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Copyright And Academic Integrity Strategy


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Copyright and Academic Integrity Strategy


Advanced cyber theft is the copy mode used by several students of the University, it can be originated in different fields and is delicate since it is difficult to treat, but it is a fund that must be corrected for the intellectual progress of the studentsof the University. It is also stated that the student who performs a subject as complicated as fraud, whether a copy, plagiarism or theft of ideas, there must be a cause of sanction, the university, teachers and students should avoid cases in which injustice andgreater demand for power, is to indicate a surcharge according to the error committed.

An inconvenience of this type of topics will always be, to deal with origin and that by the teacher acts at the time the topic of copying or theft of ideas is currently given by exams or in the writing of an essay orworked. In the copy process the ability to be lost to the student is a lot, and the work of a teacher is to stop the act and take action of said, normally in these cases the teachers agree and the note is always qualified the samesteel. From this approach it is to use a sanction usually of flat without being removed in the institution’s agency and there are very few rules regarding this, so there is no legal protection for this type of sanction.


It should be aware that this character must generally begin with a norm regulated by the University to adjust its fact to legitimacy.

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The point is that on this subject as a mediator at the University, a project for plagiarism and cyber security wants to support both the student and the teacher to avoid this type of errors, since the disciplinary norms of the university, beforeAn argument of the possibility that a work is plagiarized is a normative fact, which can exclusively have to carry out a realization in the assessment of the practice if it is sufficiently known in the university field.

Students feel pressed to perfect their properly and effective jobs without any error. Given the case, we are in a world full of new technologies and information that leads to these errors more frequently, the Internet in this case is used for the type of plagiarism and development of the same, the information can be developed by copyingand transcription of the investigation and thus the works are delivered with the shortest possible time and giving a minimum value of creativity and good realization to the work. 

Teachers usually find the way of proceeding with this type of acts, with quite insistence the options of the sources are not original, in addition to this the teachers can take the same stolen information and report this fact. It is feasible to establish whether a student used their own ideas since the phrases are made in different ways to those used in their own text, also students can choose sources that have nothing to do with the written text, and outside theestablished rules. 

To reveal a probable copy, with the support of the search on the referral pages you can search and find a certain link of the words of the doubtful appointment, with the conclusion of noticing if a fully copied work is found and without ideas originating from the writer. Aid is still generated through pages or elements that help the teacher as the student to discover that if a copy has been made, this is mainly presented in essays, written works and projects implemented by the students, despite the main objective to disputeIn front of these issues such as copying and plagiar. 

Internet users who make more social network management inquiries about the reports that are against plagiarism and copying in the writings that lead to a robbery of ideas. This inconvenience is present in most educational institutions since they are difficult problems to treat and make the student fall into error.

Students feel pressured to improve their work properly and effectively without any error. If necessary, we are in a world full of new technologies and information that leads to these errors being commented more frequently, the Internet in this case is used for the type of plagiarism and development, the information can be developed by copying andThe transcription of the investigation and thus the works are delivered in the shortest possible time and give a minimum value of creativity and good performance to the work. 

Teachers often simply find a way to proceed with this type of acts, quite insistence the sources options are not original, in addition to the fact that teachers can take the same stolen information and denounce this fact. It is feasible to establish whether a student used their own ideas since the phrases are made in different ways to those used in their own text, also students can choose sources that have nothing to do with the written text, and outside the established rules. To reveal a probable copy, with the support of the search on reference pages you can search and find a certain words link of the doubtful appointment, with the conclusion of noticing if you find a completely copied work and without ideas from the writer.

Students before copying and plagiarism

It is to distinguish the agreement from the students related to the development of the subject, which is reflected in an inquiry and exploration together with the students in the University Foundation of the Andean area generally a large percentage of students that belong to 35% consider reasonable to visit a pages or sitesWeb that elaborates a job and present it as the author of that document. Partially more than 45% know people who have made this type of copy, however 5% recognize their authorship. 

In these situations it is seen as moderately permissible and it is also usual. One of the reasons is preferably to consider that original copies is wrong and is an act of cyber vandalism.

If a direct line was reached between the opportunities of non -plagiarvalid and without any plagiarism. 

In this part of the brief, some professors of the university installation were surveyed informally, and commented that they have had more than one case of fraud in their subjects, and sometimes they had to act regarding what the university said or take another typeof discharge against this. All responded right in front of this issue and reported that it is very common for this type of cyber copy to be presented..


A fundamental objective of most educational establishments is to favor the growth of students and encourage that they do not use the copy as a rapid and effective work technique, since today humanity is increasingly globalized and one of therapid alternatives that educational establishments have is to deal with the attempt to plagiarprecise success in the work done and this following parameters such as the distribution, implementation, quality and control on digital platforms to perform the work well.

Today we are in the era of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) have become the new communication platforms where students gather virtually to generate ideas, play, have fun, communicate, learn from their interests and differentpleasures. Therefore, we want to implement in the Andean area an aid through social networks whose purpose is to reduce plagiarStudents with didactic material who have paraphrase information, appointments, the correct order of howPlay with their potential students.

Throughout this project we review the different ways of sending our advertising message to the students of the University Foundation of the Andean area as to other universities that want to unite this. This project aims to give small brushstrokes about each of the strategies that are generated to mitigate plagiarism. The student can easily find information about plagiarism, laws and order of work through the main networks that are most used.

Implementing social networks and generating a habit of change can give a new way of thinking to the students of the university, making known since the important data of plagiarism enter the university, which entails, the laws that apply ifThe plagiarism was committed, to paraphrase, quote, argue, without stealing ideas. Social networks and digital marketing are linked and this today captures the much faster attention of students. 

Through this, new ways of seeing the world of networks and their best use are implemented. Advertising campaigns will be carried out to encourage university students through Facebook, Twitter and Instragram so that they know a little more on the subject of plagiarism and copy, helping them formulate new ideas and creating a template that generates a set of joint time savingsto APA standards and its good use.


The best way to avoid plagiarism is generating ideas through platforms that help encourage the desire of university students to express their projects without stealing or plagiarism. When doing the work, that is, not copy or if it is done, write down bibliographic references of the corresponding authors of the information that is constituted in these pages and of which it can be guided but not in all aspects but having knowledge of howWrite in your own words and quote them by putting the text in bold, italics or in parenthesis.

In addition, the importance of not having a copy and plagiarism is 100% valuable for the university, because the quality of students that are forming through the information and ideas that collect in order to generate better professionals is known.

That said, education plays a basic role to teach people the value of honesty and integrity in self-development, as well as implementing information well generating new alternatives and ideas. A society that does not take care of its intellectual production, is forging an uncertain future and full of uncertainties. This is learned over time but it is something that we should all know and understand.

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