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The great importance of Muslim votes in the Biden campaign Joe Biden, candidate of the US elections of 2020 faces Donald Trump, current president of the United States. The next......

The graphic design career Introduction The color in graphic design Graphic design is an academic subject and work activity that consists of the illustration of any type of visual c...

The goods and their classification according to the Civil Code INTRODUCTION: The goods are necessary and important for people, because they allow to meet the different needs of the...

The global harassment and gender violence problem Introduction In this work we start from a count, focusing on gender aggression, a general approach is made to the problem of the.....

The French illustration France was the country that most knew the development of the ideas of the Enlightenment, in addition, it was the one who, in the various fields, the......

THE FREEDOM OF THE HUMAN BEING Freedom is the ability to choose without any coercion. Freedom has been present for centuries in humanity and is the one that differentiates us......

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The Fontainebleau Treaty explained The Napoleon Pact with Russia in Tilsit (July 7, 1807) left him free to direct his attention to Great Britain and to Sweden and Portugal, the......

The focus of a thesis applying qualitative research Introduction. In his writing entitled how to do a good thesis project with qualitative methodology, Miguel Martínez Miguélez, ...

The firmness of women before society Introduction The participation of women in society has been truncated since its inception after the primitive community to the present day due ...

The family crisis of Puerto Rico Introduction I will begin this essay defining what the family concept is. The family, according to sociologists, is a group of people united by......

The expansion of organized crime Introduction. Within a nation-state where democracy is the pillar of a political government and society chooses the way of being governed to meet t...

The evolution of the idea of quality in education   The present work aims to make a review of the concept "education" in the context of academic instruction and under......

The evolution of the concept of nationalism in Ecuador, a historical perspective The national soul was not born in Ecuador of 1830 but has its origins much earlier, this concept......

The evolution of social responsibility and their benefit for companies ABSTRACT Today, it is known that both large and small companies are difficult to stand firm in the business, ...

The evolution of rice cultivation in Paraguay Summary The expansion of rice cultivation in Paraguay observed in the last 5 agricultural campaigns, together with the new technologie...

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THE EVOLUTION OF GLOBALIZATION There is no doubt that the world is increasing. Globalization can be defined as the relationship between all countries of the world in all areas such...

The EU and the refugee crisis Fruit of an unprecedented wave of immigration, in 2015 and 2016 the European Union had to agree on a series of measures to face......

The ethics reflected in the social participation of the entrepreneur The social participation of the businessman draws a necessary bridge between law and ethics;that is, between wh...

The ethical dilemma of designing babies The design of babies is a technology that will eventually be available to anyone, not only because it is economical, fast and precise, but.....

The environment, garbage and why it is important to recycle You have ever wondered what about garbage? Or why do you talk so much about recycling? Well, many people ask......

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The empowerment of women in society Throughout history, the role that women play in the different communicative contexts has been guided by stereotypes that have a patriarchal and ...

The education before and today's possibilities At present, online or distance education has acquired great importance, since there is an important lag in the country to continue wi...

The educational situation in Bolivia and Diversity Introduction The current situation of disability in Bolivia is established by a clear situation of discrimination, inequality, ex...

The Educational Pact, one of the most important sectors of society Introduction Education is one of the most important sectors for society, since it is essential for the correct de...

The educational inequality in Latam Today for each of us it is evident that our society has taken great steps to eradicate poverty in its entirety, in some places it......

The economic impact of conflicts between Spain and Chile later on the bombing of Valparaíso SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The Valparaíso War passed in 1865 and 1866, which...

The economic crisis that affects Venezuela The Venezuelan economy, in particular, has not escaped the dissemination of the crisis and during 2009 plunged into a recessive cycle of ...

The earthly goods of man For this essay we will analyze a chapter of the book The earthly goods of Leo Huberman and the chapter is the 11 called "Gold......

The drug trafficking in Colombia's economic crisis in the 80s Organized crime in many areas of society has the need and ability to combine coercion and consensus. Its validity and....

The discrimination of the Colonial Quito and Current Quito Introduction From the colonial Quito discrimination towards a certain group, the indigenous people, has been rooted in ou...

The disadvantages of being Venezuelan in the world and xenophobia It is currently known that Venezuela is going through its worst historical moment since its independence, that cou...

The dictatorship in Latin America Noriega was a dreaded Panamanian dictator, highly valued Agent of the CIA, who fell out of favor after being accused of drug trafficking and overt...

The development of the comic as propaganda in the period delivered and its impact on American society To begin with, we will begin in highlighting the importance that the media......

The development of the French Revolution Introduction The French Revolution can be defined as a social, political, economic and military conflict that developed in French territory...

THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIBERALISM Introduction According to Lara's expression, liberalism is defined as the theory that defends freedom, in general, of all members of society. In a mor...

The dehumanization and life of the author of metamorphosis Introduction Metamorphosis is a literary work published in 1915, after the end of World War I in Prague Czechoslovakia, b...

The deforestation of natural forests in Colombia, protection of our biodiversity   Colombia has a continental extension of 114 million hectares, of which 52% is covered with natur...

The dark side of K-Pop music The K-Pop or Korean pop is the phenomenon of the moment that is breaking visualizations records such as the Black Pink women's group that......

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THE CURRENT WATER BUSINESS Water: it is a liquid element that exists in its most or less pure state in nature. This is essential for life because without it it......

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The current political crisis in Venezuela The political crisis in Venezuela is given by the instability of its government, causing a critical scope that is threatening the economic...

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