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Corporate Or Organizational Culture And Culture


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Corporate or Organizational Culture and Culture

Communication is very important for the human being since it allows him to be able to relate to other human beings who can meet their needs for affection and socialization;This, thanks to the different means of communications that may exist.

We know that communications can also occur internally;When you want to provide important information or coordinate some activity to a work or external team that allows us to get the different campaigns or activities offered by the organization, as well as knowing about the activities carried out by our competition. We also have the formal ones that are used for communication according to the hierarchical levels that exist in the company and informal that is mostly used in the day to day among the employees of the organization.

Organizational or corporate communication are those that are used between the different areas of the company to inform the performance of some activity, each indicate that these processes are of informative and communicational aspect, which allows the organization to have a feedback orfeedback.

Communication in the company is a fundamental axis for productivity because effective communication allows sales optimization and also for collaborators since the existence of good communication allows a good organizational climate to be built and also that they feel involved with theorganization.

Likewise, corporate communication meets the construction, maintenance and protection of the image of the company that will allow sustainability and bring it to success so that they can be seen differently against their competitors.

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Organizational communication allows knowledge of human resources, its development in the company, productivity in the work departments.

But despite all the concepts and companies that use corporate communication, there are still a company that does not make use of this tool either by ignoring the subject or not having knowledge of the functions and benefits that this type can offer youCommunication.

This is why betting on the development of a good corporate communication strategy is to bet on the functions that this is within the company. Functions such as the definition of receptors, brand monitoring, or the maintenance of communication channels.


Among the main characteristics that we can find in the communication within the organization are: (a) it allows to know the culture of the organization and familiarize it with it. (b) allows to elaborate a recognition of the organizational environment and its activities. (c) Promote the relationship between employees and organization workers. (d) It is the main means for the interaction between sectors. (e) Without it, teamwork and productive process would be practically impossible.


Apart from knowing what is necessary what corporate communication is for a company, you should also know what benefits can the organization go to the organization: (a) Difference the brand over the competition. (b) generates trust. (c) Improves reputation. (d) Loyalty to the different audiences. (e) Associate products and services to your values.


Organizational communication will fulfill an important role since it will be possible to know if our company may succeed or fail in the activities it will perform in the market.

This is why we know that in every company the people who work there possess different ways of thinking and feeling, which does a job not so simple to do corporate communication, this is why the communication work is done jointlyand effective.

Classification of organizational relationships

In many cases companies do not usually take advantage of corporate communication between different lines of work and hierarchical levels that exist in an organization.

For this we can analyze the relationships that exist within an organization and how they can be classified as follows: (a) linear or hierarchy: authority relationships between chief and subordinate, which are configuring the different hierarchical levels of the organization. “Line through which action processes or workflows develop. (b) Functional or Management Staff: functional relationships between specialists and the hierarchical line. They have no direct authority on the configuration of workflows, although they are responsible and control the objectives of their specific function with respect to them. (c) Support and Staff Advisor: Support and advice relationships on the hierarchical line, in order to facilitate the good development or balance of workflows or action processes.

Corporate communication channels

In order for a company to arise and manage to stay in the consumer’s mind, it is necessary to know how.

For this reason, to be able to raise your strategy well, you can use the multiple of corporate communication channels, both online and offline that exist in the market: (a) internal channels: it is important to be aware of the role played by employees in corporate communication. Both inside and outside the job, they will promote an image of the company wherever they go. Therefore, it is necessary to start working within the company itself. (b) Traditional advertising: Press notes, advertising in mass media, letters, etc. According to the time when the company is and whatever its audience, traditional advertising actions can be of great help. (c) EMARKETING: EMARKETING O. (d) Corporate website: It is the main element of communication in the digital sector and one of the most important channels today from which to send your messages. (e) Mailing: Ideal to communicate with the different interlocutors of a company, both target and collaborators or workers. (f) Social networks: currently essential in any communication strategy. Well -managed social networks can help you reinforce corporate messages.

In order for a company to have good organizational or corporate communication, some communication examples of the best known can be taken: (a) Formal communication: they are used in meetings, together, interviews, where the content of the communication is referred to labor aspects. (b) Descending communication: They are given for telephone calls, direct instructions and messages. (c) Ascending communication: They are used in surveys, meetings and conference forms. (d) Horizontal communication: They are used in informal meetings of sports equipment, council meetings and the committee, food hours of employees and formal sessions.

Risks in corporate communication

There are also risks of poor organizational communication that harms work, since it can cause delays, duplicity of tasks, lower quality in processes, low productivity, demotivation and uncertainty.

This is why there are tools to improve corporate communication in companies, some of the simplest application than others: (a) employee manuals: they contain the mission, values and action plan of the company, the general regulation of thecompany. Allow to establish rules clearly and prosecute all actions towards the same objective. (b) Institutional magazines: facilitate that the information from the different areas reaches the entire company. (c) Suggestion mailbox: provides the possibility of all employees to express their opinions and suggestions freely. (d) Intranet: Allows collaborators to be connected at all times through an internal network. (e) Discussion forums: Promote participation and arouses the interest of workers in the issues that concern the company.


This is why to be able to work the corporate communication of a company, it is not only to work on the image that others will perceive of it. If not, it is necessary to spend time and effort, and make sure that your messages are understood as you want in your employees.

It can also be affirmed that for organizational communication to be effective, it is necessary for it to be transparent, and do not deceive employees and that it is also consistent with the company’s culture.

Corporate communication is usually very important since for many companies that just start in a certain business segment allows them to open a window with the client where they can perceive where the company is directed and what can offer them.

While it is true every company must have a working group that is responsible for communicating the tools used by the organization to provide through communication the benefits offered by the company. This is why employees fulfill the function of communication agents, dare of how they say it and also for the actions they perform in their day to day.

Strategy communication is a strategic area for the company since it will manage communication and the relationship between employees and their interest groups.


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