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Corporate Social Responsibility Of The Company


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Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company


Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC), also called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or socially responsible investment, is defined as the active and voluntary contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement by companies, generally with the aim of improving their situationcompetitive, valuation and its added value. The organization’s joint performance evaluation system in these areas is known as the triple result.


Some national and international entities have intended to carry out abundant dissemination on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and since the mid -twentieth century there is a fruitful academic production on the subject, there is currently no unit of criteria regarding its definition.

Much less, delimitation of the scope that Mesta must have in the whole of society and each of the social groups that affect the business exercise or are affected by this. Historically, the debate has focused between two positions: the first one is still. By placing in different compartments business and social affairs, this economist denied the need for the concept of CSR, censuring it as a "subversive doctrine".

In this regard, Friedman (1970, 1) said: "Entrepreneurs who believe that the company has a social conscience and seriously take their responsibilities to generate employment, eliminate discrimination and avoid pollution, preach pure socialism".

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In the same way, he stated that the solution of social problems directly affect governments, because if the businessman does, he would act irresponsibly, by distributing less utilities to shareholders: few trends could undermine in such a complex way theyFundamentals of our free society as the fact that those responsible for companies accept social responsibility instead of trying to obtain the greatest possible benefits for their shareholders.

The social responsibility of the company is the set of actions that companies take into consideration, so that their activities have positive repercussions on society and that affirm the principles and values by which they are governed, both in their own internal methods and processes,as in their relationship with the other actors. CSR is a voluntary initiative.

We can also say that, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the set of obligations inherent to the free assumption of a state or condition, not yet typified by the positive legal system, but whose binding force and prior typification come from the intimate social convictionthat its breach implies the violation of the Culture Standard.

Likewise, corporate social responsibility is a form of management that is defined by the ethical relationship of the company with the shareholders, and by the establishment of business goals compatible with respect for diversity and promoting the reduction of social inequalities.

In order to, a responsible management of the company implies that it acts reconciling (equilibrium point) the interests of the business with the expectations of the community (particularly its interest groups or stakeholders). null

RSE benefits

The character of the benefits that the application of social responsibility can grant in a company is related to the nature of the same and is difficult to quantify. Some authors (Orlitzky, Schmidt, and Rynes) find that there is a direct relationship between social/environmental and financial performance. However, those companies that apply CSR do not seek a financial revenue in the short term.

Human Resources.

A CSR program can aim at recruiting and talent retention, especially considering the high degree of market competitiveness. Also, a CSR program helps improve and promote a good image of the company in internal staff, especially in cases where employees are directly involved through activities generated by the program.

Strategic corporate philanthropy.

Companies have begun to adopt CSR not only as a result of consumers, suppliers, community, activist organizations, investors, etc. (calls together Stakeholders);but also as an additional strategic activity in commercial competition.

Companies can play a very important role in people’s lives, not only as employment and wealth supplies, but as a development agent in the communities in which they are inserted. Many large companies are aware of this and have tried to take advantage of the expectations generated by CSR to obtain competitive advantages (help helping). Corporate philanthropy has ceased to be an autonomous activity entrusted to a foundation and is increasingly part of the strategies that contribute to carrying out the company’s corporate purpose.

The extended company.

The extended company concept consists in integrating into the business strategy all the elements that are part of the productive gear, from the client to the supplier. Implying that CSR does not stop in the company’s confines, but also has shared responsibility for the actions of its value chain. Some large companies demonstrate their social responsibility by promoting the spirit of business in the regions where it has an impact. The concept of supplier development takes special relevance, and that companies must deploy the concept of CSR in their supply chain.


To synthesize we can say that corporate social responsibility (CSR), seeks to generate a balance in different aspects such as;The generation of equality in competitiveness and new businesses, also promotes social stability and a better human capital. Along with this you get a better business climate, governance and more prosperous markets. Where without a doubt, there are notable improvements in the natural environment or ecosystem.



  • Friedman, m. (1970). "The Social Responsibility of Business is To Increase Is Profits," the New York Times Magazine, September 13. New York.
  • Clarksson, m. (nineteen ninety five). "A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance"
  • Botero l. (2009). “’ Speeches and practices on social responsibility of
  • Construction entrepreneur in Colombia: a look from the labor condition of the sector of the sector ’
  • Wikipedia (2016) “https: // es.Wikipedia.org/wiki/responsibility_social_corporativa ”


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