View all "Country" ready papers, essays and assignments
The Welfare State in Europe Introduction The process of formation and consolidation of the welfare state in Europe and in the United States is useful for appreciating the gradual t...
The War of Independence in Mexico between 1808 and 1814 The War of Independence was a conflict between 1808 and 1814. The objective was to be a free, independent country,......
The voting system in Mexico Mexico is a federal state composed of thirty -two states: thirty -one states and the Federal District (Mexico City), the latter being the headquarters o...
The volcanoes in the Puracé National Park Introduction Puracer National Park is located in the Andes Central Mountains in Colombia. It includes a series of volcanic complexes made...
Words: 796
Pages: 3
The vodka and other typical Russia drinks that you must try Introduction Every country usually has drinks that characterize it and that become traditional allowing them to distingu...
The value of the last samurai Introduction The flower of Japan, beautiful and elegant in its possession, separated from the tree from life. It was on November 25, 1970, the......
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The valuable architecture of Singapore Introduction Today on my trip we want to propose a destination for your next trip: Singapore. Every year it receives thousands of tourists fr...
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The universal affirmation of human rights “Human rights are a set of principles, of universal acceptance, constitutionally recognized and legally guaranteed, aimed at ensuring hu...
Words: 1994
Pages: 7
The United States and I will conflict Introduction The conflict between the United States and Iran lit its ardor with the taking of the United States delegation in Tehran, capital....
The Tsaatan tribe of Mongolia: reindeer shepherds The Tsaatan de Mongolia tribe is one of the latest communities of reindeer shepherds. Traditionally nomads, they live in a remote ...
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The truth and power, a marriage of centuries Introduction: “The root was not black, it was not black what was in that piece of wood, but ... something else; Black,......
Words: 1580
Pages: 6
The true purpose of the communist manifesto Introduction This theme will talk about the communist manifesto written by Karl Marx which was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, jo...
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THE TRUE OBJECTIVE OF THE SOCIAL CONTRACT In this essay, the objective of the Rousseau social contract will be seen that is based on 4 books where each explains......
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The true meaning of Franz Kafka's metamorphosis Metamorphosis is a great renowned novel written by Austrohungalo Franz Kafka, being published in 1915, it should be noted that this ...
The transphobia is currently within society While I thought we could improve our society, I remembered a friend of mine, who decided to change gender. Back in 2016, for me......
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The transition to democracy in Chile between 1988 and 1944 The transition to democracy in Chile was the period that began at the end of Augusto Pinochet military regime. This......
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The ten principles of the economy and its concepts Introduction The economy whose meaning is "the one who manages a home". Hence the close relationship that the economy w...
The symbolism of the peacock in India The peacock also fulfills the sacred animal function and is related to several gods. Within its religious role this animal will be the......
Words: 715
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The suffering of others and its history Introduction There are many moral dilemmas in life. Almost every day we have to solve some, but most of them have become routine,......
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The submission of women in marriage '' Doll House '' is a work that stands out for dealing with issues and dilemmas that are of great controversy both in ancient......
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Pages: 7
The study of drug trafficking in Peru Introduction The problem of drug use and consumption is increasing normally causes concern in the country and leads to social, economic, cultu...
The State and the institutions that work in the administration of a country The State comprises all the institutions dedicated to government work and administration, to facilitate ...
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Pages: 5
The spiritual phenomenon of national identity in Ecuador National identity, (El Telegrafo, 2016) is a spiritual phenomenon, at the same time sentimental and ideological, which summ...
THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AS A ACADEMIC SUBJECT The Spanish language is an academic subject whose objective is to teach students to communicate correctly, orally and written, in the Spa...
The Spanish Inquisition from Muslim, Jewish and Christian peoples The research work aims to analyze the Spanish Inquisition within the social and economic field experienced by the ...
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The social doctrine of the Catholic Church The social doctrine of the Church tries to cover and solve social and economic conflicts which are some of the societies, projecting and....
The social division of work by Durkheim Durkheim deals with this problem through different prolonged studies in the time in which he observes that the annual percentages of suicide...
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THE SOCIAL CONTRACT: Rousseau A well constituted state must have limits, or too large that cannot be managed or very small that cannot be recognized as a state, when the......
The snow wells in Spain and their history It can be the less shocking to speak during these warm months of snow or ice in Spain. Summer months in which,......
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The snakes and the rattlesnake: a poisonous species Introduction Cascabel snakes belong to the family of the vipers, specifically to the genre Crotalus. They are endemic animals of...
The short origin of the social network 'Facebook' Facebook is a website that belongs to the social networks group that began in operation on February 4, 2004, was created by......
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THE SHAH-E-CHERAGH SANCTUARY IN IRAN Introduction The Shah-E-Cheragh sanctuary is one of the great jewels that the monumental city of Shiraz keeps in Iran. One of the country's gre...
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The SDG and Honduras Honduras's experience regarding the SDGs shows that development is hindered due to low levels of peace ... The report indicates that, for the moment, no countr...
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The Schengen space and as arises The Schengen space is formed by an area of 26 different European countries, which recognized the inner suppression of borders with other member cou...
The samurais and the tradition of their festivals Introduction In Fukushima Prefecture, the Soma Nomai Festival is celebrated every year. This region, known for its strong traditio...
Words: 744
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"The sailor who lost the grace of the sea" Introduction Since I began to read the work "the sailor who lost the grace of the sea" I could appreciate that......
Words: 1702
Pages: 6
THE SAFETY OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Introduction Currently, computer technology is essential for the overcoming and development of a country. The information that is handled in it is...
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The Rwanda massacre: 1994 Everything was prepared since time and the Hutus only sought a pretext to start the conflict, this was the death of President Rwandés on April 6,......
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The Rural Exodus in Spain Since the mid -nineteenth century the population in Spain has been increasing more or less sustained, but its distribution has generated great imbalances ...
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The Royal Spanish Athletics Federation Introduction The Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) is the highest regulation and promotion agency of all athletics modalities in Spai...
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