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Contemporary Individualism In The Era Of Gilles Lipovetsky Emptiness


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Contemporary individualism in the era of Gilles Lipovetsky emptiness

In my opinion, reading makes you reflect on a phenomenon that concerns us all today and makes us think about a precept that we believe we all have and we will actually have it?, I am talking about freedom, that we all boast of saying that we are free, but reality is not so, if we think about everything that surrounds us, we will tell ourselves that it coercion to do things that others think or want toLet’s think, it could be said that our freedom is globalized, which results in our individualism to lack its own personality.

When we see that our personality lacks a specific purpose, we put aside all our personality, to accommodate a frantic consumerism that does not take us anywhere, we are browsing a superficial world, since everything we think and ideasThat we believe we have, they are not ours, since we are not interestedthe course.

In the course of the years, societies have been changing, before they had a fixed course, a goal to which they wantedVery drastic way, societies now have all the comforts, with a lotA future, this results in a change in the form of our individualism that together with consumerism that is fed by all the means to which we are exposed that bombard us with all kinds of information and mainly by the governments that say they are to be ofFirst World, it is leading us to be an indifferent society, lacking feelings asia our peers.

Some institutions have already noticed these changes and in their eagerness to not lose the power they have about some societies, they are trying to modernize in their ideologies.

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This postmodernist society does not have attributes, or idols, or projects that lead them towards some course, so Gilles calls this time as "the era of emptiness", for the loss of values, of the direction that society had, because theNew society believes that it has green ideas and leaves aside everything that really has value for a consumerism that we believe is beneficial, but in reality we remain attacked by mass media with information of all kinds, but the reality is that weWe are consuming ourselves.

Postmodern society believes that having a good quality of life, having a personality, believing that they are environmentalists, using a retro fashThings, so we believe that we have more decision options and that therefore we are freer than before, and we have the idea that we have to be the center of attention and that is why we try to open ourselves to society either in theradio or social networks or other mass media although perhaps nobody listens to us, since we are all involved in our individuality.

However, in this era, individuals try to meet with those with whom they have affinity, with whom they are similar to it and who have the same existential objectives, or called another way as, collective narcissism, in which if you do not thinkAs we are not from ours.

All of the above is causing us to lose that historical continuity, which brought us so far, in which we are missing the work that has been carried out by other societies that were before us.

That is why we are in time to recover the course and recover our individualism, in order to have an encouraging future, but we know that it is difficult to be able to do it, because we are accustomed to a culture, in which we are waiting for what the do thePublic figures and we only dream of being like them and not to be oursCount that we are part of a destructive consumerism, a materialism that instead of helping is atrophying our individualism, both personally as well as in society and we are in time to change.

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