contraceptives revised
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Contraceptives are a form of controlling birth in women and men. Most contraceptives however made for the women and they come in many forms, hormonal and non-hormonal methods. Hormonal methods of birth control are the most commonly used among the women because they are efficient and easy to use and they come in many forms where people can choose from based on what best suits their body types and health. They include injections, implants, plastic rings placed in the vagina, and skin patches and they all have no estrogen. All have both side effects, which are positive and negative. They work by preventing ovulation in a woman’s body and hence no fertilization could take place as they make the environment for fertilization unconducive (Hassan, 7). They make implantation for the embryo in the uterus hard and difficult even if the woman ovulated as it thins out the lining in the uterus. This essay will focus on implants and injections.
Product details
Many companies manufacture the injections and implants for the use of contraceptives. The date of manufacture of every method of contraception indicated on the package. They used within a period of three years from date of manufacture. It is important to read the instructions to avoid detrimental results on the health of a patient. Implants and injections as methods of birth control come in many forms.
For the injections, the most common and known worldwide is depo provera, known as ‘depo.
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‘ Women go for a three months period after administration through the hand and come back for another shot.
Women who have used the injections claim of its effectiveness and reliability. There are however, tests that a doctor needs to be done on the patient before one starts using as there unforeseen aside effects. There are women who ignore the importance of the tests done on their bodies. There are women who ignore the importance of the tests done on their bodies and hormones and they often have delays when they want to conceive.
An implant is a method of birth control whereby a small rod is inserted under the skin of the arm. In addition, this implant releases a hormone known as progesterone that prevents the body from releasing an ovum every day. However, this contraceptive is regarded to be very effective in preventing pregnancy.
Analysis Findings
Each product needs to advertise their products to remain relevant in the market and attract more women to use their products. To do this, they need to package themselves in the right way (Miller, Daniel, Stephen, & Robert 1010). Some maintain blogs and offer a live in sessions from their website where customers can ask questions directly with an immediate feedback and private sessions. This gives clients the chance to bring their complaints and complements and for the company to improve their products in response to a complaint.
The market team of each method of contraceptive is smart to have the balance in their marketing prowess by including a number and for direct dial when a customer needs to call the offices. Both implants and injection shave their packages with inserts that direct the customer on how to use the products (Miller, Daniel, Stephen, & Robert 1008). The expected side effects and classes of people with other conditions are also in the insert to avoid court cases with lack of inclusion of all necessary information.
Contraceptive companies should embark on consumer education as people are still in the dark and often unaware because of ignorance. People use the wrong methods of contraceptives because their friends do this or that which has negative affects their health.
Works Cited
Hassan, T. “Pharmacologic considerations for patients taking oral contraceptives.” CONNECTICUT DENTAL STUDENT JOURNAL 7 (2007): 7-8.
Miller, Daniel M., Stephen E. Helms, and Robert T. Brodell. “A practical approach to antibiotic treatment in women taking oral contraceptives.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 30.6 (2014): 1008-1011.
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