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Corruption In The Peruvian Education System


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Corruption in the Peruvian education system


The quality of education in Peru is for many a failure, the educational system has historically been influenced by the same events of colonial inheritance, attempts in its transformation throughout history, as a pillar for the development of the countryThey seem not to have the expected result, due in large part to the persistent educational inequality of our country, where corruption in its different levels of society and state levels;problem that is further exacerbated by the obvious fragility of our historical cultural identity. It is important to highlight the different state agencies, present in a corrupt power structure, at different levels of power that will be explained during the essay.

Indeed, considering education in Peru as a pending task is not therefore folded, since the Peruvian education system is currently disconnected from national development, that is, there is no clear connection between Peru as a country, theeducation itself and national development. Hence we ask ourselves the following question, does corruption influence the failure of education in Peru?


The Peruvian education system, even today, is totally disconnected from national development which is important to highlight Marco Antonio Misajel’s contribution in his book: Why is education in Peru a failure?;which will support the research that will be carried out during this essay.

“Education in Peru is a failure, and this fact cannot be attributable to chance or the inability of those who had the responsibility of conducting the country in their hands;but it was and is an intentional, systematically planned, in order to safeguard the structure of an inequitable and exclusive order, related to the economic, social and political interests of small group of power, economic and political, to the detriment of the greatmost;Therefore, nefarious for national development ”(Masajil, 2015, p.

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The Peruvian student policy is organized (curriculum, legal norms, budget etc) to obstruct the capacity of economic, scientific, technological and industrial take -off of our country, favoring the groups of economic, national and foreign power ”(Masajil, 2015, 2015, 2015,p.260)

In more than two decades, a corrupt power structure installed in the regional education directions that are responsible for the most important aspects of institutional functionality have been formed in the national education system: reallocation, appointments, contracts in organic places, payroll payment, authorizationfor the opening of particular educational centers and institutes, contracts with third parties (known), agreements with NGOs and the overvaluation of educational products and projects.(Messajil, 2015, P.70).

This power structure with its actions generates a systematic network of immorality and corruption that is present from the headquarters of the Ministry of Education to educational establishments, and that is easily distinguished by the national, departmental and local community.(Perales, 2016)

Corruption in the education system is not an abstract idea, as we will analyze in this essay, there are concrete, common and significant tests that characterize it, which generate the closest profile of what happens in our educational reality.

The corrupt power structure is organized in a way that energized by their respective leaders, their norms, regulations and instruments have so many gaps that allows different transgressions of power to perform.

Every time it presents a problem of inability of the education system, causes are sought in intermediate organizations and, consequently, regional addresses seek origins of the problem in UGEL and they resort to educational centers. No instance assumes that the problems of inefficiency and corruption are housed in the educational system.

We rarely focus on the system as a whole, without dodging the responsibility of the governing body of education, officials, advisory, advisory institutions and NGOs who are authors of the current educational crisis in the country.

On the contrary, the perspective of a part of society including parents responsibility is in teachers. Surveys on the perception of educational quality, applied by the Regional Participatory Councils and the Reorganization Commission (IPE, 2010) indicate that the population believes that the problem of bad quality of education falls to the drivers of education (the media), Continuing with the teacher.

The organisms involved have different functions, some of them are not fully fulfilled, so taking into account the level of competence of each organism, they do not cease to have some responsibility regarding corruption in the sector, such as thecase of:

The Ministry of Education

It is the governing body of national educational policies and exercises its rectory through an intergovernmental coordination and articulation with regional and local governments, promoting dialogue and participation mechanisms. (MINEDU 2015).

At the headquarters the budget of the intermediate organs, the award of places, according to the vacancies established by zone is defined .For the other educational establishments in the country, large purchases are made, in general by tenders .Currently it is known that criminal actions are on the course of officials responsible for tenders linked to the acquisition of books.

If an audit was held with respect to the hundreds of millions of soles spent in the last decade in consulting in which important figures participated that subsequently occupied positions in the Congress of the Republics and in the high direction of the MED .It is very likely to find dusty ringed documents that were useless, but to collect the value of the consultancy .The interview conducted by Tito Prado, national leader of the MNP, to the leaders of the SUTEP Teachers Union, they said they know MED officials linked to the structure of corrupt power through the national contest to cover teaching places, there is a network of favors to favors toknown, either by a teaching square in a specific place or the appointment that occurs through an exam. All this results in many educational centers not to arrive enough books for all students, it should be noted that many school infrastructure are in poor condition, putting schools at risk.

The Regional Directorate of Education (DRE)

Its objective is to regulate pedagogical management in educational institutions and programs of initial, primary and secondary education in coordination with the instances of decentralized educational management (Minedu 2016)

The regional director is in charge of the administration in the regions there is a policy that requires the profile of the position and its requirements, however it does not perform more than technical-administrative criteria to political criteria linked to a political orientation of the party of the party ofRegional Government present in that region. It is usual that the director of the region comes from some position of the educational structure, (director of an educational center, secondary or higher primary school), therefore its domain is the pedagogical, unlike the domain of the educational direction andManagement of administrative systems is limited, causing an imbalance by not complying with the requirement of regional management. The corrupt power structure knows about the problem;Sim however they try to camouflage it through pedagogical technical issues, training courses, constants inaugurations of events etc. The more entertaining this with the “pedagogical” activities, including hours which are not used for the proposed curricular mesh, if we do not refer to extracurricular activities, for example: the national holidays in which they participate among others; consequently there are lesstime to see other administrative fields which is the main function of this body. In this context of disability, those in charge of managing the Government of the DRE are the following: the Office of Internal Audit (OIA), the Office of Legal Advice (OAJ) and the Directorate of Institutional Management (DGI).

The Internal Audit Office (OAI)

The Internal Audit Office of the Regional Directorate is the entity in charge of solving the different problem, claims complaints that arise, inside and outside the Ministry of Education for examples: reallocations, the APAFAS, the SUTEP, public, private institutions.

They control, positively or negatively decide the claims, designations for their trusted people, since the use of power can promote corruption that is the evil that persists in this current society. A clear example is SUTEP (Unitary Union of Workers in Education of Peru), during the past year there were a number of demonstrations, stoppages (months of lost classes) in a large number of educational institutions, lost hours were not recovered byall schools;This was mainly due to the uncompromured salaries they had, they went to this organization, Sim however there was no considerable change;After the manifestations by the union, the State looks for a solution to its order .

The Legal Advice Office (OAJ)

This office issues opinions related to appeals and compliance with the directorial resolutions and is directly linked to the OAJ and the DRE.

However, this entity issues legal report and almost never take into account the rights of teachers, children, adolescents and parents. As an education that gives them all the necessary elements for their student stage;However, many of these schools do not have enough materials to meet the needs of the teacher and students.

By prioritizing their needs, and their conveniences the OAJ authorities are not acting according to the law.

The DGI Institutional Management Directorate

They are in charge of having all the information about the organic squares, staff allocation table and the budget of all I.AND. and authorize the operation of the I.AND. Individuals. This entity is articulated with DGP, Oaj, and maintain control of the i e. individuals and many of these have serious infrastructure problems and the authorities, are turned a blind eye.

As for reallocations they handle it according to their convenience.


The structure of corrupt power is located in all state and individual entities, the education sector is no stranger in all the agencies appointed, they fail to comply with their functions, prioritizing their own interests, carrying out actions such as the overvaluation of books, projects,teaching places, indifferent to the educational needs of the country, among others. Corruption is chaining a variety of consequences for breach of work and the prioritization of personal interests, therefore many students, teachers and society in general is affected by this factor that does not allow the development of education in our country. 

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