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The culture of peace and nonviolence According to these postulates, the culture of peace must be based on the understanding of the co -responsibility that education has regarding t...

THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF THE NATION OF PERU   As we all know of good ink ... Our nation is multicultural and encompasses a universe of cultures and languages. But......

The Cuban crisis of nuclear missiles Introduction Within the framework of the Cold War and with nuclear weapons as a deterrent, the Soviet Union saw in Cuba an opportunity where......

The cruel reality of the Social Security System.   Social Security aims to provide individuals with greater coverage to the eventualities that may happen to a person. But the real...

The crisis in Venezuela Perhaps today nobody denies either in Venezuela or outside of it that there is a delicate situation in all strata, aggravated by innumerable circumstances t...

The crisis in Venezuela: a social disorder This great social disorder that develops approximately since 2013, subject a country to a great crisis. After various events that Venezue...

The Criminal Justice System in Mexico Introduction In 1978 John Rawls came to say that “each person has an inviolability based on justice that even the well -being of society......

The crime of genocide and its history Armed conflicts have always been present in different societies since the beginning of our day. Both disputes in ethnic and power or religious...

The courts of Nuremberg and Tokyo to judge war criminals The trials of Nuremberg and Tokyo are one of the most interesting designs to find the way out of one......

The controversy on the issue of immigration There is a lot of controversy on the issue of the impact of immigrants in the United States. Many say that immigrants who......

THE CONSTRUCTION AND PEACE PROCESS IN COLOMBIA This essay will consist of a reflection on the need and the proposal to take an arduous and different path framed in a......

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador in equal marriage Introduction This trial is intended to indicate the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador with respect to equa...

The consequences of the Industrial Revolution Introduction The main economic consequence was the implementation of capitalism, which became financial. On the other hand, the artisa...

The consequences of emigration in Venezuela   It is impossible not to recognize that at present the problem of Venezuelan migration in the country brings with it consequences both...

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The conquest of Mexico   When talking about the history of Mexico, a series of events that have marked the life of each person in the country come to mind,......

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The Congress in Covid-19 times Introduction Since 2020, the pandemic originated by the COVID-19 worldwide came to reconfigure the chores of public and private life, especially the ...

The concert tribute to the South African black leader Nelson Mandela Introduction One billion people, in more than 50 countries, witnessed yesterday the tribute concert that musici...

The concept and myth of a nation, the meaning of May 2   “The nation is the result of an imaginary construction, whose dynamic depends on internalization, to achieve it......

The colonial nation-state in the Indianism of Fausto Reinaga In the preceding lines it was found that Western modernity produced the state-state, for this reason we can assert that...

The Colombian Trade Union Movement Introduction The period between 1855 and 1920 could be said that it is the incubation period of the trade union movement itself in Colombia, sinc...

The climatic situation with current data It is undeniable that the environment is a hot topic today, being the emissions of CO2 the greatest threats to the planet. In 2015,......

The civil war conflict in Syria Introduction The Arab Republic of Syria suffered in 2011 the beginning of an armed conflict due to disagreements between the government led by Presi...

The city and the problems modern urbanism Modern urbanism with all its pros and consThis work will focus, we will know the current position of modern urbanism, who originated it......

The circular economy and its relationship with the environment In this essay it will manifest about the importance of the circular economy as the environment, he because it must be...

The Chilean crisis in 1973 and the weakened state   Overcoming a crisis is not easy and doing policies for development either, there will always be winners and losers, people......

THE CHILD WHO DOMO THE WIND - TEST As described by the film at the time of starting is based on a real story. In this I was able to......

The characteristics of forests Introduction Thorny dry thicket. It is located in the driest and quality areas of the country, near the mangroves (Pacific Ocean) in the provinces of...

The challenges promote universities to improve their performance INTRODUCTION UNESCO defines internationalization as the multiplicity of policies and programs that universities and...

The Central Bank in Colombia Introduction The Bank of the Republic is the first and only central bank that has existed in Colombia, it is founded on March 23, 1923......

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The 'censure motion' case of Spain The motion of censure is the tool by which parties with representation in the Chamber fall from a bicameral parliament or in a unicameral......

The causes and realities of Honduran migration Introduction Honduras is a country full of wealth that offers a variety of tourist places and that contains a lot of potential to......

The boy with striped pajamas This movie, really, is something shocking. They are facts that leave a very beautiful teaching to the person who sees it, because one feels it......

The Bombay, a black and elegant cat Introduction The Bombay, a black and elegant cat Characteristic Country of origin: United States Wool type: short hair Growth: 25-30 cm Weight: ...

The black period of humans by the Industrial Revolution From the Neolithic, this was XV centuries ago, in approximately 5000 to.C., Humanity had not experienced a series of such im...

The birth of the media the radio in Colombia On April 12, 1923, as part of the official inauguration ceremony of the new Telecommunications Station, Colombian President Pedro Nel O...

THE BIRTH OF MÉXICANO AND OCTAVIO PAZ The birth of the Mexican, the notion of homeland and the construction of a mutual and national feeling about a specific territory space......

The beginning of secondary and higher education in Mexico The insurrection in Mexico of 1810 Marco with the beginning of a process in which Mexico seeks to conform as an......

The beautiful tropical flowers Introduction Tropical flowers, the most beautiful and strange flowers. I could not be missing in our blog dedicated to flowers, a page to explain and...

The auditory deficiency in television media in Ecuador.  Television media in Ecuador lack labor accessibility for people with some type of disability, those who have hearing impai...

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The assessment of the evidence in the crime of rape in minors The aggressor in the sexual crimes of minors, acts clandestinely, to benefit from the victim's helforms or methods......

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