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Sexual Education in Mexico: Sexually Transmitted Diseases   The lack of sex education in Mexico is a serious problem that has not been given sufficient importance. Especially, som...

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Sexual diversity in history Introduction Evolution of sexual diversity throughout history. The first indications of sexual diversity occurs in years before Christ in which differen...

Sexual criminals: sexual harassment This essay will discuss the issue of sexual harassment, this being very common in people's day -to -daydaily, what measures the country has take...

Sexual and reproductive rights, gender equity   To talk about the beautiful theme of gender equity, a very important factor must be highlighted, which is, all human beings regardl...

Sexual abuse against women Introduction. Sexual abuse is that behavior that threatens the victim's freedom or sexual indemnity, without mediating violence or intimidation in its re...

Selva and the Amazonas Introduction Brazil is the country that houses most of the Amazon jungle, but deforestation and forest degradation is a problem that will last over time for....

Selfishness to war: the why of World War I To know an event in time, it is not only necessary to understand the facts as indicated textually, because it is......

Secondary and Higher School No. 4 Dr. Julio Ossola Introduction The present research refers to adolescents and the problem of tobacco consumption, which can be defined as direct da...

Seasons to make a spectacular trip to the Philippines Introduction From my trip we want to offer you the necessary information to organize your next trip to Isla Cebú is......

School lag Problem that afflicts Latin America  Latin America since the twentieth century has been the victim of abandonment to education such as: coverage, access, progression an...

Saudi Arabia and Petroleum Control Foreword: In this document I will explain why I am against the use of water in agriculture in the Arab desert. To support what I......

Santander Bank Corporate Strategy In this third and final part of the work we will analyze the corporate strategy of Banco Santander following its strategies of vertical integratio...

Same -sex relationships Introduction The relationship between couples of the same sex is an issue that has been discussed for years, sexual acts are related in ancient Greece where...

Safety and health at work throughout the century   It is vitally important, understanding the laws that have been implemented in the course of time. In this essay we will......

Saddam and his family in Iraq Introduction Iraqi politician. Born in a peasant family, he grew up at his uncle Jairalah Tulfah, from which he acquired the military doctrine, since....

Root goods essay In this essay we will talk about horizontal property which is applied to properties that are acquired individually and collectively that we normally find in buildi...

Romantic painting and romanticism in Spain Romanticism is an artistic and literary movement that arises in England and Germany and will extend at the end of the S. XIX for......

Romanticism linked to the rise of the bourgeoisie   Romanticism is linked to the rise of the bourgeoisie, the triumph of liberalism and that of the Industrial Revolution due to......

Romanticism as a cultural movement developed in Europe and America To begin with, I proceed to explain what romanticism is: romanticism is a cultural and artistic movement that dev...

Romanticism as a cultural, artistic and literary movement in Europe Romanticism is a cultural, artistic and literary movement that occurs in Europe since approximately 1825-1900. C...

Romanticism, Artistic and Cultural Revolution   Romanticism is a cultural, artistic and literary movement that occurs in Europe from the end of the 18th century until the first ha...

Robinson Crusoe and the colonial context To understand the concept of the novel as an allegory of British colonialism, it is useful Many characteristics of the colonial context. Th...

Risk capital investment Introduction Today, we live in a highly competitive world in which we must be more effective in making decisions at the business level. We must study the......

Río Nilo in the development of Egyptian civilization Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures of which there has been a record, existing for more than 6,000 years. This...

Right to the subjective feeling of national identity  National identity can be defined as the subjective feeling of the individual to belong to a specific nation, to a community i...

Right to education interpreted as a human right INTRODUCTION The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is a main reference as a source of law, since those states signed to this......

Rights in the Constitution and due process Introduction Within the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of the year 2008 we can realize that it is considered as a higher......

Right of life, right of death Introduction In this reading report I will explain what I understood in this right reading Right to death? It is very interesting, since these......

Revolutionary war in Mexico Introduction The Mexican revolution occurred between 1910 and 1920, fought against the abuse of the powerful, soughthave support from the rest of the to...

Revolutionary and civil war in Spain Introduction In this chapter we will characterize the historical context of the novel from several points of view. For first, we will describe ...

Review to "The crises and arrangements of sovereign debt in contemporary Spain (1806-2012)" Francisco Comín Comín, historian of the Spanish economy, economist and profe...

Review of the Literature of the Human Rights Committee The Human Rights Committee, in its article on civil and political rights defines discrimination as: “… Any distinction, e...

Review of the Biografíca Mous novel Introduction. Maus tells the biography of Vladek Spiegelman, a Polish surviving Jew of the Nazis extermination fields. Father of the author of ...

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Review of History and its beginnings Introduction. Introducing ourselves to these issues let's start talking about the reason for history. It has long been well known that what we ...

Revelation essay on farm The story told by Orwell takes place in Manor Farm, found in England and belongs to SR. Jones. The main characters in the story are chickens,......

Result of the indigenous movement Introduction It is a movement that seeks to avoid the loss of Andean culture after the colonization of the Spaniards in addition to also having......

Responsibility and guilt in society and politics Introduction What starts society, I think, which is the impossibility of each one of us to supply himself, for the need we have......

Rescue to the Banking of Spain Introduction The choice of this issue is given by our deep interest in the Spanish financial system and the great involvement that the crisis......

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Reproductive health and family planning Introduction. Family planning more than being a strategy to reduce maternal mortality is a permanent tactic that will fully achieve sexual a...

Representation of the value chain Introduction According to Wilson Romero, the value chain is concentrated in the concept of the production chain (production process) but adds more...

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