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Evolution of the financial sector Introduction. The regulation of the financial sector has grown extraordinarily in order to improve the safety levels of the financial industry, th...

Everything you need to know about Belgium Introduction Belgium is a sovereign country, a member of the European Union, located in the European Northwest. The country covers an area...

Euthanasia: The right to choose on our death Introduction: A topic discussed in society, since ancient times and that will continue to be discussed in the future, is the practice.....

Euthanasia: suffer or die dignity A few days ago, I heard in the relevant noticas that occur in the media a word in singular "euthanasia", which lashed out at the......

Euthanasia is a practice that largely involves the medical field and society Scientific advances have contributed significant changes to medicine and all aspects related to this ar...

Euthanasia in adult minors with terminal diseases Euthanasia can be the end of suffering in cases of terminal diseases or that represents constant and unbearable suffering This is ...

European dishes that you will love Introduction This time we will make a trip without moving from our houses. A trip of flavors, as I like to say. In this......

Ethics of recycling and current environmental situation Introduction This article constitutes a brief analysis, of the current environmental situation of the country with respect t...

Ethics in the training of the public accountant and its incidence in professional practice Through time the different analyzes or aspects that have investigated the issue of ethics...

Ethics in International Trade and Economics The parallel between economics and human values. Making a first approach, we must know the concepts of economics, Marshall (1890) define...

Ethics applied in civil engineering Ethics is indispensable for each human being. It is a custom, so to speak, that it is instilled by the majority of homes;but, however, we......

Ethical development of science and technology It is of the utmost importance to understand the notion of this scientific-technological competence in our society, for this we will t...

Ethical analysis of 'El Niño with the striped pajamas ” Introduction We will start talking about the general data of the movie. "The boy in the striped pajamas" is an....

Essay on women at work Native and immigrants In 1869, as Dora Barranco (2010) argues, the first Argentine national census had presented a proportion of 31% of workers or employees....

Essay on Vox's electoral advance The electoral advance of a populist radical political party depends on an unusual set of circumstances and therefore the arrival of the moment of t...

Essay on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict Introduction As law students we conducted this study on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which focuses on the understanding of the contex...

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Essay on the Law of the Right to Life Euthanasia and suicide The Constitution does not formally recognize the right to voluntarily end up with one's life as a fundamental......

Essay on Hitler's rise to power The sources will be mentioned, which will be useful for analyzing and being able to answer the previously raised question. The sources that will......

Essay on a Responsible Declaration ABSTRACT This document shows a competition portfolio. The object is to evaluate the skills, skills and skills acquired by the student during thei...

Essay of consciousness levels according to Ken Wilber To begin this essay, the themes of Ken Wilber's consciousness will be covered, which has been based throughout his life on exp...

Essay and criticism about the middle class The data of this article to be analyzed were obtained from the saved program belonging to La Sexta the same one that is......

Ernest Hemingway's inspiration Introduction "But men are not made for defeat," he said, "they can be destroyed but not defeat".  This phrase is written by Erne...

Equal marriage in the legal framework of Mexico In this essay we will talk about such a controversial issue in recent years, in which thousands of people have come to......

Equal marriage in some states of Mexico Introduction To be able to talk about gay marriage, it is necessary before how to see its history, where all this current comes......

Equal marriage, for or against Introduction Equal marriage is social growth or corruption to human nature? Marriage is the union of two people established in order to maintain a co...

Environmental Policy of the Government of the Republic Guatemala The Government of the Republic of Guatemala, through the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, presented t...

Entrepreneurship is the way: how to make it a reality While at university, during the undergraduate in industrial engineering, the teachers mostly guided the creation of the compan...

Entrepreneurship Capacity and Projects in Colombia To start with this intervention we must be clear about the concept of entrepreneursor existing process in search of overcoming th...

Entertainment electronic sports Introduction The future of entertainment in Spain with electronic sports, internationally known as eSports. An unknown world for many and a dream fo...

English courses abroad for adults Introduction We have several countries with a multitude of programs and different types of intensive courses oriented to adults and professionals....

England and migration to other countries in the fifteenth century In the mid-fifteenth in the southern part of England, the feudal lords gradually change the feudal system they pra...

Energy resources as an essential part of international energy policy We currently attend a significant drop in the price of oil, something that motorists in Germany clearly perceiv...

Energy Reform Explorations Introduction The energy reform is considered as part of the so -called structural reforms, which means that it is not only the modification of a law, but...

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Energy potential and obtaining mareomotor energy Introduction The purpose of this article is to know how the use of mareomotor energy works, what forms of generation exist, which a...

Energy as an aspect of vital importance for society and its economy Energy is of vital importance for society and its economy, the fact that today can be used to......

The Europe This research work is aimed at the development that is generated on terrorism in the European Union and the countries that are part of it since over the......

Electronic commerce for diaspora: a real option for the local company Population movements have existed in humanity for centuries, history shows how the human being has moved from ...

El Chulla Romero y Flores, novel The Chulla Romero y Flores, is a novel by the Ecuadorian writer Jorge Icaza, is one of the most translated works of this author......

Eiffel Tower: Most famous metal structures in the world Introduction Without a doubt, steel is one of the most versatile, useful and durable materials that can be implemented in pr...

Effects of restorative justice Introduction As a starting point, we are going to deal with the concept of restorative justice from the perspective offeredfact and the resocializati...

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