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Pesticides in Chile: A socio-environmental problem Agriculture is one of the most developing activities of the twentieth century, worldwide as in our country, its progress to impro...

Peru, blurred poverty as a problem in its population   For many poverty is considered as an "epidemic" in the world, because it affects millions of people. In the orb......

Peru, a rich country hindered by corruption We know that corruption is one of the great problems in the world and that makes it impossible for a state that seeks......

Personal reflection: Documentary about Joseph Stalin The first fact that caught my attention was Stalin's past. I learned that in his youth, Banks stole and along with his "ga...

Personal essay at the issue of immigration The issue of immigration has become very important today. Today, this issue has been in the mouth of all Mexicans and Americans since......

Perinatal death by psychiatric symptoms Introduction Perinatal duel can be complicated with psychiatric symptoms if some factors such as: presence or background of previous psychia...

People who do not consume meat products or foods Introduction From the investigated and the conclusions obtained in the secondary sources, it is sought through semi -structured int...

Pedagogy and didactics in education in the 21st century The challenges posed by the 21st century is an education that develops the ability to acquire and transform knowledge and sk...

Pedagogical newspaper of the children of the El Porvenir Children's Garden During this week of being in the process of pedagogical interaction with the children of the kindergarten...

Paula, Indesion Live or die Introduction Paula Díaz is 19 years old and all she wanted was to die. This young Chilean, a native of the city of Talca, suffered......

Patrick Bouvier: John F's son. Kennedy died after living 48 hours Patrick Bouvier Kennedy (1963-1963) was the third son that the United States presidential couple had formed by Joh...

Pastive hunting as human activity Hunting is a human activity that has been practiced since prehistory, it was the main occupation of man in these times. The man began to......

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Parkinson's disease, causes, types, treatments   Parkinson's disease (EP) is characterized by neuronal and therefore progressive degenerative disorders, mainly attacking the centr...

Paris statement and the values ​​promoted Introduction Argentine politician, academic and economist Raúl Prébisch develops in his work the concept of periphery center (1951),...

Paris Agreement with UNFCCC Introduction Each country must put its grain of sand to achieve the objective of the agreement, to which they are called nationwide contributions. These...

Pacheco Tineo vs. Family Case Test. Plurinational status of Bolivia In 1990, parents were prosecuted and detained in Peru (their country of origin) because they had supposedly comm...

Pablo Neruda's works style Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, or as we know him, Pablo Neruda, was born in 1904, on June 12 in the Chilean Parral City which is......

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OWNER SOFTWARE AND FREE SOFTWARE, STATISTICS AND BEHAVIOR IN THE WORLD Summary This report analyzes the evolution of free software with respect to proprietary software in recent ye...

Outdoor activities and recreations in the Philippines Introduction Philippines is famous for offering a wide range of outdoor activities. Therefore, we wanted to collect in this sh...

Our individual person identity At present, people usually characterize themselves by their way of life, religious feelings and beliefs are a set of their own characteristics that b...

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Osama Bin Laden Enemy of the United States The objective of this investigation is to analyze the actions committed who has taken Osa Bin Laden have made it the main......

Origin of the Ecuadorian indigenous movement The indigenous movement originated in order for indigenous peoples to be recognized as a national identity, as well as their rights and...

Origin of Buddhism and basic precepts   It is always said that Buddhism is a religion, but it is surely much more than that: it is a real philosophy of......

Orientalism in the works of Eugène Delacroix Early years and education by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix became famous as an outstanding figure of the 19th century French rom...

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Organized crime organization and strategies Introduction The following case study seeks to explore the evolution of transnational organized crime in Colombia, with an approach to t...

Organized crime forms. Introduction Before organized crime existed, there was crime and the offender was a person who specialized in a task and that task made him part of his......

Organizational design and behavior As we all know, McDonald's, it is a fast food restaurant franchise in the United States. This company has an organizational structure of departme...

Organizational behavior and psychosocial risks The lack of organization of some companies is the main cause of the origin of psychosocial risks in them. The work stress being the m...

Organ donation rate Introduction. In Colombia, there are many patients with terminal illnesses that require recovery to receive transparent from some organ, since despite technolog...

On the consumption of alcohol in adolescents and young people of the IUCRE in 2019 Introduction. The objective of this research is to know the relationships that exist between youn...

Online education in pandemia Throughout time traditional education has been constantly evolving by constantly improving its teaching methods, however, a total paradigm shift comes ...

Oil crisis: from boom to indebtedness in Ecuador From boom to indebtedness The oil considered as the two sides of a currency, can be a fortune for the people and......

Of prison reality to Libertad by Arguedas When I buy a book by José María Arguedas, I usually wait for the same usant theme, the difference or conflict between two......

Of multiculturality at interculturality in this society In this society, in this era or as we want to call it, one has not been opened to other cultures and publicize......

Octavio Paz and the Loneliness Labyrinth The Labyrinth of Soledad is a book published in 1950, by the Mexican writer Octavio Paz, the work is formed by a series of......

Nuclear energy and renewable energy Renewable revolution or nuclear nightmare? The rapid diffusion of solar energy in China, India, Africa and Latin America is not driven by subsid...

No to violence, not drugs in Mexico This issue for me is a very important and very interesting issue for the current situation in the country, in these years violence......

No to the death penalty, if to life Do we have the right to take a person's life? The death penalty is the solution to crimes problems committed in a......

North American legal realism North American legal realism indicates that it has philosophical sources from the mainly legal understanding of Europe in colonial times and now in the...

North American foreign policy: from Clinton to Bush After the fall of the Soviet Union (USSR), the United States was established as the only preponderant power in the international...

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