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Political Campaign for George Welch
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This essay is a sample campaign trail piece for a fictional candidate (George Welch) for the position of mayor in University Park, Illinois.
Invention of George Welch’s personality and demographic characteristics
Born and raised in the city of University Park – a home to over 7,000 Americans and one of the region’s few planned communities – George Welch is a 55-year-old male, loyal and patriotic American citizen aspiring to be a mayor in the same village he was born in, University Park University Park, Illinois (2016). Welch academic prowess is outstanding and can be traced back to his primary school years at Reed-Custer Primary School and later enrolled at Phoenix Military Academy High School. Welch exemplary performance was later manifested when he won a US government scholarship award to the Harvard Law School. Welch has served as a top-notch legal professional for the US government for over fifteen years, standing out as an exclusively charismatic, enthusiastic, industrious, honest, integral, and competent lawyer. Welch is an honest, compassion, integral, confident, flexible and politically competent American. Welch manifested several instances of honesty and justice for all as a lawyer, therefore, has the high credibility to entrust with public office. For instance, his firm stance on corruption was outstanding. Welch has also manifested high compassion considering the several projects he has engaged in.

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For example, Welch went beyond his call of duty to offer relief food to hunger stricken Americans in various parts of University Park and University Park. Welch has also contributed both finance and time to various catastrophes and disasters affecting Americans. Welch, therefore, stands out as the fit candidate to hold the position of mayor at University Park, Illinois considering the challenges affecting the area and Welch’s enthusiasm in handling public affairs more precisely and effectively. Welch is also a confident candidate capable of speaking the needs of his fellow citizens within and outside University Park. Welch was married to Samantha in 1988 and have two kids. University Park, the area of aspiration for George Welch, has high levels of poverty, crime as well as unemployment. Having been a victim of all these during his childhood days, Welch stands out as the fittest candidate to rescue his fellow Americans from the same disasters that would have been eradicated decades ago. Most of the city’s population comprises of the youth hence high indulgence in crime University Park, Illinois (2016). This also justifies the reason for high unemployment in the area which is caused by lack of appropriate skills and limited job opportunities in the area. Various strategies will be employed to deal with these issues effectively.
The following is a stump speech for George Welch as an aspirant for the seat of mayor in University Park, Illinois.
Fate has ordained that voters, as well as the general public, will experience the consequences of those they vote in and should unify and engage in free and fair elections as they exercise their democratic right. It is the responsibility and constitutional right of voters in University Park, Illinois, as is the case for all across America, to choose leaders of their choice with whom they can entrust their grievances, challenges, and other issues. I, therefore, believe that I am the perfect ideal candidate to revolutionize various processes within the municipality of University Park and instill change within our society.
Various issues, and more importantly, challenges, are at the core of hindering our municipality’s success. University Park is an old municipality that is living past it’s social, economic and times Village of University Park – Official Website (2016). University Park comprises of a poor and economically deprived region of Illinois. For instance, the level of unemployment within University Park is very high compared to other villages. There are limited job opportunities to rely on within our municipality. Thus, most individuals might lack sufficient funds to finance their basic needs. As a result, a majority of University Park youths and mid-age men have engaged in both armed and unarmed violence to acquire money and property. Crime and increased levels of unemployment are highly attributed to the high levels of poverty within the area Village of University Park – Official Website. (2016). These are some of the most sensitive areas that have caught my attention as a native of this area. Therefore, it is my wish and believes that you elect me for this position for the core objective of transforming University Park. The drive to eradicate these recurrent and easily tolerated has yielded my team and me into developing various strategies so as to reclaim our poverty stricken village. For instance, I intent to create more job opportunities via creating more industries and plants within our village. More job opportunities for our people will be created thus our village will not struggle anymore for basics. Second, this will mitigate the crimes attributed to poverty. Security will also be bolstered to ensure that our business and operations are safe. It is evident from the current state of our municipality that our previous leaders have not been effective in handling these issues, and I believe and promise that in my capacity as the mayor of University Park, will be an epitome of revolution and development in our municipality. I, therefore, request that you, the sole determinants of your next mayor, to vote me in for that position.
An analysis explaining the cognitive process targeted by the stump speech
The stump speech is an essential campaign tool for any political position and was, therefore, essential in George Welch’s run for the position of mayor in University Park. Cognitive processes involve sensing and intuition, after which individuals can judge according to how they think or feel. George Welch’s stump speech incorporates various influences on the cognitive process as the aspirant intends to win votes from the audience. For instance, Welch evidently shows the incoherent nature in which leadership of the municipality has been run, such as the high ignorance on the issue of crime, unemployment, and poverty, and justifies to the voters why he thinks he could be the real revolutionist of the municipality. Welch adds to this his compassion concerning the challenges underwent by the municipality and its people. He, for example, quotes the various instances in which he helped in disasters and hunger issues within the municipality and shows to the public the great changes he would make in the capacity of a mayor. Via this approach, Welch wins the judgment of the public as he convinces them with confidence to evoke trust and belief in him. Welch influences the way in which the voters think and feel about him. Besides, Welch’s stump speech is elaborate and highlights the various challenges people of his municipality undergo and the various strategies he needs to implement to mitigate these issues. For instance, he highlights the filthy economic state of the municipality and the possible causative agents of this. He further promises to dedicate his efforts to seek and acquire resources within or outside the municipality. Through this approach, Welch wins the perception of the voters towards him as identifies these issues with confidence and concern, winning the trust of the voters.
An analysis of successes and failures in the past real campaigns and what those events suggest for George Welch run of office
Success or failure are the end-results for any campaign trail. It is therefore of utmost importance that, after winning votes, politicians embark on solving the various issues of the voters as is their promises while seeking to be voted in. Also, it is of great importance that campaigners also learn from their past successful or failed campaigns so as to strategize how to win from future campaigns. This part of the essay analyzes the various successes or failures of past candidates in their campaign trails as well as their implications to George Welch as an aspirant. Lack of confidence in Welch’s campaign as well in those of other aspirants was a key drawback in their campaign. For instance, lack of confidence lowers trust and believe of the voters in the aspirant, and are less likely to believe in them or trust them with their resources and more importantly, life. Second, campaigners for the position of mayor lacked convincing stump speeches. These leaders only convincing statements. Previous campaigners were characterized by the greed for power and putting personal interests beyond those of the public. This disregard on the affairs of the general public made voters distrust the campaigners with their resources. These instances made several implications to George Welch as an aspirant. For instance, Welch delivered a strong stump speech in which he highlighted various fundamental issues of their municipality and the viable strategies he intends to implement to achieve an appealing state for their municipality. Additionally, Welch delivers his stump speech very confidently, a move that leads to him winning more votes from the voters. George Welch also realized the need, to be honest, and sincere about both himself and the state of their municipality. For instance, Welch puts into limelight the increase crime levels, unemployment rates and poverty levels of their municipality. George Welch also narrates to the public his competence and academic competence, extended service to humankind through his several projects, instances that win trust in the voters as they can observe from real life instances.
The political campaign will, therefore, centers more on having a proper secretariat which will form the verse majority of the campaign team. It’s through this secretariat that the Welch will articulate his policies of transparency and accountability. The campaign team will go door to door in the park where we will focus more on individually convincing each candidate on the aspiring mayor’s planned policies on how governance should be done. The political campaign will focus more on direct engagement with the electorate where the mayor will address the specific needs and issues concerning policy. Welch’s main strategy will be to identify with the common man, understand his needs through direct participation in community initiatives and social works. The main political campaign idea to make sure that we win the election will be to make sure that we reach all fronts of the political divide especially our opponents. Moreover, Welch has a stronger appeal among the middle-class community and the youth; it’s, therefore, our strategy to focus even more on other groups like the adults to make sure that the win is guaranteed. Welch political slogan will be, ‘stronger and prosperous together.’
Therefore, in conclusion, identifying a perfect candidate for an elective political position goes beyond political party affiliation as is the case of many countries and organizations, and entail personal abilities and characteristics of aspiring individuals regarding the ground situations for their target regions. Creating a great and appealing personality as well as an effective understanding of a region’s demographic characteristics are some of the foundation strategies in winning votes. Individual characteristics include profession, background, as well as personal stances on various issues of public interest. A great stump speech is one of an essential campaign tools as it evokes the feeling of trust, confidence, and belief in a candidate or vice versa. Additionally, it is fundamental for an aspiring political candidate to evaluate their success and failures in previous campaigns so as to mend their blunders.
University Park, Illinois (2016). Profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders. City-data.com. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from http://www.city-data.com/city/University-Park-Illinois.html#b
Village of University Park – Official Website. (2016). University-park-il.com. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from http://university-park-il.com/

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