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Discuss ways to involve the patient in healthcare improvement CQI?
Consumer quality improvement (CQI) is a managerial process that aims to continuously allow improvement in the healthcare sector through constant evaluation and reevaluation by asking questions such as, “how are we doing” or “which other better alternative do we have.” Observation acts as a critical strategy in this process. Involving the patient through strategies such as patient’s reminder systems, audit and feedbacks, patient’s education, financial incentive policies, and organization change allows the healthcare team to get the patients perspective on how comfortable they are with the process and thus they can easily adjust the process to fit the patient wants (McLaughlin and Kaluzny 2004). Treating the patients with respect and dignity will allow the healthcare team to collects data required for continuous improvement. The team should keep in proper terms with the patient’s family members since they are the closest helpers to the patient. They can offer more information regarding the patient. The family is a crucial part, especially when dealing with a person with a mental health condition since the patient cannot make decisions of better judgment. Acquiring data from the patient and his surrounding is crucial. The data obtained is translated to improve healthcare service delivery to the patient and other concerned parties (Sollecito and Johnson, 2013). Joint commission offers standard and tested recommendation in which some of the care should be accorded to the patient.

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Their proposals should be considered as an upper hand as the team figures out on a more specific method to use on a particular patient.
Compare and contrast patient satisfaction versus patient involvement in CQI.
Patient’s satisfaction is evident in the patient’s judgment regarding whether their expectations were met or not. It depends on expectations, patient’s dispositions previous experience, varying standards and time since care. On the other hand, the patient’s involvement refers to the degree to which the patient is put in the decision-making process to enhance their welfare during the treatment. When done correctly, patients involvement increases the chances of the patient’s satisfaction. High level of patient satisfaction is a good sign of success acquired in CQI in healthcare. This is good as it creates a good name for the healthcare institution and counter competition.
How can social marketing improve continuous quality improvement initiatives?
Social marketing applies commercial marketing strategies to alter the behavior and individual perception and policies to allow the public to be inclined to a particular way of doing things. Through the use of competition analysis, branding, and counter-marketing as an element of social marketing, the health care system can influence the public’s perception correctly to ensure unceasing improvement in the healthy lifestyle of the individuals (Rutten et al., 2014). In essence, it tries to improve the health behaviors of the individual through the tested marketing strategies. For instance, use of television advertisements to warn people about the health hazards of cigarette and excessive alcohol intake helps to influence people against smoking cigarettes and drinking irresponsibly. Consequently, people’s lives are improved directly or indirectly through this mean.

Rutten, L. J. F., Ebbert, J., Greene, S. M., Mazor, K., Nekhlyudov, L., & Dearing, J. W. (2014). Social marketing to support adoption, evaluation, and continuous improvement of health information technologies in clinical care. International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers, 20(2), 179.
McLaughlin, C. P., & Kaluzny, A. D. (2004). Continuous quality improvement in health care: theory, implementation, and applications. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Sollecito, W., & Johnson, J. (2013). Continuous quality improvement in health care: theory, implementations, and applications.

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