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Covid-19 Prevention


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COVID-19 prevention


The present research refers to the preventive measures of COVID-19 in the Rancho San Antonio Alto neighborhood, which can be defined as the recent coronavirus model of animal origin that can affect people. Or the where human beings are worried and seek to combat this disease, through several measures they know to prevent their propagation.

The main characteristic of this type of coronavirus is that it is so dangerous that it can cause death in the one that contracts it. To analyze this problem it is necessary to know its causes. A cause of this virus is that people spread when inhaling the goticles that are detached from the infected at the time that sneehes or cough, either somewhere or in an object, they believe that it is a simple and common flu and do notYou are necessary to avoid such disease.

This issue is of great academic interest, because many people are dying because of this because of the misinformation and their relatives are being psychologically affected because they cannot say goodbye to their loved ones that are buried day by day and for the fear thatThey feel if they contract this disease.


The methodology to be used will be a field investigation backed in surveys to the residents of the Rancho San Antonio Alto neighborhood, the information will be taken from the publications of the Ministry of Public Health and other reliable sources. The results will be presented by statistical graphics carried out after the surveys.

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Currently, society took a different course from the appearance of a foreign disease, called: Covid- 19. This virus produces psychic, political, economic, cultural and social problems in humanity. Therefore, today people have changed their routines due to the strong restrictions that must be met, among these: use of masks, antibacterial gel, alcohol, among others;what was previously very unusual for people to use these implements.

In Ecuador they are increasingThey are among an amount of 18125 stable in house isolation, 12275 high epidemiological 171, 501 stable hospitalized, 232 hospitalized with reserved prognosis, 4420 recovered, 3720 deaths. (Ministry of Public Health, 2020). As we can see, because of this hospitals are running out of space to serve infected people.

Therefore the effects that viruses have caused have caused that the residents of the neighborhood avoid leaving their homes, keep social distancing and use many implements, being distanced can affect us psychologically, since we feel the need to live together with other individuals. To solve this problem, the most feasible would be to morally support people, encouraging them to do sports, cook, exercise or touch an instrument so that they are entertaining with some activity.

On March 11 of this year the general director of the (WHO), Tedros Adhanom ghebreyesus declared that COVID-19 went from being an epidemic to a pandemic. (Arroyo, 2020). Experts mention that this virus is similar to flu, unlike this is mortal, which causes innumerable deaths, there are people with vulnerability to be infected, which are older adults.

According to the previous paragraph, it is distinguished to illustrate from this argument, reflecting that if we follow the preventive measures according to what doctors say, we can avoid the expansion of the virus and the deaths that it causes, so we can be calmer when we go out somewhereof the community.

For the treatment of this inquiry, an unknown is drawn. How can we avoid the great propagation of COVID-19 in the Rancho San Antonio Alto neighborhood?

Experts say that we can spread rapidly so this virus is easily transmitted, because it mainly affects the respiratory mucosa, the symptoms of this disease can occur at 15 days so the infected does not know that this virus hasAnd you can continue to spread more people if you do not maintain proper care of your hygiene.

Taking into consideration the number of infections in the community is quite low, according to the studies carried out the percentage of infected is 1% during the month of June of this school year, however it is unavoidable to dispense with a greater repertoire of infected in thecommunity.


The current inquiry will be aimed at teaching various methods and forms of prevention to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, so that scientists still do not find the cure for this disease. It is proposed to investigate the forms of prevention so that the community is clear about the causes and consequences caused by the virus and prevent it from spreading.

The benefits will be: that the community is well informed, they can have a better coexistence and manage to carry out the activities they did normally. In addition, our family, friends and the entire community in general will be the favored if prevention measures are met to avoid more contagios.  

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