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Consumption Of Energy Drinks In Young People And The Dependence On Caffeine


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Consumption of energy drinks in young people and the dependence on caffeine

Did you know that energy drinks appeared for the first time in the 1960s? At that time, the intake of these drinks was not common, however, at present, these drinks are consumed mostly by young people due to the alleged benefits that give you, such as slowing like fatigue, maintaining vigil, improving physical performance betweenothers. Also its easy acquisition has increased in recent years. Its multiple components can cause a health risk of consumers particularly when they consume it without medical restriction. The issue that will be exposed is the consumption of energy drinks in young people. Next, the definition, beneficial and adverse effects will be developed.

Energy drinks are generally gasified alectronic drinks. It can also be located as a functional food, since they have been designed to provide a specific benefit. The components of energy drinks are diverse, but we will only mention the most frequent. For example, caffeine: it is an alkaloid of the methylxantine group at the central nervous system (CNS) level, acts as a psychoactive and stimulating drug;Taurine: it is the most abundant intracellular amino acid in the human being;Guaraná seed extract: It is a plant whose habitat is the tropical jungle, it is rich in caffeine to increase consistency and energy;Vitamin B6: It is a hydrosoluble vitamin;Carbohydrates: they are more important source used by the agency to obtain energy.

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The types of energizing drinks are multiple, we will only name the most demanded drinks in the Peruvian market. For example, Red Bull: This drink increases adrenaline at all times, the athletes consume it and those who wish to have emotions to the limit;Volt: This drink provides energy all day, aimed at an audience between 18 and 30 years;Monster: instead this drink is focused on a teenage audience and finally the drink called 220V: It is the Pepsi Cola drink aims to do direct competition to the volt.

The beneficial effects of energy drinks are diverse;But we will only mention the most common, among them are athletes. These consume it to cancel fatigue in competencies, that is, it promotes stimulation of metabolism5, stimulates adrenergic β to produce hypokalemia by the Na+ and K+ 6 pump;Students consume it to stay awake in class, after a revealed, the reasons that encourage those types of drinks are exams of exams, pre -professional practices shifts among others, finally some women, consume it to inhibit appetite, thewhich blocks the signs of the leptin hormone, consequently the weight loss is given.

In this paragraph we will present the adverse effects of the consumption of energy drinks. Excess consumption generates cardiac arrhythmia;In other words, it generates heart rate or heart rate disorders, as it increases blood pressure;It can also generate weight gain, due to the unnecessary contribution of calories, this is due to the increase in postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations induced by catecholimas that it performs in the adipocytes and myocytes;Finally they can present withdrawal syndrome due to the high amount of caffeine it contains, this evil is characterized by headache, nausea, rhinorrhea, lethargy, irritability, nervousness, decreased work performance and depression6. These are some of the opposite effects that produce you by consuming excess energy.

In summary, energy drinks are analcoholic drinks, usually gasified, also known as functional foods. The largest population that consumes it is young, this due to the supposed benefits that can generate you. As investigated this drink has beneficial effects such as canceling fatigue, staying awake in class after a revealed and inhibiting appetite for weight loss;But its excess consumption has generated adverse effects on the consumer, one of these consequences are cardiac arrhythmia, heart rate malfunction;weight gain, that is due to the large amount of sugars it contains and withdrawal syndrome. To avoid these opposite effects on our body it is advisable. Our health does matter;Therefore it is good to be cautious.

Bibliographic references

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