Corruption In The Rotation Of Jobs
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This present research work entitled Corruption in the rotation of the jobs is the result of the curricular experience philosophy belonging to the IV cycle of the Professional Professional Program for General Training corresponding to the 2019-II semester of the School of Administration, which has theRules of disposition and structure of the Research Office complying with the Observable Products Guide of this semester, I hope that this investigation serves as the basis for future investigations or clear doubts about this problem that in general terms affects everyone especially to thestrategic areas of an organization.
Internationally, this problem has managed to achieve different social spheres that encompass large multinational companies that govern in a corrupt way all the economic movement that a country develops. The way in which collaborators act with themselves and with those around them, show their rights and responsibilities, reflect the values, ethics and moral conscience of each of them. The international problems that exist greatly influence the workplace, which is easily detected in the central problems.
Many times we have heard in our nation, that the problem of our country is corruption and that it has invaded the State. In this way, it holds a conformism of a perverse state, managed by a perverse political class whose objective is to fill the pockets and cheat society. We maintain here instead, that these propositions leave us a distorted image of reality.
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An image in which our society, naive and passive, is condemned to failure due to the mishandling of it a group of "politicians" and "the State".
It is defined as’ personnel rotation ”, the number of workers who leave and enter in relation to the total labor link of a company, sector, hierarchical level, department or position, of this same definition shows that it follows that no, it is necessary toConsider the part of the rotation as a solution the number of workers who leave and who are not replaced by others, since in this case it can be readjustment or contraction of the company. Similarly, if a certain number of workers becomes part of the company, but not to replace others that exist before, it also does not have this for rotation, but rather refers to the growth of the institution.
In my perspective, I believe that a corrupt society can only be a society in a state of degradation to human talent and therefore it necessarily has to be an unfair society. The corruption that overwhelms us is of course both legal and political, that is, it manifests itself in all dimensions of contemporary life. Our country is going through a moral and ethical crisis, the principles and values in society have been lost. Given this reality, my little research on the essay seeks to encourage companies. Castañeda J.
The present essay aims to analyze the problem about: "Corruption in the rotation of jobs".
This is the trial has been structured in two aspects: the first refers to corruption, in this version I have set BT. of Stephen d. Morris, Guillermo Brizio and Treisman (2000);Also in a second moment we will make an analysis of the rotation of the job, for which I am taking the theoretical basics of Pigors and Meyers (1985), Strauss George and Sayles Leonard (1985), Pigors and Meyers (2017).All this was born with the initiative to study and investigate the relationship of both variables in a certain context to demonstrate the great importance that it has.
This essay is in order to investigate and detect what are the main causes of ‘corruption based on personnel rotation’ in organizations. Therefore, this research will be carried out with the purpose of locating the main causes of this problem, which is affecting the employment relationship and that is achieved with quality the mission that its clients have to comply with.
At the end of the investigation, my view will be announced in order to contribute to companies in a better labor structuring, so that they are corrected for the benefit of organizations and with this stimulate their workplace, in that waycan gradually lower corruption based on personnel rotation until its objective. There will also be a short paragraph in which conclusions will be reported to know them and address the labor problem, since it is an area of opportunity that can be corrected by applying the recommendations.
The corruption
Stephen d. Morris, who conducted an interesting study of corruption, argued that ‘has been defined as the illegitimate use of public power for private benefit’;My opinion is that all illegal or non -ethical use of government activity, has as a consequence the arbitrary use of power, in other words personal benefit that as a final result is to affect everyone in a society because of one.
In another definition with a more legal emphasis that Guillermo Brizio provides: ‘corruption is designated as a social phenomenon”;I consider that through which a public servant is driven against laws, regulations and practices implemented, in order only to favor particular interests.
Treisman (2000) in a study where he analyzes various corruption indices, finds support for corruption causes. Countries with Protestant traditions but of British origin, which have more developed economies and probably greater imports, were less corrupt while federal states regimes were more corrupt. I consider that the current level of democracy was not significant, because a long period of democracy predicts a lower level of corruption.
The results of this study of the analyzed sources show that corruption constitutes a broad, varied and global phenomenon that include public and private activities;It has a purely negative effect on economic efficiency and growth. What I could emphasize, all this is a serious obstacle to the proper functioning of companies, this causes a discomfort and arise different conflicts between them, causing the deceleration of growth, which will result, losses simply more losses.I believe that to prevent a problem like this, continuous monitoring must always be done to avoid great declines that go against growth and satisfaction of both their collaborators and their clients.
Rotation of jobs
For Pigors and Meyers (1985), staff rotation is the degree of internal mobility of employees;Avoidable or inevitable;healthy or not healthy for an organization. That is to say a constant renewal of people in a company due to the high and low in a certain period.
Pigors and Meyers (2017), suggest: take them following measures to reduce (to rotation of personnel: improve selection, placement, training, induction, labor relations, supervision, salaries, salaries increases in critical periods, redesign of positions. For me in particular, strategies must be designed and then executed to have positive results.
Strauss George and Sayles Leonard (1985), talk about the rotation of personnel saying that it allows the worker to meet new occupations, expand their knowledge and evaluate their real potentialities, look for new promotion opportunities, promotion, improve their income and working conditions. I consider that the problem mentioned is a factor that affects organizations in an economical and social way, resulting in low productivity, but for that one must have an established control.
When analyzing the phenomenon, when withdrawing or incorporated, in relation to the total collaborators of an organization, for me it is known as work rotation. But the most important thing is to have control over the rotation of the staff, because the fulfillment of the objectives of the company becomes the primary part. And so that everything mentioned can be carried out, it is essential. What I could understand of all this is that for companies one of the main inconveniences is the cost of excessive rotation, either due to staff selection procedures, training and little efficiency that results from their work.
In my opinion, all our social, economic, administrative, etc. They would decrease considerably if our levels of education were improved and moral education was added, and not only implementing subjects to promote national love, but also towards the dignity of every human being. And for this you would need prepared teachers who are able to transmit with their example and learning strategies the value, at their holistic level. We need this country to advance, but it can’t alone;Everyone must put their grain of sand daily, striving to fulfill their obligations with a neatness and quality, being informed to express disagreements and alternative solutions for them, thinking about the well -being of all their compatriots and not only in theirs, and fightingFor surpassing more and more, being within the framework of the law.
At the same time the rotation of the personnel we must understand as an effect of phenomena produced both within and outside the organization and not as a cause, these phenomena influence the behavior of people. It is a change in the organization of work that seems to have an impact on the productivity of the organization, the learning of workers. This versatile workers increases the capacity of companies to act against changes in productive demand or the problem of work absenteeism. In addition, the implementation of a rotation plan designed for the prevention and improvement of aspects in the work environment, thus reducing the costs due to labor casualties and those derivatives of temporary contracting and their training.
Based on my administration career, it is much more primary, since everything is characterized in business and as administrator one has to be alert to all types of problems that arises to provide a benefactor solution for all.
Bibliographic references
- Stephen D book. Morris entitled “Corruption and politics in contemporary Mexico.”;First edition 1992.
- Cesar c. "The death of political science". Encyclopedia Encarta 2002.
- Pigors, Paul and Meyers, Charles. (1985). Personnel administration: a point of view and a method. 4th. Edition. CECSA. Mexico.
- Strauss, George. Staff Administration. Work – Socio -economic aspects. Workers – Protection. Employment benefits. Mexico: Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana. 1985.
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