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Correctional Corruption Scandals


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Correctional Corruption Scandals
In Americans prison, corruption is observed to occur in various forms. Correction officers are practical to accept sexual favors or bribes to enable smuggling of drugs, weapons, cell phones and other benefits to inmates. Investigations reveal that some high officials are involved in implications of ‘pay to play’ schemes with some private prisons. There have been several cases of correctional corruption cases in the recent past in prisons. For instance, there was an FBI operational ghost guard in Georgia (Inderbitzin, n.p). It was initiated in the year 2014 after a cell-phone that had been smuggled made it easy for a prisoner serving life sentence to run a murder and kidnapping scheme easily.
Moreover, after investigations, it was revealed that the guards were paid $ 550 to around $1050 per every smuggled phone. In Los Angeles County, an FBI investigation conducted revealed several corruption scandals in California. They used an inmate to gather information on alleged corrupt and abusive deputies at the Men’s Central Jail. The Sheriff’s were able to discover in time about the probe and planned for a scheme to derail the jail investigation. Eleven officials were convicted for such actions of interfering with investigations that included the Los Angeles undersheriff and county Sherriff.The reasons for such scandals involved in prison are due to low hiring standards and low pay (Vivian, et al., 24).
For instance, many New York States officers are trained for only 200 hours formally before working in prison.

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Many correction officers agree on the corruption scandals which they say are influenced by unfulfilled promises of the increase in payoffs and their desire for money.
Works Cited
Inderbitzin, Michelle. “Delinquency Interrupted: Research Into And Inside Of Juvenile Correctional Facilities”. Sociology Compass 6.6 (2012): n. pag. Web https://www.google.com/search?q=Inderbitzin%2C+Michelle.+%22Delinquency+Interrupted%3A+Research+Into+And+Inside+Of+Juvenile+Correctional+Facilities&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab
Vivian, John P., Jennifer N. Grimes, and Stella Vasquez. “ASSAULTS IN JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY”. Journal of Crime and Justice 30.1 (2007): 17-34. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Vivian%2C+John+P.%2C+Jennifer+N.+Grimes%2C+and+Stella+Vasquez.+%22ASSAULTS+IN+JUVENILE+CORRECTIONAL+FACILITIES%3A+AN+EXPLORATORY+STUDY&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=
Part Two
Jaywalking means the violation of the pedestrian’s traffic laws. The penalty that involves it should include a fine that is almost similar to the parking fee. It is because jaywalking is observed as either a misdemeanor or an infraction. Cheating on a test should have consequences that should be both long-term and immediate. Punishments are supposed to vary depending on school levels and ages. Plagiarizing should be treated seriously than a peek on a word from another student. Immediate responses should include an automatic “F” or reduction on the final mark if allowed to do another paper (Brooks, n.p). It will be to imply that cheating is a serious case that is never and will never be allowed in tests. Excessive use of power by correctional officers should be punishable by suspension, loss of vacation days, loss of transfer or promotion, or prosecution for criminal acts that are perpetrated against the imprisoned individuals. It will help bring the officers into accountability and will reduce the number of such mistreatment of inmates and enhance inmate’s rights.
Besides, sexual misconduct by correctional officers is a felony that should be punishable by law for not less than two years imprisonment. It is because both male and female officers go against inmates right’s of intimacy and sexual contact. After the sexual mistreatment, inmates are required to file a notice of claim within 90 days after the abuse occurred. It will bring such officers to justice. Illegal gambling should be punished by increasing stakes for the operation of illegal gambling devices from misdemeanors to felonies that can result in heavy fines and imprisonment (Chau, n.p). This is for the state legislature to send a clear message to gambling interests that illegal activities never pay. Even if prostitution is in many states treated as a misdemeanor, the act should be punished for the felony of the third degree if it is repeatedly done during a shorter period of time. It will punish individuals that receive pecuniary benefit or fee with consideration of the act of prostitution. Cheating on a spouse is to be treated as a felony and a class H offense that is punished with years in jail. The other partner should be punished too to bring justice and marital rights respect. A cheating boyfriend or girlfriend should be held accountable for harm caused to their partner. Such individuals should pay for damages for the injuries caused to innocent partners that were committed to the relationship.

Works Cited
Brooks, Thom. “In Defence Of Punishment And The Unified Theory Of Punishment: A Reply”. Criminal Law and Philosophy 10.3 (2014): n. pag. Web. https://www.google.com/search?q=Brooks%2C+Thom.+%22In+Defence+Of+Punishment+And+The+Unified+Theory+Of+Punishment&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab
Chau, Peter. “Bennett’S Expressive Justification Of Punishment”. Criminal Law and Philosophy (2016): n. pag. Web. https://www.google.com/search?q=Chau%2C+Peter.+%22Bennett%E2%80%99S+Expressive+Justification+Of+Punishment%22.&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

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