The abusive use of alcoholic beverages causes hundreds of young people to abandon their studies and causing chaos in the family, which has as a consequence in most times the abandonment of the home. These and other reasons lead us to present the investigation: effects of consumption on alcoholic beverages. It is a truly unfair situation. Therefore, ingesting alcoholic beverages can become a serious problem for the person if you get to abuse it. In other words, it can become a disease addicted to alcoholic beverages.

After having briefly contextualized about the effects and consequence, health problems, we can ask ourselves.

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What are the consequences on the effects on consumption on alcoholic beverages? Am J Psychiatry. (2000), I point out: there are many people think that as long as they do not become a typical alcoholic, the consequences of drinking frequently and in high doses are not so alarming. But the effects of alcohol cause serious consequences and many of them cannot return to their state. So we talk about some of the effects caused by alcohol.

The referent theme in the effects is important to moderate its consumption, although the best thing for cancer prevention is to avoid it. Therefore, the present essay aims to public Education and information, the need to promote moderate, responsible and sensible consumption of drinks with alcoholic content, for the general population, expressly excluding risk groups.

AM J Psychiatry (2000), prolonged alcohol consumption increases its probabilities of: stomach or esophageal bleeding, inflammation and pancreas damage., Liver damage, malnutrition, esophagus cancer, liver, colon, head and neck, breasts and other areas. Alcohol consumption brings various causes in its reasoning ability and loses the stimulus of reasoning. Alcohol excess consumption causes damage to neurons. This can cause permanent damage to your memory, your capacity for reasoning and the way it behaves. Taking alcohol during pregnancy can cause growth to growing baby. Serious birth defects or fetal alcoholism may occur.

Finishing with the issue in general on the effects of consumption on alcoholic beverages, this trial will focus on three points highlighted, in which they are important keys: alcohol consumption and health, how can alcohol consumption affect your life?, and adolescents in their excessive alcohol consumption, being the most relevant to detail in the argument in present research.


When we talk about alcohol consumption, we refer to excessive consumption that has immediate effects of increasing the risk of many health consequences. In Central America, excess alcohol caused 110,000 deaths and turned out 3.0 million years of lost lives, every year from 2006 to 2010, and shortened an average of 40 years of those who died. According to Mandy Stahre (2014) “Excessive alcohol consumption represented 1 out of 10 deaths among adults of working age in the United States. DAA rates vary according to states, but excessive alcohol consumption remains a main cause of premature mortality throughout the country. The strategies recommended by the Community Preventive Services work team can help reduce excessive alcohol consumption and damage related to it ”. Therefore, for the first authors it shows that this analysis results in the magnitude and quality of the consequences for the health of excessive alcohol consumption in every nation and the substantial amount of excessive consumption of alcohol to early mortality among adults among adults greater.

Considering the risk issue is particularly related to the concepts of morbidity, which led to identify social and behavioral factors according to (Buela Casal, 1997). “In the adolescence stage, the human being experiences a series of behaviors and behaviors harmful to his physical health and emotional stability. Behaviors that can have serious, medium and long term repercussions, such as problems with family and friends, different types of aggressions, low school performance, school dropout, risky sexual behaviors, accidents, dependence and suicides etc.”Here we highlight the need to identify these behaviors to address them in an integral, multidisciplinary and preventive way.

We take into account that risk behaviors and behaviors in which they enter them have negative consequences for themselves and for their own environment. According to (Kosttecky, 2005). "Risk behaviors are" potentially destructive "and can create dependence regardless of the misunderstanding of the immediate and long -term consequences. Protection factors are those other factors that neutralize or prevent the action and influence of risk factors ”. Here it is feasible to promote self – esteem and efficiency through the development of interpersonal relationships that can give security, support and create development opportunities.

How can alcohol consumption affect your life?

When we ask ourselves, how can alcohol consumption affect your life? With much more reason, society consumes to eliminate feelings of sadness, depression or concern. In itself, alcoholic beverage is a depressing substance that affects the nervous system and even affects the brain and some of the functions such as coordination, decrease in memory and attention. According to Echagarrua, et al., (2006). "The exaggerated consumption of alcohol harms growth, generating weight gain and altering the normal functioning of the liver, in addition to causing other ravages in the body and in everyday life". It is recognized that it presents consequences on our body and another important thing that must be understood is the family, which can also affected through violence, in itself alcohol produces conflicts in the home and it is very likely that present, very factors prone.

We consider that risk behaviors are related to parents and peer models, negative image of itself, the negative family climate, school failure. According to Rivera and Villar, (2005). “The risk factors for alcohol consumption are related to the family (destructuring, little support) and drug use by another relative as important risk factors. Age and sex, issues related to self – esteem and suggestive manifestations of psychic suffering (anxiety, depression) presented by the adolescent ”. And we emphasize this idea, it is very worrying in every factor, we deal with the issue of health and conflicts in home, but some spades can be highlighted as it will give it a way to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, since if you cannot control this problem In fact, it will continue to be harmful to the person, in itself for the whole society.


In short, it was possible to indicate the damage of consuming alcoholic beverages excessively. The purpose of the report is to raise awareness that excess consumption is harmful to health, since it is harmful to the central nervous system in a depressing substance and in adolescents it is even more dangerous because it results in chronic disorder. It is recommended to incorporate strategies, make programs of informative talks about the damage caused by alcohol is our organisms, encourage adolescents who practice some sport in their sport, among others, among others. Therefore, if these conditions are met, we will get people to know, handle alcohol consumption and enjoy better health.


  • Jehinek. AND. M. The Disease Concept of Aicoholii. New B runswick. Hillhouse Press, 1960.
  • SACKS JJ, GONZALES KR, BOUCHERY EE, TOMEDI LE, BREWER RD. 2010 National and State Costs of Excessive Alcohol Consumeronexternal Icon. Am J Previous Med 2015; 49 (5): E73 – E79.
  • National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism Abuse. National Health Institutes. Table 2. Apparent alcohol consumption for states, census regions and the United States, 2010. Volume and ethanol in thousands of gallons, per capita consumption in gallons, according to the population of 14 years or more. http: // pubs.Niaaa.nih.GOV/Publications/Surveillance95/Tab2_10.htm . Consulted on March 17, 2014.
  • Contribution of excessive alcohol consumption to deaths and years of potential life lost in the United States, https: // www.CDC.GOV/PCD/ISSUES/2014/13_0293.htm.

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