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Sports bets in the discipline of athletics Introduction Athletics is one of the sports that we all know, but we know little or nothing about it. It is not as......

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Sports and illegal hunting against species in extinction in Colombia. Introduction This research focuses on a reflexive analysis of illegal-defective or sports hunting, the consequ...

Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia The special jurisdiction for peace is the component of justice of the comprehensive system of truth, justice, reparation and non-repetiti...

Spanish Franco and civilization Introduction Spanish civilization: before Franco's dictatorship was a civil war caused by a coup d'etat to take power and stop the new social evolut...

Spanish Energy Oligopoly as the new market capitalist structure As we can see, the year 2008 not only occurred a great decrease in photovoltaic facilities due to the economic crisi...

Space race, NASA Apollo Program   There are several reasons why World War II came to an end, to talk about the space road, we must highlight the fall of......

Space exploration and economic development Introduction There are many economic factors that have been studied throughout history, but great advances in spatial study have been obs...

Sowing transgenic crops in the world Introduction With the excuse of making agricultural surfaces in the world more productive and achieving food security of our countries, the pla...

Sources and analysis about Adolf Hitler Introduction What were the causes of Hitler's promotion to power after 1933? Then I will mention the sources that I will use for the......

Sound and noise from a physical point of view Introduction Sound and noise. From a physical and noise physical point of view they have the same characteristics that describe them,....

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Song Analysis Until Even Carlos Puebla Commander Analysis of a Latin American song Throughout this essay I intend to analyze and discuss the different themes that are within the so...

Some historians from Germany Introduction Some historians argue that General Roca's decision regarding hiring professors from Germany was due to three very clear causes: first of a...

Solving that it is healthier to smoke grass or drink alcohol Alcohol and marijuana are two of the most used intoxicating substances on Earth. As such, there is no shortage......

Socrates reasoning about nihilism Introduction It has been treated about knowledge in relation to virtue, good, justice, and the other concepts mentioned above, but it is here that...

Socioeconomic problems and environmental conflicts in Brazil Brazil is a country that depends on hydroelectric energy for around three quarters of its electricity. In recent years,...

Society has not overcome machismo Machismo is defined as an ideology that covers a set of attitudes, behaviors, social practices, and beliefs aimed at promoting the superiority of ...

Social skills between immigrants In Spain, many immigrant minors are seen, normally from Maghreb countries and from Africa and without being accompanied by any adult, the situation...

Social Security Principles in the Nicaraguan Legal Order According to article number two (2) of Social Security Law Law No. 539 establishes that they will be governed by the follow...

Social Security as a service Introduction In the Constitutions of Ecuador before applying the contributory regime in our country, the right to social security (as it is today), was...

Social responsibility and their teaching in Peru This essay will analyze the concept of social responsibility in Peru and its importance of how each of the university students shou...

Social Responsibility and Implementation Metolodogies Perhaps in a globalized world, trends vary according to the course of days, and this is truly a challenge for companies, witho...

Social mobility in the Middle Ages Introduction Human mobility in our history as human beings is as old as the appearance of man on the face of the earth, since......

Social mobility at the national level Introduction When talking about the impact of migratory phenomena in the Milagro canton, we can notice that the pattern of problems that occur...

Socialism: ideology that causes shock Introduction Socialism is an unfortunate event that has taken my country in all. Not only has the economy affected, but it has also destroyed ...

Social inequality throughout the world Through the years inequality in the world has been taking relevance, becoming an issue in which people want to concentrate efforts in order t...

Social inequality;Something to improve for everyone's good When we address this issue you have many counterparts since inequality can be observed either by races if you are rich or...

Social function of the media in the Ecuadorian community The media in Ecuador have suffered several stages. Several, have been responsible for changing democratic life and collabor...

Social Contract, System that works   Next, in this section I will give my point of view about the book I have read, a small summary that helps us to......

Social and political evolution of society in relation to the evolution of commercial law Trade in the old age Commerce, understood as the exchange of goods or services has its......

Social and ethical responsibilities in marketing The contribution of marketing to humanity contains the establishment of exchanges, markets, products and innovations in trade, in a...

Social and biological problems facing adolescents Introduction This essay shows an important point and that is key in this issue, is that young people seek their identity, and on c...

Small novel analysis with ashes Introduction The 1980s meant for Peru its democratic re -eighth, after more than a decade of miliar dictatorship. Together with democracy, terrorism...

Situations of maximum tension in the Crimea Conflict One of the main scenarios of the conflict that occurred in the Crimean Peninsula, are the first and successive revolts of the.....

Situation lived in Haiti and Dominican Republic Introduction The most intense hatred is so entrenched, that it imposes silence and converts vehemence into a constructive resent. Ge...

Singapore An open and stable economy Introduction Singapore is considered one of the most open economies in the world, so indicates its 2018 opening index that ranges from 225%. Th...

Simone de Beauvoir's life and work Introduction. Simone de Beauvoir, the writer, teacher and militant feminist who achieved her worldwide fame after publishing Le Deuxième Sixe in...

Sign language and its process  Introduction Through this process, it seeks to integrate people with hearing impairment, which is determined by various considerable factors when th...

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases Introduction. Day by day, countless deaths are evidenced due to several sexually transmitted diseases, disease control centers and prev...

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Sexuality, new constructions of masculinity and feminism. Within society, the symbolic genre becomes a set of laws, rules and policies that dictates the behavior of the human being...

Sexual harassment in the workplace of Peru Sexual harassment is the sexual behavior or behavior that is directed with the purpose of physically and psychologically affecting the vi...

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