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THE YEAR OF THE PESET: DANIEL DEFOE Text comment: Diario on the year of the PLAGUE  Analysis The text shows us the vision of a survivor of the great plague......

CONTROL OF BRAZIL The world is on the threshold of environmental pollution. Almost every activity carried out by human beings is a threat to the environment. While some countries a...

Entrepreneurship in Mexico: reality, necessity or fiction. Introduction In the last decade the world markets and trends towards innovation and technology have been marking the patt...

Geno Violence continues to increase figures Introduction The issue of violence against women is a very controversial issue today, since human rights that not only arise by blows an...

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National identity theft in Mexico Introduction Identity theft is a crime that in Mexico is increasing day by day, the statistics of companies and authorities refer to high numbers,...

Of the Reyes Ximena Torre Introduction Demography studies the different social phenomena that lead to the development or development of a city, statistically determines the structu...

Rwanda's story, Genocide Now, to understand the causes of genocide, you have to go back to the colonial era in Africa, that is, at the end of the 19th century.The......

The Covid-19 monster, the great threat Over the years the world has experienced various situations that have brought not only, the extermination of millions of people, but also eff...

The emergence of international relations Introduction We can read that international relations are important for all countries since the world is diverse, complex and dynamic, ther...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Importance of Voting Voting is a fundamental right for every citizen living in a democratic country that enables them to participate...

International Banking and Finance Name Institution International banking and finance The activities involved in global finance and business significantly influence the worlds finan...

Against Gun Control Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Gun control efforts have lasted for many years despite being controversial. Some people feel that guns are to blame for ...

Fundamental rights as an individual In an introductory way, in this work I will use the relationship between Fioravanti's text, "theoretical foundations of freedoms" and ...

Romanticism in Spain of the nineteenth century   The nineteenth century began throughout Europe with great changes after the French revolution of 1789. These changes left behind t...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date U.S. Budget Deficit The United States has for a long time been subject to international security concerns. As explained by Elmendorf...

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Details Date Police Brutality The use of excessive force by the police officers roils the United States once again. There has been an inc...

Name Instructor Course Date Economic Cost of Terrorism At a time when thwarted plots and terrorist attacks regularly dictate the news headlines and when an obvious item can be the....

Causes of income inequality in Argentina INTRODUCTION The objective of this work is to study the variable activity rate. To do this I have collected data through the INDEC page......

Christmas story in Costa Rica Introduction Christmas is a long -awaited era around the world;Each region, country, city, celebrate it differently, however the Central American coun...

How the evolution of technology has affected science This essay will explain how technology has affected medicinal, military and discoveries that have helped us to reveal a little ...

The importance of intercultural education in Mexico The reflective criticism that the author makes at the beginning of her article, without a doubt she touches delicate but very tr...

Student Name Instructor Course Date Technology and Violence Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for purposes that are practical for example applied sciences and e...

Chemistry, derivation of human curiosity The human being is undoubtedly one of the most complex living beings known, not only for their way of developing in the middle, but also......

Freedom of expression in political campaigns Introduction Within this essay that we will see below, we will first analyze in the background of what freedom of expression means, as ...

Insecurity does not know social isolation On Monday, April 20, it was reported as the most violent day of the year with 114 homicides. This note went a bit unnoticed......

Napoleon's involvement in art Francisco de Goya was born on March 30, 1746 in Fuendetodos, in Zaragoza province, Spain and died on April 16, 1828, in France. Painter and recorder,....

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Octavio Paz and the Fiestas de México The parties where Mexicans are always too iconic. Your sense of celebration is always present and ready to leave at any time, no......

Online education and its myths Introduction According to the study text, there are several myths that allow to infer that online education is not the same as face -to -face......

Student’s Name Instructor Date Police Militarization in the United States Merits of Police Militarization Criminal gangs have considerably become more sophisticated necessitating...

Response to Questions Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Response to Questions Discussion Question 2 Union decertification is a process by which the National Labor Relatio...

Name Professor Title Date Cold War and Foreign Policy I did not understand why the ultimate responsibility to implement foreign and national security policy rests with the presiden...

Name: Instructor: Course code: Date: Note Presentation The company has gained a lot from the latest project due to the employees putting much effort. However, the management has no...

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Beginnings and History of the Red Cross in the early 1900s The History of the Red Cross begins in 1898 with the Spanish request for Information on Military Health, in......

Financial Statement Audit Service The Audit of Financial Statements is a professional service of exclusive application by the Public Accountant entitled through which an independen...

Misinformation in decision making and how to avoid it How many of you were based on the News Climate Forecast to know how to go dressed in the street? How......

Public Policy and inclusive institutions in Colombia American teachers Acemoglu and Robinson analyze in their book the different aspects that really make some countries of the glob...

The Century of Lights' The illustration or "The Century of Lights" is located in the 18th century, can be defined as the liberation of man from his lack of decision......

The omission of Family Assistance Truality, in our country the trances are presented through the lack of food obligation payments by food due, and this has been seen in increase......

World power and external debt Introduction When thinking about the United States of America, the fact that it is one of the largest and most powerful countries in the world......

KING LOUIS XIV Student’s Name Institution Professor’s Name Date of Submission King Louis XIV During the seventeenth century, most monarchs in Europe employed absolutism philoso...

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