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Organizational theories and concepts
Institutional Affiliation
Organizational theories and their concepts
Classical organization theory specifically designed, formal structure and a
consistent, a rigid organizational network of employees.
Human relations theory Assumption that all employees want to feel useful and important, that employees have strong social
needs, and that these needs are more important than money in motivating employees (Griffin & Moorhead, 2010, p.85)
Feminist theories Emphasis on interpersonal relationships and respect
for each other rights including use of a gender filter, empowerment,the personal as political, the importance of process, and diversity is the strength.
Cultural perspective Emphasis on the assumption that each organization
develops a unique mixture of values, standards,
presumptions, and practices about how things
Should be done that eventually result in
predictable performance.
5. Political –economy theory Emphasis on organizational adaptation to the
external environment, with a focus on resources and a constant struggle to power gain.

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6.Institutional perspective Emphasis on organizational adaptation to the external environment, with a focus on the responses to rules imposed by social institutions; the organizational searches for external legitimacy and support to enhance its potential for survival.
7. Contingency theory Emphasis on the idea that each element involved in an organization depends on other elements and that employees behavior is complex; therefore, there is no one generally best way to accomplish tasks or goals.
8. Culture-quality theories Emphasis on organizational culture and quality improvement, valuing a “strong set of shared positive values and norms within a corporation…while emphasizing quality, service, high performance, and flexibility” (Vecchio, 2006, p.12)
9. Ecosystems theory Emphasis on how organizations take resources input and process them into some kind of product or services output, and how all parts of the organization (subsystems) are interrelated and function together to produce output.

Three entities of an organization
Social entity
The social entity is an organized group of people working together to achieve a certain common goal. Organizations are viewed as social entities since they aim at achieving certain objectives. Organizations are made up of employees who are people and they are prone to human interaction. Engaging with other organizations itself, is a social parameter. An individual company tries to focus and support social organizations. Members of a certain organization are found to have different abilities. Employees therefore, show differences in strengths and weakness. This diversity in abilities leads to expression of different behaviors and the formation of patterns similar to outside society.
Structural entity
All organizations have structures put in place to assist in goals realization. These structures range from simple to complex ones. Basic structures are vital in day to day organization activities. Different functions of an organization are carried out at different subsystems of the company. Resources are converted into output at the organization structures. Poor organizational structure results to unnecessary disagreement in an organization. Many organizational structures have chain of command where authority comes from top to bottom.
Cultural entity
This deals with values and most beliefs that are assumed by members of an organization and how they affect their behaviors (Jones, 2006). The norms of an organization are determined by its history. The legacy of the past leaders is passed to new employees in different ways. The top management in companies tries to create a culture that promotes productivity. Regular communication of different customs creates a cultural identity to the members.

Griffin, R.W & Moorhead, G. (1986). Organizational behavior. Boston: Houhton Mifflin Co.
Jones, G.R (2006). Organizational theory and change. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall
Vecchio, P,R. (2006) Organizational Behavior : core concepts, 6th edition , Thompson, South- western, p.75

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